Universal Dungeon Quest (by Shiny Box Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. imuddy

    imuddy Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    #281 imuddy, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
    Haven't touched much of wizard, but pretty much at the end game for warrior. Few tips for anyone who cares;

    1. put all stats into hp, don't bother with mp/attack. You will make back the damage from weapons/skills and mp through mp leech. But hp is keep you alive later on.
    2. Don't throw away low level legendaries, you can reroll the stats and increase its ilvl and stats later on with gold.
    3. Extremely important skills for warrior in offense is might/zealous, defense is blessed,sharpened.
    4. Off and I personally think horn is the best, so you can kite and do dots.
    5. Wraith is optional if you want to farm floors higher than you should. With sprint + wraith you can dot everything to death.
    6. best weapon imo is the 1hand axe that allows you to use whrilwind.
    7. hp leech/ mp leech is extremely important it pretty much allows you to infinitely spam whirlwind in mobs, given that you have enough hp to withstand attacks. *which is why pure hp build is so good*

    This is not the best tips since I can't farm the last few floors on difficult 8 very well, but it is generally a good step to follow for anyone who is playing warrior. Just keep and eye out for might/zealous gears.
  2. cdkilgore21

    cdkilgore21 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    You could spend all your coin on a character, then delete that character, if you're set on doing it that way...
  3. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Yeah axes are awesome with whirlwind. Spam that & do massive damage. I don't have a legendary axe yet so I'm rocking the L sword and L horn off hand I mentioned in my previous post. I'm doing power 5, I feel pretty comfortable there. Not to easy, but not incredibly hard. Just the right challenge for me!

    Also; I haven't played the wizzard to much. A lot of people are saying he's pretty powerful, but I feel as of the warrior has more strategy to it. Considering most people are saying the wizzard kills everything just spamming his main skill. Not quite sure if that's true or not.

    Can't wait for the rogue class! / I hope they add more weapon skins / armor skins.
  4. Jxsgamer

    Jxsgamer Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    #284 Jxsgamer, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
    Did anyone try registering a DQ account?
    I enter an email and it says its invalid... :confused:

    I'm enjoying this, but I'm suffering some terrible framerate issues when enemies cog up the screen. :(
  5. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    In between flights currently, will provide you all with a server update when I get back to SBHQ later this afternoon.
  6. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    That sounds different from the login errors we are currently having. Shoot me your email address that you used to register your account: [email protected] and I will see if I can figure out why you are getting this error.
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Thanks shiny and I was wondering if you could let us know how your games performing on iOS? I know visibility can be hard but it really is a great game and I hope it does very well.

    Just as an addition also are most legendaries all run off talents? I'm finding more now but the most recent is all talents and no stats at all, I don't even know if my Mage does a dot
  8. Jxsgamer

    Jxsgamer Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    #288 Jxsgamer, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
    I manage to get the email to go through after a few attempts. But, I'm now getting a new problem. When I sign in, I need to hit the Upload to (I guess) put my existing character to the account, but everytime I do that, the uploading would fail and say "Unknown Error []"

    @iMuddy: ty for the tips. ^^
  9. We're implementing endless progression with a map system coming in one of the near-future patches :)

    Level cap is 99 and currently the highest floor is 200.
  10. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    #290 Shiny Box LLC, Apr 13, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
    Update on server status

    **UPDATED** 04/13/2014
    1) Submitted another build to Apple early this morning that will clear up some of the connection issues iOS users are seeing.
    2) Will still be doing our server migration which will take longer but the update that we sent to apple will get the service up and running until we can complete the migration.

    And....we are still working on it!

    Here is what we have done:

    We want to thank this group for your outstanding support of our title since its release last week. We appreciate each and every post and will work our @** off to fix these server issues and get back to making content for DQ!

    OH another HUGE THANK YOU to the team at Touch Arcade. Thanks to their stream of DQ on Thursday we noticed a NASTY bug with our in game ad system. When we watched the archive of Eli's stream we noticed that the ad at the start of the game was still showing up. We thought we had fixed this before launch.

    We have since disabled and you should only see an ad when the game goes to a loading screen!

    Thanks everyone and we will post another update soon!
  11. emaddox

    emaddox Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    As for wizard what are the builds people are going with right now? I'm trying to figure out a good ratio for stats. Leaning towards a power/mana build.
  12. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    You have nothing to apologize for, Shiny. WAY too often we feel like beta testers, having to point out all the bugs in the GAME. A network issue for syncing up? Whatever. You put out a highly polished product and are in the 1 percentile of developers these days just for not making us your lab rats.
  13. cdkilgore21

    cdkilgore21 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I'm sure you know from your experience with android, but you guys have something really special here!
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I get a bug I think everytime I check my stats they say one thing and then if I put 1 stat into power then it changes drastically the first time I put a point in each time. It's still low but it'll say something like 6k and I'll put 1 point in and it'll go to 11k.

    Also I just beat ignis and had been using arcane weapons all the way up until the fire area but switched to ice for this zone. Now I'm on the next zone being poison I believe? Everything seems much harder to kill whichever weapon I switch to.
  15. yaboyrasp

    yaboyrasp Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2013
    You can change the element of a weapon for 8500 in the enchant menu
  16. imuddy

    imuddy Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    #296 imuddy, Apr 13, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
    Currently for wizard I find the best build;

    1. mana shield
    2. empower on all gear if possible
    3. focus is also a good skill
    3. some aoe like barrage
    4. all stat on mana

    The build basically builds pure mana into mana shield. Since you are stacking empower, you will have extremely low hp but extremely high dmg. Keeping mana shield up allow you to kill everything before you get surrounded so you don't need teleport. Wizard with this build should never really die, since you can timewarp and blizzard to get away from mobs, and just dps away.
  17. savvy

    savvy Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    are equipment parameters capped at lv 100?

    not sure if its bad luck on my end, but equipment i've found on floors 130+ seem to be equal to ones i got back on 90-100.

    do i have to reroll to get the max stats? (i would test it, but its 50k+ a pop and i dont have the funds)
  18. Shiny Box LLC

    Shiny Box LLC Well-Known Member

    Currently the items are capped at level 100
  19. savvy

    savvy Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
    Ah alright, guess all that's left is to grind for them sweet shoulder pads.

    On that note, would just like to point out how fair the cash shop is, for anyone who still hasn't tried this game. but if i could make one suggestion, could items that are paid with cash only be also purchased with ingame gold, but for a very ridiculous amount?

    For example:

    Arch Mage Shoulder Pads = 1M gold
    Demonic Wings = $2.99 OR 3M gold (I think $1 is fair for every 1m)

    I'm aware that its $0.99 for 100k gold. This way it gives the (cheap) grinders an option for all vanity items, and also gives those who do have cash to spare more incentive
  20. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Whoo, I finally got a legendary weapon.

    Judgement, level 29.

    4257 DPS, too. Pretty happy about that. :3

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