Universal Dungeon Plunder by Dominic Duchesne (Universal)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by undeadcow, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Puce Moose

    Puce Moose Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
    Is there a way to tell what version you're currently running? I had a weak connection and the update download failed a couple of times. If there's a place to check the version number that would be handy.
  2. Naked Snake

    Naked Snake Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    You just blew my mind.
  3. For characters it's a bit tough due to perma-death other than a "wallet" type of device swap which would probably not be convenient.

    I'll give some thought on how to share the runes while not being exploitable. It would also solve the above problem as a bonus. Would be nice also to share the level unlocks I think.

    Yes. Check out the credits section, bottom left corner.
  4. Naked Snake

    Naked Snake Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    If you know how to back up your save file to your computer, I think it would allow you to preserve your heroic edition rune while uninstalling and reinstalling future versions of the game if you had to. I've done it with other games using the iFunbox utility.
  5. Yeah that'd work but I'd rather have something built in than having to deal with that kind of things especially since only a small % of players are likely to know how to do so or even think of doing it.
  6. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #286 Misguided, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2013
    Dominic, I just went to start a new game for the first time with this build and noticed that if you go to create a new game then cancel, the delete and play buttons show up, even if you have no characters. Hitting play or following the delete dialog instructions results in a CTD.

    Not tragic, but add it to the list.

    I started a warrior and ran my shield defense up to 12%. The next three points change it to 10, 11, 12%. I happen to have a legacy +3 defense artifact. Unfortunately, I can't remember how many points I put in the skill before this. I think it was 4, and the 12% being displayed is somehow including the artifact.
  7. Both were fixed in 1.14 already :) Thanks for the report.
  8. Oscar Streaker

    Oscar Streaker Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Game Impressions

    After playing awhile, a couple of issues jump out at me:

    It might simply be that I suck, but I seem to hit the wall around lvl 8 with the mage. The difficulty spikes pretty hard around there for me. With normal rpgs if you die it's no biggie, just grind until a level bump and try again. I know that's not how rogue-likes work, but once you clear out an earlier area there isn't even a way to beef up in anticipation of what's coming. I get that you want to keep it on the bleeding edge for excitement, but as so much depends on the luck of the spin, I can see some people giving up after so many failed runs.

    I imagine some tweaks to stats might help, though you wouldn't want to make the game too easy either... I'd suggest a chance that you could disengage (run away) from an unbalanced battle, but that would only help if there were respawns, closer to your level, you could grind on before trying again...
  9. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    I had a Ring of Fortitude +1, I found a new artifact which was a Ring of Fortitude +4, it replaced my old artifact which moved to my inventory, but the old artifact became a Ring of Fortitude +0, which only sold for $2.

    I've come to think that Berserk skill for the warrior is not useful at all. I never use it now, and I'm up to level 13 with no end in sight.
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So I've tried the game a little playing each different class to try and see what I like. At first my cash and artifact were carrying over to a new character once I died but then I made a warrior and decided I wanted a Mage again so deleted the warrior and I lost all my gold and artifact.

    What's the best way to keep things? I know the levels don't carry over on different classes but gear looked like it did?

    Also what will happen if I say play a rouge to level 10 then decide I want a Mage next and only play him to 5 will my gear still go on? And also when I change back to a rouge after that will he still get his level bonus?
  11. Naked Snake

    Naked Snake Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Got a few questions:

    How far below you does an enemy have to be for you to gain zero xp, 2 levels?

    What causes your poison level to drop during a fight, taking hits?

    What does it take for a dungeon boss's loot to disappear? I could have sworn this guy had more treasure chests, but I visited another area of the dungeon to get some xp, when I went back he had less chests. Not sure if this was my imagination. I only went a few feet away from this boss.

    One suggestion, it would be cool if you earned some kind of bonus for clearing a dungeon. I expected you would, but you don't. Every time I clear one I feel like its a big accomplishment but the game doesn't acknowledge it at all.
  12. I'll check out that one.
    Balance is tough especially since there's different ways you can place your skill and play the cooldowns (particularly for mages).

    I'm keeping a close eye on leaderboards and on some reported metrics. I eased up a bit on difficulty in 1.14 for mages with 2 extra hit points per level and the loot scales a bit better to help get past 8+ where the silver/gold chests and coins were just a bit too rare.

    I don't want to go overboard yet as I still had a level 21 run with a mage but nobody else past level 11 yet. Still early with less than a week after release.
  13. #293 DungeonPlunder, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2013
    Nothing carries over really beside artifacts sometimes which can't be bought at shops. Basically give your best shot every game by spending your gold, upgrade your gear, etc. Your inheritance stash size will all depend on the level reached and does not depends at all on what you had before.

    Inheritance will be granted to any class as long as you didn't use a pre-leveled character to start your game, then it'd be restricted to that class.

    They will almost always do but at some point it's very small. At first it can go down to 0.

    Dealing hits and stunning your opponent have a chance to drop your poison level.

    It's not your imagination. There's an anti-farming rule in the game that causes lower level opponents loot to disappear sometimes (not always) when you level up.

    That affects boss too but will not happen if you are very close (3 or 4 tiles away if I remember well). So basically if you're close to leveling go for the boss first to not lose out on his loot.

    It's a good concept but the problem is that sometimes you'll outlevel the dungeon before it's over. I want to encourage the player to move on when that happens and not try to collect a bonus.

    Also : Game of the week poll is now up: vote for your favorite game this week, be it Dungeon Plunder or another. Short of a front page mention that'd be great the game's visibility so thanks for taking the time.
  14. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Progress on this game is slow and only for the persistent. Luckily, it is a great game, but perhaps too hard. I have been playing the warrior over and over and last died after I reached level 9. I have all the minor and intermediate runes now as well as 5 leftover minor runes to scribe (how about some way of converting that to a higher level rune or coins?).

    What level is required to get a major rune?

    A minor suggestion: when a dungeon has been completed and exited, make it disappear or change the graphic element to show it is completed. In a similar vein, it would be cool to change the shop icon if there are items for sale within reach of the player's current coin balance.

    Thanks again to the developer for listening!
  15. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    It looks like you get a much reduced (1/3 as much?) amount of experience for enemies 1 level lower, and none for enemies 2 levels lower.
  16. Mfox76

    Mfox76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2010
    There's a bug where I put points into defense as a warrior (have +3 artifact) to start, when I get to 12% the next point brings it DOWN to 10% then each point increases it 1% again...
  17. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #297 Misguided, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2013
    And a color change for the quest icon when you can turn it in, thanks for reminding me.

    I was also wondering about Berserk. I never use it. The damage increase doesn't feel very noticeable. I plan to invest some points in it on my current playthrough to see if that feels better.

    This is fixed in the update he already submitted.
  18. jcopey

    jcopey New Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Excellent game, one of the best in a long time! If I were going to make a game it would have a lot of this in it :)

    Suggestion: In the battle screen, it would be great if once using an ability (Shield Wall, Riposte, etc.) if you could just make the skill grey, and show a countdown / reuse timer in it.

    For example, my Riposte has a 13 turn reuse timer on it. Once I use it, it goes off the battle board (disappears), then all of the sudden pops up when ready. I don't count my turns during battle, and my decisions are heavily weighted on when my skills refresh (should I take def or go for offense, or hearts?)

    Some games will show how many turns before the skill is active in the greyed out bar, others will show a bar that fills gradually and when full, the skill is refreshed.

    ALSO - keep the game challenging, that's what gives it charm :) I'm only L9 warrior atm, but every battle comes down to the last couple rolls. Excellent fun.

    Keep up the great work, game is awesome!
  19. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Perhaps this image shows a bug. I can not find a way to access the enemies in part of the map. Every entrance appears to be blocked.

  20. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    I had a problem on level 11 where I cleared the entire area but I couldn't find enough of the target enemy to complete the quest. I think they might be in a different part of the level but it's walled off from where I can get to.

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