Hi, All~ :> Touch Arcade users have good opinions on the improvement of Dungeon Maker. If your feedback is sent to the developer, it is likely to be reflected. To send feedback to the developer, check out the developer contact below. The developer may not be able to reply, but this developer will try to reflect user feedback as much as possible. *Developer Contact : [email protected] If you need guides to Dungeon Maker, check it out. [Guide & Tip] Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord https://forums.toucharcade.com/threads/guide-tip-dungeon-maker-dark-lord.319561/
How about your dungeon these days? XD (This Dungeon Maker Pic is Floria by Seyu) It looks like there is a problem with the link and uploading of the image today. I tried it several times, but I can not register properly...TwT)/
Please end the game completely and start playing again. It may be a temporary synchronization error. If it still does not work, it's a bug.
For some of the "Survive 100 days" achievements, I think the rule is that it has to be the first 100 days, whereas with some of them it could be any 100 days (eg 20 to 120). Have you opened any monster eggs at all?
* Dungeon Maker In-Depth Guide - by yourlilgoblinfriend https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMaker/comments/9b6umu/dungeon_maker_indepth_guide/ Uhuy! Hello fella's. Now we have spent enough hours toiling hard repelling nasty heroes only to understand how fragile we are in the face of RNGod. From time to time we are feeling good and thinking that we have such a nice run when suddenly we must make a tough decision, whether to remove one of our room or choosing trials. Here I present the fruit of my hardship that hopefully can help us pushing further in our Dungeon run DUNGEON DILLEMA Which Dark Lord? Choosing Dark Lord is really up to our preferences and our playstyles. It is closely linked with the Relics option that we have already unlocked. Some relics are exclusively appear only to a specific Darklord. Monster, Room and Trap synergy also closely linked with our Dark Lord playstyle. For example when we are using Emma it is compulsory to build a warhorn. Marielle is heavily trap oriented as you want your enemy heroes going around your trapzones. As a rule of thumb, it is easier to play Tania, Elizabeth and Floria for a starter. Try to use the most out of your Dark Lord skills to synergize with your monster and facility succession On Monster Succession Which monster should I success? This is such a tough question that we must face in the beginning of each game (if you have already unlocked it). Of course, generally bringing Fusion Monsters is preferable but the question is, which one? As we can only bring 6 to 7 out of so many options that we have. Now this is important. We must put into consideration which Dark Lord that we use. Most of the Dark Lord "brings" monsters that is the basic prequisite of making the fusion monster, making it easier to fusion then ingame. But some fusion monster needs specific skills to work properly and we need it ASAP to survive the early days. As the rule of thumb: Death Lord is easy to make. But we need her early in the game as she can give free immortality that can boost the lil' guy survivability White Fang is a great fusion monster as she can hit the whole Dungeon with damage and debuff. She is also one of the difficult monster to fusion so bringing her along is never a bad thing Fairy is our savior and our protector. Sure, making her is easy but sometimes RNG is the devil and we couldn't find the Ent Lady until late in the game. It is of course a different matter when you use Floria as a Dark Lord. -Baphomet is one of the fusion monster that needs 3 monsters to make. It is really depends on what strat that you are using because she is mainly a debuffer. In my case, I always bring her to work together with death knight as devil's cunning give an instant 100% extra damage -Thetis is a must if you play traps heavily. But if you use Marielle you don't really need her. It is a paradox because you can make her easier when you use Marielle. Shiva is a great staller monster when she is equipped with a good skills. She can survive on her own fighting bunch of heroes. But other than a staller, she doesn't do much. Also we need her fully equiped with a right skill for her to shine Bone Dragon is another great debuffer. You can put him together with Shiva for the best stalling effect. But usually you can just make him on the go Arachne is another good fusion monster that works well as a sweeper. But as a team she doesn't really work well so usually I make her in the go Sephiroth is the odd one out. She has amazing function as her attack hit the whole room and gives a great debuff. The thing is, she has a really low attack stat. She is a hit and miss fusion monster. If you have a free slot bring her around but you can also make her in the go especially if you are bringing fairy around Fairy is one of the must to have. She works wonderfully even without a proper skill that not bringing her is actually enticing as making her is really easy. But for me, her role is so important and I won't let the RNGod messing with me. I always bring her as my succession monster Now the next question. Should we only bring fusion monster? Generally, yes, especially for a lower difficulty player. But there are some important things to consider. As I have written in my previous guide about monster synergy, there are bunch of GLORIOUS MONSTER that works really well with a specific hero. For example, Lizardman with regeneration steel, shieldbash, overspeed combo. This lil' green guy is amazing if in tandem with floria. He can be your main sweeper even better than most of the fusion monster because he can deal 10k damage easily. The thing is, to make him works well we need those specific skills that is ain't easy to get. Consider bringing him if you are playing floria. Same things goes with Goblin Girl and the likes. Another example is Slime King. Do not underestimate this lil' fella. If you luckily upgraded it with laboratory to 5 stars and fully equiped him with defensive passive skills like immortal body, diamond skin, parry etc it will be INVINCIBLE. Like, literally unkillable so you can put him as a great staller especially when you use defensive Dark Lord such as Floria. On Roon Succession Another Tough Choice. Which one should we bring? We can only bring three for the Dark Lord sake. Now this is closely linked with the choice of your succession monster. For example, if you only have 3 succession monster, bringing triple giant is faaaarrr better than bringing a warhorn. But if you only have 1 succession monster, we want to bring absolute room. For me, personally, I prefer to bring bigger fight, triple giant and absolute because it is harder to make on the go. But on some cases bringing laboratory is a good thing especially when you haven't got the aforementioned room as laboratory is one of the rarest prequisite to make them. How about warhorn? Warhorn is a good choice too especially if you are playing T7 and below as there is only 1 dungeon entrance and we can maximize the fury buff by putting it in thr dungeon entrance, but not so great in T8 above because there are 3 dungeon entrances. Some Dark Lord synergize well with some difficult to make traps. For example the poison plague thing that works wonder with corpse explosion build On Placing your Room Now you have choose the monsters and facilities that you bring. The question is, where should we put it? Now this is important. As the rule of thumb, the frontline is generally have bigger chance to be "passed" by the hero. Things like warhorn, extraction and laboratory need this more. Put your killer room (triple giants) and the like in the frontline too as we want our fusion monster combo to rack up the buff that we need (death knight racking up immortality and fairy for those nifty shield). Sometimes we want to put some room and monster in the backline, especially mondter that need buffstacking to work wonders. For example minotaur fury and lizardman armor. Make sure to read the description of the room, carefully. Some battle rooms give buff NOT TO THE MONSTER INSIDE but to the monsters in the adjacent room. Another example is those fire trap. Some trap trigger the explosion as much as burn debuff in the heroes so you would rather put it in the back of fire monster room or burn inflicter traps. On Choosing Trials This is the epitome of luck. Most of our dungeon run will be ruined just because of the option in the trial rooms. As a rule of thumb, in my experience, the worst kind of trial is the one that can instakill your monster before they can even act. For example thorn scaling, fury scaling, shock scaling and many more. The second worst would be the trial that will give "immunity" to your playstyle. For example when yoh are heavily trap based, dodge trap is a no no. If you are running posion or corpse explosion, avoid the immunity like a plague. The third worst is the one who makes your monster cannot act. Haze, faint and panic are included in this. Do not underestimate panic, especially when you are heavily dependant on buff/debuff. When the trials give you weaken or vulnerable, choose the one that weaken your monster attack power, not defence, because low defence can kill your monster, whereas low attack will just lengthen the time to kill heroes. Do not afraid to choose trials that strengthen the survivability of heroes, as like shield, armor or defence buff even immortality. All it gives is a few "attack" more from your monster squad to finish them. Remember, avoid Haze like a plague. Haze is good, if it is given to the heroes. Haze is bad, if it is given to your monster squad. On Reading Books Now, should we read the books or not? It depends. Some Dark Lord depends heavily on books. For example Elizabeth and Emma to the hatred giving books as they actively kill the monster. If you are aiming for a long dungeon room, try to finish the basic 3 books as they will give an incremental stats bonus that will be apparent when your monster (and dark lord) hit high level. On Dungeon Room Card On each of our run, we will encounter a Dungeon Room Card just before the Boss Room Card. What should we do? For dark lord like elizabeth or floria who can heal themself, resting is useless. But if you have the approriate relic, resting can fill your mana to the brim and this can do wonder in the bossroom. Finishing book reading is secondary as we can try to finish reading them on the later day. Upgrading room is preferable especially if you have ultimate room like triple giant that is not upgraded yet. How about training monster? It is not that important. i'd rather train them on the normal day. The mkst important thing is to make sure you have a proper dungeon layout. Try to do the last preparation to maximize the effect and synergy of your dungeon room On choosing the Day Card What should we focus on? Elite battle is one of the priority as it gives a free relic that we need. But mind you on the later stage elite battle doesn't drop relic so it is not that important other than "testing" your dungeon layout. Dungeon is important especially if you just get new room or trap (for example extraction trap) and you want to put them in the proper place. You should try to finish reading your book too. Do not underestimate normal battle room as this is the main source of your income, monsters and rooms. Merchant is good but try to eait until you have enough spare funds to get here. As a rule of thumb, go to the merchant when you have at least 2 things to do there. Either fusioning monster/room or combining monster to get the precious skill. If you want to test your luck and buying the monster eggs, do so only after you have enough hatchery, as the price of the eggs going up incrementally. How about event card? This is the real dillema. Opening them up early can give us the "push" that we need to get pass d100. But if you are going for a long dungeon run I advise to hold ourself from opening them before d300 as most of the event only appear once. Especially the upgrade event and free equipment event. We want to maximize the event. Another example is the event that put altar in your dungeon. If you don't have the relic that boost stats according to the number of altar, having more altar is useless. Also you are risking to lost your precious room when your dungeon is full and you put altar there. Conclusion There are many more dillemmas that is not covered (or missed) that we find in this game. I sincerely hope that this can help our decision making to enhance our chance of pushing further on our dungeon run. Please feel free to ask or discuss about anything as I will try to answer them as much as I can Happy Dungeon Making!
I only pick normal room and didn't opened monster eggs at all. It should complete my achievement on 100 day without choosing [event, rest, merchant, monster egg, trap, elite battle, dark lord enchancement]. Usually, there is notification when I complete an achievement, but nothing happen. I tried to withdraw to check the shop if I get the dark stone, but nope.
You can check in a run how far you are for a achievement, you can try a run to like 50days and check whether the 50days counted or not, if they didn´t, its either a bug or you accidentaly picked a egg somewhere on the way and just forgot it (that can happen if you are a bit tired ^^")
In trial 9, it is said that [you will not be able to aquire relics from elite battles]. Is this miss-translation or bug? And also, does this event only appear once per run? Maybe I got unlucky with the RNG.
It is a translation problem. What it really means is "You will sometimes not acquire relics from elite battles". You still usually get relics, but occasionally you will not get one. Yep, this and many other events, like the one that gives +20% to all monster HP and the that gives random equipment to all monsters, only appears once. Because of that, it's a good idea to avoid events until later in your run in order to maximize the benefits.
Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately, it still didn‘t work. Same Wifi, same Apple ID, same iCloud account, keychain enabled on both devices. Yet the iPad has a different cloud save than the iPhone...
Yeah there are some unique events in the event tiles, which is why you usually don´t want to go on event tiles early on (aka first 200-300 days) so that you get the most benefit out of those events (for example the all monsters become elite event above, or all monsters get a random equipment)
As you may already know, there are a number of minor bugs. The next update will fix that and add new content. btw, How about this Orc Girl's Attack? XD
Dungeon Maker Build 10100 & Challenge Run (by Box In A Corner) Timestamps Intro 0:08 English Community 1:37 Challenge Run Fundamentals 5:23 Challenge Rewards 12:00 Protect Your Lord Tips 16:20 Start of Challenge Run 23:20 D21 ~ D40 36:00 D41 ~ D60 46:53 D61 ~ D80 56:25 D81 ~ D100 1:07:48 D101 ~ D120 1:20:56
Rebecca is one of the most popular Dark Lords. (This Pic is Dungeon Maker Dark Lord Rebecca by Daddy)
Trial card totals for my current run so far: Hero: 420% Armor 1350% Vampire 2000% Regen 10 Acceleration 100 Focus 212 Defense 28 Dodge Trap Immune: Burn, Shock, Poison, Chained, Corpse Explosion, Dullification Monster: 900% Burn 120% Shock 27 Charm 130 Haze 65 Faint 17 Blind 15 Panic 38 Slow 10 Vulnerable 87 Weak 57 Fragile
As a new player, I very much appreciate this thread as well as the accompanying tip and guide thread. The linked videos have also been helpful. I’m looking for resources on the following which I haven’t yet found: 1. Monster tier lists. I’ve picked up some of the basics like Lizardman being strong for two star, but am lacking when it comes to picking between higher star monsters. Even a list of the 5 or so top monsters per star tier would be helpful. Or, equally helpful would be monsters to avoid. 2. Room setup. Right now I’m trying to get a tank, damage dealer, and utility/healer per room. But if any more sophisticated discussion is available, I’d appreciate it. Thanks in advance! If they were actually just hiding somewhere in plain sight in the thread, thanks for giving a link without making me feel too stupid!
I usually put 2 [monster that give regeneration to all monster in the dungeon (I forgot the name. I got it from the abbysal shop)] at the entrance and 1 fighter, and when I think the game almost difficult to win, I liked to fokus on level up those 2 monster for more regeneration. It makes good survival for the rest of the monster. Then, I put my damage dealer all in one room that benefit the monster (because there are healer to cover it up). And I put the tank at any room that lack of monster so that they can distract the heroes.
A general monster tierlist is somewhat depending on your strategy, for example, someone who plays floria need more high dmg monsters than for example a elizabeth or emma, usually florias will try to get the green lizard with shieldbash and regenerative steel, while a emma/elizabeth will probably not neccesarily play lizards with regenerative steel but probably still with shieldbash (if they decide to play it as a damage dealer), as another example are minotaurs/minotaur kings, a emma player will usually want those, same thing for everyone who play warhorns or tania, but for elizabeth minotaurs are not optimal compared to minotaurs, so you would have to create a general "tier" and a tier for specific darklords for example, i personally would rate the green lizard as 3* or a 5* unit (with shieldbash 5*) (although if used incorrectly it could be worse than 3*), if you play floria its easily a 6* unit, at the same time i would rate most 5* units below 5* same thing applies to the 1*-4* units, anyway a tier list would lead to different star ratings for different setups/darklords, and skillsets (like minotaurs, they are pretty damn good pre trial 8 with warhorn, afterwards only with certain darklords imo) As for room setup, you don´t need all 3 of those in any rooms, yet again depends on your goal, emma/elizabeth are another good example yet again, they don´t necessarily need many damage dealers (usually still run some damage dealers near the darklord room), both "only" need enough time to spam kill everything with 1 mana (which depends on enemies and what trial cards you got), and honestly there are often cases where you don´t need all 3 or don´t want all 3, example goblins, there have been a few posts in here already so don´t want to go to much in detail, but usually a very supportive build is run on those a build that lets them survive pretty much everything because thats the entire goal of goblins, survive to get gold (and to stall) there is no dmg source neccesary since you don´t really want to kill units with the goblins, and sometimes running 3 supportive units that just entrap a few enemies for a decent amount of time are a lot more usefull than damage dealers, while other darklords need those damage dealers, anyway in general all skills that scale of stats are at best mediocre (imo) only skills with straight up effects, or that scale with level or scale with other things (like for example salamandergirls skill that scales with burn or shieldbash that scales with armor)