Universal Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord (by GameCoaster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, May 18, 2018.

  1. toastkid

    toastkid Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Can anyone (Nyanpass?) explain how to carry a room over with Facility Succession? I always choose a room (Warhorn) and it never appears. The monster I choose does.

    Got to level 380 last night, on easy, with Elizabeth! 340 was weird, the boss wandered around, killing everything and taking no damage and then as soon as she went in the Dark Lord's room, BAM she was insta-killed. Elizabeth had built up 15,000 vampire and 15,000 fury by then which was probably why :).

    360 was easy, then 380 was super-tough. I had one of those extra life relics, but even if I'd had three of them I probably wouldn't have made it.

    My strategy was
    • stick to around 25-30 monsters
    • have hatcheries to boost new monster levels
    • feed monsters to my dark lord (she was level 215ish by the time I died)
    • I didn't really combine monsters (except the special "fuse" ones) - it's better, I think to just feed unwanted monsters to your dark lord.
    • have as many gigantize/double-giant as possible, and boost them a lot.
    • have facilities (lounge, hatchery, laboratory)
    • have rooms (warhorn, blood altar, bloodlust) which give fury and vampire, and boost them a lot. Warhorn on the entrance is great but I didn't manage to get it till around 250.
    • when offered a choice of rooms, unless I really want one of them for a combo, pick the highest level one and "feed" it to my best existing rooms to boost them up.
    I had Elizabeth doing her first power, Bite, on auto, and because of the constantly building fury and vampire, she did more and more damage as the level went on. On normal (non-boss) levels, nothing would even get to the back two rows of the dungeon.
  2. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    In the next video, check the section between 1 minute ~ 2 minutes. The orange color on the upper left is the succession, and the blue color on the upper right is the storage.

  3. toastkid

    toastkid Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    Thanks for replying Nyanpass. That video shows what I expected to see, but I don't see that. I selected a monster, and selected a room, and then the further setup screen which shows "Monsters or rooms to succeed" didn't show the room.

    Looking at it further (see link below) I have a "Succession" section with one monster, and a "Saved" section with one room. I thought that I could carry both through into the next game, but maybe it's only stuff in "Succession" that I can place at the start of the game.


    What does "Saved" mean, here, if it doesn't mean I can place it at the start of the game? How can I carry rooms forward? Is it something I need to unlock with Dark Stones?
  4. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #1344 nyanpass, Aug 15, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
    Save = Storage -> It is not for the challenge now. It is a function that can be taken out from the next necessary challenge in the future. You can not use it for this challenge, but you can use it in the next challenge if you need it later. When using stored Monster or Facility, Monster or Facility succession function must be open.

    Succession -> It is for the challenge now.

    In your picture, you now have 1 monster succession and 1 facility save function. You do not seem to have opened the facility succession yet. So If you have a succession to the facility, you can use it on the challenge.

    toastkid likes this.
  5. toastkid

    toastkid Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    #1345 toastkid, Aug 15, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
    I see, thank you! I look forward to unlocking facility succession, then. :)

    EDIT: I just got the Facility Succession card in the Basic abyss shop, woohoo. Warhorn on the entrance, natch.
    nyanpass likes this.
  6. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    You are welcome. Enjoy ~ :>

    (This Pic is Dungeon Maker Gargoyle Girl by meth2480)

    Sutekidane likes this.
  7. Lucavious

    Lucavious Active Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    The books need rebalancing or something. Early in the game they're nowhere near as valuable as upgrades, and by the time upgrades aren't better most books provide such little benefit that they feel negligible.

    I'd recommend either reducing the amount of reading needed drastically (even four turns is way too many) or change the reward to scale as a percentage so theyre equally good regardless of when you get to them.
  8. Benholio

    Benholio Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    Some of the books are well worth the turns early, like the +10 gold per turn. I think the first two chapters of that are no-brainers and the third is probably worth it as long as you’re in for a long-ish game.

    I usually only have a couple of facilities I care about upgrading early on and I rely on events later on to upgrade my monsters, so your mileage may vary...
    Lonfo and ctathemarius like this.
  9. Lucavious

    Lucavious Active Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    One decent book doesn't justify the 90% of other books being pointless.
  10. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    User feedback is always under review, so if necessary it will have continuous balance adjustments in future updates. :)
  11. toastkid

    toastkid Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
    This is the aspect of the game progression that I don't like - I think the general idea of progression via the upgrades in the abyss shop is great, but as you say if you play the game for ages, and don't get anything in return, it feels pretty sucky. I think the balance is wrong.

    On a related subject, I just finally got the "Facility Succession" card from the Basic abyss shop, and have started a new game with Warhorn on the entrance room (the single best room placement I've seen so far).
  12. xovero

    xovero Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2018
    #1352 xovero, Aug 16, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
    Well the thing about this game is, when hard 10 was max difficulty we only had 1 single pack (the original one), afterwards they listened to the community and gave us a lot more shards via trial and new achievements, like seriously, if you rush the game and started at trial 1 and always withdraw after stage 100, but at trial 10 you do a 500 stage run, you get 500 ("only" 410 if you don´t include the shards from trial 1 to trial 10 climb) shards only from achievements and that is with paying 0 attention to achievements, not to mention that you will get a lot of them on the way aswell, i can tell you rn, one trial 10 run even if you die on day 100,is still more worth than a hard 7 800 stages run. (not to mention the time you saved by only doing 100 stages instead of 800)

    In short, there is no reason to play hard mode in this game UNLESS you havn´t played it yet, and havn´t reached trial yet, that is the sole reason of existence for the current hard mode, and whats the point of 400% boost? none, how about 3200% + a even higher boost in trial 10? a lot
    nyanpass, ctathemarius and Sutekidane like this.
  13. Karl Schmidt

    Karl Schmidt Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011

    Why is the hard game mode so easy in normal mode and the easy game mode so difficult in challenge mode?
    Why do I get so little exp in challenge mode?

    I think the balance of the game is very unbalanced.
  14. Benholio

    Benholio Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    Depending on your build, there are several powerful books. My Elizabeth build gets a 20-30% dps boost by a single book...

    The bio weapon (?) books are solid bonuses that scale into the late game:
    -5% hero life
    -5% hero ATK
    -10% hero life

    A few of the books that give extra damage to monsters that kill heroes, or debuffs to heroes that kill monsters, etc., can be pretty strong in different builds.

    The burn, poison, lightning books are probably significant for the right builds.

    Now, I will say that the 'small chance to get extra DEF on level up' type books could be entirely useless, I'm not sure... I really don't have any idea what a typical level up boost looks like or what the result looks like with these books, because the game doesn't really present that in a way that you can tell without doing some sort of manual logging and research. This always bugged me.

    Overall, though, I usually have a book to read at any given time for a measurable bonus, one that is well worth it compared to upgrading some random rooms or monsters.
    nyanpass and Sutekidane like this.
  15. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    We need to be able to distinguish between poor balance of the game and lack of our skills in the game. At least in my opinion, you can get enough Dark Stones within the current game balance.
  16. Benholio

    Benholio Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    I agree with a lot of the criticism about hitting a wall for shards, especially if you were already high level before the rebirth xp requirements were rebalanced. The way it stands, it takes a day or two of heavy playing to open a single abyss reward out of the new box.

    One thing with the challenges, it turns out the 30 shards (easy) are a better reward than many of the normal or hard rewards. I think I might accept 30 shards before a weapon that I only see every 500 days. Maybe the 30 shards (or more) should be included with every level, just add the other rewards on top of it. Some of the hard mode challenges are pretty hard even for a high level player, and you can get almost nothing in return. Proposed example:

    Easy: 30 shards
    Normal: 45 shards + weapon, etc.
    Hard: 60 shards + weapon, etc.
  17. Lonfo

    Lonfo Member

    Aug 3, 2018
    How does corruption work, exactly?
    If I manage to stack 100 of it on one hero, will he deal 0 damage?

    (Same for Frostwind, actually...)
  18. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Early book or riches.

    10 gold / day.

    That’s +c.3k gold by day 300.

    For 4 days of reading.
  19. Neotheny

    Neotheny Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    For books, I think it would be a good change if they made only first volume drop, while further volumes should drop only when you finish the previous one. That way, we would have at least some way to control RNG.
  20. Benholio

    Benholio Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    They get halfway there - further volumes only drop when you at least loot the first volume.

    But I know what you mean, because I find myself looting all kinds of books I don't want to 'clear them out' so I might find the one I'm looking for...

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