Universal Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord (by GameCoaster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, May 18, 2018.

  1. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #101 nyanpass, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
    Dungeon Maker Tips & Guides.

    A collection of comments that can be tips or guides.

    It's amazing that more than 10,000 views were recorded in just one week of the global launch of the game.

    This comment has been written for users interested in this game. :)


    [Guide & Tip] Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord

    0. 'Dungeon Maker: Dark Lord' Tips and Strategies Guide by Sarah Saunders.

    1. About the popularity of this game.

    2. Gameplay video.

    3. About the IAP of this game.

    4. Priority Guide in the Abyss Shop

    5. A brief introduction of Terms and Game Play about this game.

    6. An introduction to playable Dark Lords.

    7. A table of monster and trap combinations.

    8. An introduction to fate cards.

    9. An introduction to event cards.

    10. A strategy to overcome 100 days.

    11. Some user's Dark Lord recommendation tips.

    12. Analysis of the influence of experience of each room

    13. An effective strategy study on monsters and traps.

    14. Another fun hidden in the game.

    15. Some tips for games

    A basic understanding of the game can be helpful if you refer to it.
    Now let's enjoy the game with your own strategy. :)

    If I can afford it, # 101 and # 2 post can often be updated according to thread comments.

    There were messages from some users who found this thread through Google Search and got help. The multi-lingual name for this game has been put together so that the search for this game can be done well. I would appreciate your consideration of this with your generosity.

    # Dungeon Maker , ダンジョンメーカー , 던전메이커 , Game Coaster


    [Guide & Tip] Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord (by Game Coaster)

    Due to the upgrade of the Touch Arcade site, existing links no longer work.
    So, open a new thread again and cover [Guide & Tip] for this game.


    There is also a lot of useful information about Dungeon Maker here too. XD
    The necessary parts will be posted along with the source. ;)


    1. FAQ for Dungeon Maker (by Edzers)

    2. Stats, Level Growths, Skill Functionality, and Fusion Monster Builds/Roles (by NeverEndingHope)

    3. Challenge Mode Rewards (by Ni_iV)

    4. Dungeon Maker In-Depth Guide (by yourlilgoblinfriend)

    5. Monster Skill Synergy (by yourlilgoblinfriend)

    6. A couple newbie tips (by proxima1227)

    7. How To Get The 10,000,000 Damage Achievement (by Semiba)

    8. [Guide] Relic Ranking for the Original Pack (by homerhlcheung)

    9. [Guide] Scientific method to buy Original Pack from Abyss Shop (by homerhlcheung)

    10. Guide to Buying Stuff in the Abyss Shop (by AlchyTimesThree)
    ThirdMoon likes this.
  2. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    You can try out various experiments in the game with concept play.
    Next is just one example of where users can reach by installing only traps.
    Various attempts give another fun. :p

  3. Vivenna

    Vivenna Member

    May 23, 2018
    #103 Vivenna, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    When the battle starts you just keep spamming this, I never bother with ignite or Living Bomb.

    Burning will skill gives 3 Focus + 3 Acceleration. These effects are boost atk power/ atk speed. Meaning every time your monster is in a fight after 1-3 seconds your Burning will has already been used by those in the front line fighting.

    Therefore to maximize its gains and stack focus/axel in backrow and replenish front row just keep spamming burning Will.

    An example of complementary (artifact) needs 10 acceleration overlap to activate its effect.

    ( My question: How do you link images to show up on this message board: like the one above my post??)

  4. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #104 nyanpass, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
    Priority Guide in the Abyss Shop

    Priority Guide in the Abyss Shop

    I would like to discuss the priorities in the Abyss Shop, which makes this game more exciting. This is a list of priorities that reflect the opinions of some users. In some cases, this may vary from user to user. :p

    1st. Enhance option in combination
    It is the best way to quickly raise the level of dungeon monsters.

    2nd. Monsters & Facilities Succession
    It is very helpful when restarting the game.

    3rd. Dungeon Expansion, Fortune Teller
    Dungeon expansion and fortune tellers are inefficient if you do not have succession. But it is better than others.

    4th. Electrical Short, Three Gianteers, Tailwind, Dark Lords, Best Monsters
    The various Dark Lords and 6-star synthetic monsters add new fun to the game and are powerful. I would not rank Dark Lords and monsters. It depends on the taste of the users.

    5th. Use Auto Skill
    It has the highest efficiency for convenience.

    With the exception of the above, it seems that none of the others can be regarded as a priority.
    It's just the taste of the users. ;)
    ThirdMoon likes this.
  5. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Thank you for your feedback. Another comment below is what you mean by an omitted event card. :) I missed it. Let's add it.

  6. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    #106 ctathemarius, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    I recommended this game to my friends. And I advised them to refer to the touch arcade if you need information about the game. If I did not find this game here, I would have absolutely missed this great game. So I want to say thank you and dev.
  7. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    #107 ctathemarius, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    Thanks for your kind info. Inferring from the Quote, the following BBCode should be used in order for the image to be visible in the thread. image address.jpg [/ img] If you are quoting my posts, you will see the code. Try it.
  8. serpico

    serpico New Member

    Feb 24, 2016

    Can you guys share some of your strategies? I leveled elizabeth up to 7, but can't seem to make any progress. I didn't even come close to 100 days, I think I'm doing something wrong honestly...

    Do you prioritize enhancing monsters or facilities? Do you add every possible facility to you dungeon in order to replace them later on, or select and enhance even the 1* facilities? Also, by the time I'm able to enhance my traps they usually deal almost no damage at all, i'm starting to think that traps are almost useless you actually get some really good ones...
  9. Vivenna

    Vivenna Member

    May 23, 2018
    #109 Vivenna, May 24, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    Im currently running Rebirth lv9 difficulty, with Tania.

    My strategy (Brute force Monster Horde)
    - No traps used

    - Facilities used are:
    Laboratory- every few times enemy passes 100-200 a random monster is upgraded. Use Extraction as substitute.
    Hatchery - Increase new monsters from egg level by #

    Battle Rooms:
    Rage - Gives Acceleration to monsters
    Meditation - Gives Focus to monsters
    Amplify - Gives Vulnerable to enemy
    Gigantify - Multiply the Life/Atk can only place 1 monster. Fusions will allow you to place more up to 3.

    -Spam Burning Will, do not stop spamming burning will, afterwards keep hitting that burning will.
    -Must choose egg every time for rewards
    -Fuse at minimum 2 star heroes nothing less.
    -Do not use Atk+ or Def+ rooms, a measly 5-10 atk is nothing compared to effects.
    -Always go to Elite Dungeon the more artifact you get the stronger you are, it gets more difficult to get these artifacts as you progress, after collecting all you can stop as you will only get life potions.

    aBYSS sHOP
    - Get Monster Succession up+ as early as you can, this will allow you to bring another monster from previous game into new game.
    - Get artifacts that go with your strategy mine is built around acceleration
    - Monster rate up+ is debatable I have 4/20 and I still get rank 1* monsters.

    -Early on just get past to day 100 and rebirth, collect the 10 Devil Stones
    -Every 100 days unlocks the next level of Rebirth allowing you to gain more Rebirth exp, but increase in difficulty.
    -Every Rebirth Lvl will let you earn 10 Devil Stones per 100 days 1x
    ThirdMoon likes this.
  10. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I have a gifantify X3 in front of my dark Lords room and with 3 fused monsters in it, it is keeping most heroes out. But sometimes enemies sneak by without killing any of them! In fact I don't think I've had any of them die. So I was wondering what the rules are on this sneaky bypass.

    •Can they bypass a battle (going left) randomly?
    •Is it only when there are a bunch of them in the room? ...How many heroes can be in a room at one time? (I think I've seen 4-5 in my lair before dying)
    ...it doesn't have to with rank or boss status, because fused monsters have the highest rank.

    If we can better prevent monsters breaking through battle rooms like this, it will help us protect our dark Lords room better.
  11. deresi

    deresi Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
    #111 deresi, May 25, 2018
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Up to three warriors stay in one room and fight. Bypass is likely to occur when a warrior in the room takes a lot of action, or a skill of a warrior, or more than three in a room. You can see information about the skill of the warrior in Index. Who is your main playable dark lord? It seems that her skill also affects it.
  12. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
  13. puchicuso

    puchicuso Member

    May 23, 2018
    Hello, I read 'Tips and Strategies Guide' carefully. It was very useful. Thanks. I'll look forward to the next guide.
  14. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Ok - I’m repeatedly trying to upgrade rooms by doing this, seemingly with no impact whatsoever on the stats of those rooms. No difference in stars, no difference in damage, no apparent difference in level.

    What’s going on there? Any ideas?

    Also - what are the numbers in brackets by room descriptors m? The up / flat symbols and %s? I have assumed the latter is related to exp / next leve (?!), I have failed to grasp the first set of brackets.
  15. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #115 nyanpass, May 25, 2018
    Last edited: May 25, 2018

    No difference in stars
    -> It does not raise a star rating. :)

    no difference in damage, no apparent difference in level
    -> It can be helpful if you have a screenshot image. If you are in the beginning of the game, it may seem that there is no difference because the experience and the level are not enough. However, even if there is no change in the level, experience may change.

    I prepared some images here. :)


    Case 1.
    ICE Lv. 4 (△6)(15.3%) <-> Operation Room Lv.4 (△1)(30.7%)

    Suppose you got the trap ICE Lv 4.

    You choose whether to replace(Switch) the Operation Room with ICE trap or to enhance Operation Room.
    If you choose the ICE by removing the Operation Room, ICE will be upgraded from LV4 to( = + △6) LV10(15.3%). Damage 37~74.
    But If you choose the Operation Room by removing the ICE, the Operation Room will be upgraded from LV4 to( = + △1) LV5(30.7%).


    Case 2.
    ICE Lv. 4 (△17)(85.9%) <-> Skewer Lv.19 (-)(45.5%)

    Skewer is a special advanced trap with a high level. So if you sacrifice it to strengthen the Trap ICE, the level of the ICE Trap will increase by as much as 17. As a result, the ICE Trap is Lv. 21 (85.9%). Damage 57~114. On the other hand, even if Skewer is reinforced with Trap ICE, there is no change in level. This is because the level gap between the two is large. However, its experience is up to 45.5%.


    Case 3.
    ICE Lv. 4 (△7)(90.7%) <-> Thunder Lv.12 (△2)(17.7%)

    If ICE is selected, the result is: Lv. 11(90.7%) Damage 37~74
    If Thunder is selected, the result is: Lv. 14(17.7%) Damage 81~161

    The following is a relative ranking of the efficiency of experience given by a user through repeated experiments.

    I hope it helps. :)


    Assuming that each facility and trap are at the same level, the relative ranking for the effect of efficiency to provide experience is as follows. The more you go to the top, the more experience you have to offer, and the lower you go, the less experience you have to offer.
    ThirdMoon likes this.
  16. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    #116 Havelcek, May 25, 2018
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
    Thanks for the tips on the Abyss Shop - I've been doing it wrong =(

    Do you advanced players use the Auto Deploy option or so you lay out your monsters manually?
  17. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #117 nyanpass, May 25, 2018
    Last edited: May 25, 2018

    Thanks for the tips on the Abyss Shop - I've been doing it wrong =(
    -> It's okay, you'll get most of it in the end. :D

    Do you advanced players use the Auto Deploy option or so you lay out your monsters manually?
    -> Of course, The Deploy that the user selects directly is more effective. :p

    *One more tip:
    If you place an automatic layout after you have manually placed it in a critical location, you still have the manual section fixed. Some of the key points can be manually placed and then the rest automatically placed. Great? ;)
  18. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Gotcha, that makes sense....thanks again!
  19. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    You're welcome. :D
    We are being forced to choose or choose from every moment. LOL...;)
    Let's play the game happily. :)
  20. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Interesting Experiment. Day 314 (Floor 314), one of the highest difficulties. :eek:

    Can we stop the invasion of the warriors with this goblin deployment? ;)

    The result is... a secret. :p


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