Universal Dungeon Maker : Dark Lord (by GameCoaster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, May 18, 2018.

  1. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Balance is the most important factor in game immersion. If the game is too easy, the interest decreases and becomes bored. However, if the game is too difficult, it will cause stress and anger. Finding the appropriate middle is the key to motivating the game.

    The most difficult DAY at the time of beta of this game was 340. If you get a chance next time, I might talk about it. But not now. Maybe since the global launch, many users would not be able to exceed 100 DAY. Here I prepared a small tip for them. ;)

    First, let's look at the following graph.


    Red line = growth rate of the dungeon
    Blue line = difficulty rising speed
    X (horizontal axis) = progress of stage (DAY)
    Y (vertical axis) = growth state

    This is the most basic difficulty rise curve of the dungeon maker.

    The dungeon growth rate is steeply rising in the early stage and stagnating in the second half, while the rate of difficulty increases slowly in the early stage and then starts to grow steeply in the second half.

    Therefore, it seems efficient to use a lot of debuff traps early on.

    The following graph will make it a little easier to understand.


    The newly added blue sky line shows the effect of debuff. When you check the graph, you can see that the difficulty rise rate is similar to the dungeon growth rate because of the effect of the debuff trap.

    *Summary for survival up to 100DAY:
    Focus on the debuff traps + Proper monsters placement + Avoid event and merchant.

    *Note: This strategy can be changed due to updates or balance patches, so it is used as a reference only. :p

    If you are just starting this game, it will be okay if you aim to survive up to 100 DAY. Increase the level of each Dark Lord to 10, if you can afford it. Because you can get additional rewards(Dark Stones). When you start a new game again with additional rewards, you will be able to enjoy the game with more variety of strategies. :)
  2. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    You have too much time on your hands. :p

    And I'm not even talking about your latest post of graph analysis. You've got an average of like 9 posts a day on TA!!!:confused:

  3. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #63 nyanpass, May 22, 2018
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    I was already familiar with this game, so I was not expecting new users to be troubled by the lack of explanation for the game. Because the description of the game is too skipped, it seemed that there was a user who was hard to enter the game or had trouble in the beginning, So I have put more effort into this than usual. Now I think I should take a break. I have to live my life...;)
  4. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    #64 nyanpass, May 22, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
    Here are the fate cards you can choose to play this game.

    Here are the fate cards you can choose to play this game. :)

    "It is the place to choose the next destiny of the dungeon. If you choose one of the three cards at the bottom, the fate of the next day is determined. Be careful. The card of the next day is decided according to the choice of today."


    *Battle: It is the most common card in the game. It has lower priority than Elite Battle. However, if you are unable to do Elite Battle, you must do a this battle. This actually takes charge of the level up of the monster and the room.

    *Elite Battle: It is harder than normal Battle, but the reward for this battle is good, and you can certainly get artifacts.

    *Boss Battle: It is surely going on every 20 days. As the end point of the cycle, enemies stronger than the elite battle appear, and the buffs are added to the warriors, which is very difficult. Especially, the elite angel boss of 340 DAY makes a lot of users GAME OVER. If you clear the boss battle, you can acquire the boss-only relic boss.

    *Event: A good or bad situation occurs and you often have more than one choice. It is a gambling option because the variable is large and there is also a penalty. But event-specific items also exist. Beginners should be avoided, but if you are an expert in this game, there are a lot of things to enjoy.

    *Merchant: It is an option to use gold that you have collected in battle. monster egg, combine monsters, Dark Lord enhancement, room construction, special room renovation, monster fusion, etc. are possible.

    *Treasure Chest: You can choose one of the three treasures randomly.

    *Fortune Teller: Using a small amount of gold, you can change your skill to a different skill with the exception of the original skill.

    *Dungeons: A similar concept to the village of a typical RPG game. There are functions that strengthen the dungeons of Dark Lord. Note that a dungeon card must appear on the (20xN - 1) day before the boss battle. On the dungeon card, you can take one of three actions:

    -Rest: There are very few means of regaining the health of the Dark Lord in the game, and if you are in a crisis, you have no choice but to choose.

    -Upgrade: This changes the room to a converted room to improve the room's performance. However, there is a room which does not greatly affect the influence of the remodeling.

    -Train: This upgrades monsters to elite monsters, greatly improving their abilities.

    Most of the basic things about this game seem to be explained. In fact, I think it is best to enjoy the game while experiencing it yourself. But as you know, this game was developed by the developer from the Non-English country, so I was worried that this great game might be forgotten by users. Fortunately, this game Dungeon Maker(by GameCoaster) has been successfully launched globally. :>
  5. Harti

    Harti Member

    Jul 1, 2012
    Awesome game and awesome developer! :D

    I’m curious what the bug fixes were in today’s update. The App Store Update description was not very clear :p
    Did the foreign language during events bug get fixed?
    nyanpass likes this.
  6. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    I acknowledge your enthusiasm for this game. I am glad to know it because of you. It is the most interesting of the games I've played recently. This game is good enough to be popular. The game is not perfect, but it means that on the one hand the game can get better. I am looking forward to the future of this game.

    We need to understand that developers have difficulty translating their games. I went to the Korean store and found the details of the update, so I tried Google translation. It may be inconvenient if we need this effort every time, but I think it is because the developer is very busy with the global release. Be better next update. We hope to be able to see update details next time.

    1.2.1 Version History
    - Some interface changes. (The selection screen, difficulty selection screen, etc.)
    - Succession is not selected at the end of the game, but will be changed when you start a new game.
    - Based on normal, the basic strength of the warriors is lowered, and as the difficulty increases, the basic strength of the warriors increases again.
    - 'Facility: Electrical Short' base damage and damage growth is reduced.
    - The power values of new monsters are totally readjusted.
    - Multi languages (English, Japanese, Chinese) are supported.
    - 'Skill: Mysterious Being' can not prevent the harmful effects of the boss before the phenomenon is fixed.
    - Other bugs have been fixed.

    I have not been able to confirm anything updates about untranslated cards because I am avoiding event cards to increase the number of days of my survival. But so far there has been no problem.

    I like this game and the developer. I realized that this developer was constantly striving for this game. He replied briefly but kindly to my inquiry about the game. I also congratulate the success of this game. I hope this game gets better.
  7. Witlogic

    Witlogic Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Great Game

    Just adding one more thumbs up.
    I buy a lot of weird games I see on TouchArcade but I've seldom been as happy with the result as with this game.
    Great work!
    nyanpass likes this.
  8. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Is there one hero particularly OP ?
    Takes forever to level up a hero
  9. Nykeloc

    Nykeloc Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    This game is pretty cool, hope they implement a few more idle features like the last game. I found a couple of bugs with two relics.

    The rose relic says it increases trap attack by 0
    There was another relic I had last run that said lower Dark Lord's attack by 5 and increase trap attack by 0

    Emma is a pretty cool Dark Lord, she can do hundreds of damage when a hero comes into her room because she stacks fury charges.

    I also like Tania, she gives her monsters haste and damage increase, except I've found her living bomb skill to be useless, it would be nice if the range hit the entire map, it only seems to work with enemies right near her, which usually isn't worth the 10 mana it costs.
  10. Vivenna

    Vivenna Member

    May 23, 2018
    Some tips based on the hero you pick their 2nd skill is usually wide range meaning affects all your monsters, or affects all enemy heroes.

    Best Demon Lord

    Tania (Dps) the 2nd skill is all you need focus- 50% additional damage, and accel- 50% atk.speed.
    Floria (Heals) - Seed mechanic to prevent damage and do mass heal
    Marielle (Stall/Trap) - Using Faint- cannot attack 1 turn/Slow- 50% atk.delay /Dullification- 100% damage boost from traps.

    My favorite of course is Tania, give her (Phoenix feather) accel monsters recieve 35% less overall damage + (Phoenix beak) - 10 accel stacked will increase accel state by another 50%.

    How breeding monsters work.
    -Stat gain is static meaning even if you take monsters from previous play through the stat boost is wiped to original factory settings.
    -The main benefit of breeding is transferring skills not stats.
    -Some skills are very useful at some point when you can take a monster with you past rebirth you can begin with a fully decked out 5 skill S-class every game max is 4-5? I currently have 4.
    -Fusion monsters are the best pick the one with the best original skill (non-transferable)
    junkyardheart likes this.
  11. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    This game is fun but like someone else said, the Boss Skill messages across the middle of the screen are incredibly annoying.
  12. deresi

    deresi Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
    Anyone have used the abyss shop? The choice of one of the three special items to consume the dark stone makes me excited. I've just got a fortune teller card. It further increases strategic choice in this game. Great!
  13. puchicuso

    puchicuso Member

    May 23, 2018
    Hello, I joined toucharcade because I wanted to leave a feeling about this game. The game is really good. The guides and comments here have been very helpful. Thanks!
  14. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Lol I was picking dungeon cards and looking to upgrade my gifantify X3 room (yay!) And kept seeing the same rooms...then I swiped right almost accidentally anD voila!

    Some arrows wouldn't be bad.

    Also realized you can go back from those screens (rooms or monsters) :rolleyes: if you look at one and change your mind.

    Sometimes I am getting an error message about not loading when I try to feed a monster to my dark lord or equip weapons.

    Gotten to hard two now. Gifantify X2 or X3 with a few fused monsters in it is tight! I wish there was a way to move rooms though..I like havinf this room in front of my dark lord and lose that when I expand the dungeon.
  15. ctathemarius

    ctathemarius Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
    I got 'Use Auto Skill'. It is a very convenient feature! I can restart the game more quickly and challenge again. My goal now is to survive over D + 100. It is a feeling that the degree of difficulty increases sharply from D + 60.
  16. deresi

    deresi Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
    I finally passed 100 days of survival. It was one of the best choices to upgrade all monsters to elite through event cards. Now I have updated my best record.
  17. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
  18. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    I found a setup that worked for me for a while and breezed through hard+1-4 but man, 5 is kicking my ass. Time to revise my strategy
  19. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017

    Would it be okay if I comment on it instead? ;)

    Look at the attached images here.


    You can use it to upgrade other traps without installing Ambush. However, the degree of ability to upgrade for each trap can vary. Users can check it. You can choose what you think is most appropriate for you.
  20. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Ahh ok - got it. So when you are choosing Battle Rewards you pick a room card and rather than installing it, you click on an existing room card to enhance that one. I didn't click enough apparently! Thank you

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