Universal Dungeon Link (by Gamevil)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by gamevil_TA, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. sullenclown

    sullenclown New Member

    Apr 24, 2015
    It actually downloads another 275mb once the games loads, so yeah. We're in the same situation XD
  2. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    325mb is a lot less than 1.2gb, so no, not the same situation at all.
  3. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    So I've played a little further, and I have to say my worries about the puzzle aspect becoming trivial had been put to rest. Now I'm starting to see boards that are shaped differently and monsters hanging out in the areas off of the board. Trying to clear all squares looks like it could be pretty complex at later levels if the board shapes keep getting more and more wacky.

    This one just might be a keeper.
  4. kenken11

    kenken11 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Later on, we have a auto function. It's not complex at all as the AI do the puzzle for u hahaha.

    Add me 564-684-444 for gems rewards
  5. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Hmm. Does the auto function do perfect attacks every time?
  6. nipusa

    nipusa Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    yes it's always perfect, but the ai doesn't always maximize the number of chains. Also later you will have characters encourage you to use a specific number of chains.

    The auto function doesn't work in boss raid either, which has a time limit each turn. Overall I use the auto function to farm easier levels.
  7. cyllwynn

    cyllwynn Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    It's actually quite fun so far. But I've only played for an hour or so. I'm expecting the freemeium wall to hit at any minute. I don't even mind paying $5-10 if the game rocks. I just hate it when stamina only lets you play for 10 minutes or the characters are so rare but critical for success and the drop rates are so insanely low that the only way to play and succeed is to spend a ton of money trying to get a .05% chance drop character or two out of a premium vendor.

    But so far so good.

    334-264-544 Could use the 5 referrals :).
  8. nipusa

    nipusa Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    #48 nipusa, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
    well, I have been played for more than 1 weeks. This game has a quite sufficient supply of stamina (you can buy it using friend points and pvp points, and other sources). Of course you are going to hit a wall somewhere, since this type of game doesn't want you to finish it in 1 month. But you will have things to do for a while

    Also as long as you have enough "free" in game gold, you can combine characters, which is essentially equal to a premium pull. However later on it will become quite expensive
  9. Opheus

    Opheus Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Exactly how big is this game ? I read somewhere that it is only about 400 mb but when I install it on my phone it is 1.2 gb
  10. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Games so beast! I'm still stuck on quest 19 though. Two of my guys shoot horizontal beams so I can't hit the enemies since the quest 19 has you doing towers and some enemies you can't reach with the beam. So for now I'm just farming dungeons like 7-1 +

    Any suggestions? I have 2 4* and the rest 3*. Maxed at level 30. I can't evolve them because I can't get the materials. Daily dungeons are to hard to get the 3* evo mats. Should I just keep enhancing?
  11. Skvar

    Skvar Active Member

    Mar 26, 2014
    Don't evolve, combine for random 5 star. Do not let go of your story characters though. use the combine method to bring 3 star to 4 then combine the 4 stars that you don't like.
  12. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    You will have to get those guys with perfect attacks. Tower 15 and 20 have 3* fairies as rewards (swords then support). You will need to enhance your main team to reach those. That will give you a couple more 4* and before you know it, you will have two you don't need to combine to 5*. As Skvar said, do NOT combine your story characters.

    I've played for hours and hours and never come close to dropping below the "maximum" number of swords (energy). Now, certain activities are limited by design, but that's different (e.g. daily dungeon). Add friends and send them gifts and you will get a steady supply of swords. Of course, if you are auto-battling all the time, that will be different, but I don't.
  13. kidd546

    kidd546 Active Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    Couldn't even get through the tutorial on my Ipad 2 without crashing. 5 attempts through the exact same tutorial is a LITTLE bit frustrating...
  14. ZureaL

    ZureaL Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    My code is 764-984-284 -- I've gone through this entire thread (and the thread linked in page 2) and if you've logged into the game in the past couple of days, I've added you.
  15. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Haven't had any problems here.
  16. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    Ok so you get 7 stamina. It seems like you get to play forever at first because you get 1 stamina for every gift sent to a friend plus receive stamina from friends also refills every time you level but once you play for a couple days it stops and then you get 7 stamina and that's it until a friend sends more or your 24 hour timer runs out and you can gift some. You can spend crystals on stamina but that's all I see the daily dungeon system is horrible you get to enter one time a day and you get a 1 star fairy and 1 medal so it would take months to get enough fairies and medals for it to be of any use. The game is easy enough until about level 7 then the difficulty hikes up I'm currently stuck on level 9-6 boss with 4 4* characters max level runed up and enhanced 1-3 times as enhancing 4 star characters is ridiculously expensive as it is to evolve as well I'm constantly struggling for gold. They give you a lot of gold n the beginning but once you start enhancing runes and monsters that's it it goes quick. I dunno the game is fun but there's a lot of issues, it's almost required to spend money, that or wait weeks if not months to work up characters.
  17. pinOi32

    pinOi32 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    Over 1 Gb? Whoa!
  18. hanklupo

    hanklupo Active Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    The amount of people in this thread that attribute working for things, such as evolving, etc, to a "paywall" is hilarious. Back when you were a kid playing Final Fantasy and you came up against a boss that was difficult, was that a paywall?

    I get that there is going to be a lot of grinding to collect materials, characters and gold, but labeling that as a "paywall" is pathetic and just screams entitlement. Its a free game, and all of this ilk require a timesink. I play Summoners War every day, and that is a serious farming game. But my god are the rewards worth it, and the feeling of accompkishment when you achieve a goal is exciting.

    Wanting to finish everything in the first two days is your choice, but when the game is designed around longevity (and thus, a way to encourage spending by impatient people), you have to temper your expectations. Companies DO have to make money, you know.
  19. bestkevin

    bestkevin Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2012
    Btw what's the best way to lvl up your characters? Which dungeon?
  20. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    The further -3 level you can do on auto with two attack chars and two noobs - i.e. 5-3, for example. Tower is good as well -- tower 6 will take level 1s to level 6 for example, and from there you can go to tower 10 on your second run.

    Just make sure you can do it on auto. Swords are NOT tight in this game if your exploiting all the ways to get them. Its way better to do a lower level on auto than a higher level and have to put a ton of mental energy into levelling.

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