Universal Dungeon Legends (Digital Things)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by comingTouch.com, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    #21 johnthree, Jul 21, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
    The description for both dexterity and intelligence, says that increases the damage of some skills.

    This a bit unusual for a ARPG, since typically dexterity increases things like dodge and critical rate. It would be good if this was also implemented here.

    If not, then it would be good to know which specific skills are enhanced by intelligence or dexterity. So maybe if I click on a skill description, it should include increase your dexterity to enhance this

    Also saying dexterity and intelligence "increases the damage of some skills" may not be accurate, since some skills buff and heal you. So a more universal description should say, the "this increases the effectiveness of some skills."

    If you're not going to add other classes, then there should be long range weapons like bows, crossbows, or maybe even mage staff (e.g. fire staff, ice staff to slow enemies etc.) This way when you coop, this allows better teamwork, for example one can specialize as a tank, while another can be a long range DPS, etc.

    Once you defeat a boss and get the reward, there's no further incentive to help out another player who needs help fighting the boss. So maybe each time you participate in a boss fight, and that boss dies, still reward the player with gold, exp, etc. This will encourage people to help others fight their bosses. I know certain games do this.

    In coop, I really like how loot is separate in Diablo. So whatever is dropped, nobody can snatch it. When loot you see can be taken by other players, this fosters a love hate feeling toward teammates (e.g. you need them, but don't like it if they snatch a loot).

    A great high, in a loot based ARPG, is when you see a really rare item drop (e.g. epic tier). So far I don't see this here, besides white and green tiered items being dropped. So far the only obtainable blue and purple tier gier, comes from buying the welcome package.

    The missions don't give good rewards, which is only gold. Give a greater incentive, such as exp and items in addition to the gold.

    Regen rate of heart is good, but the max of 10 is low. I would like to see a much higher max. This way, a player can use all his hearts, and won't feel the need to play it again for a few more hours, when all hearts are fully regenerated.

    When you see the daily gem offer, and click it, it says "ver video." This isn't fully translated, and should be watch video.

    It would be nice if you can also coop the depths.

    When you click a mission, that says something like "kill x number of skeletons" underneath it, it has a "go" button. I would expect after clicking this, that should be taken to a mission that has skeletons I can kill. But it doesn't, it takes me to the current or latest depth level that has been reached, which may not contain skeletons. So if I click 'go' it should take me to the depth map selection screen, so I can choose which depth, actually has skeleton.

    Certain missions have special conditions such as reach depth in x minutes. When you click a depth / stage, these special conditions should be mentioned, prior to entering it.

    It would be nice to have different classes, aesthetically it's enjoyable to see various classes fighting, but if not, then again I would like to see a greater variety of weapons (e.g. long range weapons).

    In diablo 2, and dungeon hunter 5, you can switch weapons. I would like to see this as well, it makes the play style more varied, and therefore more enjoyable.

    A lot times in arpg, you have loot / gear that will regenerate health or mana, I would like to see this added here as well.

    I encountered a rare bug, but can't figure out yet how to reproduce it, in the coop boss mode, after attacking the boss for some time, I was then no longer able to click and attack the boss, while other team mates were still attacking it.

    An alternate control option would be nice, e.g. having a dpad with skills on the right.

    Also I know some games will do this with movement. Currently it's tap to move. But if leave my finger on the screen let's say a few inches away from the character, and then move my finger while keeping it pressed on the screen, it would be good if the character still followed my pressed finger. This way you don't have to constantly tap the screen.

    Overall, really enjoy this. The graphics are great, reminds me of torchlight, and game play feels good.
  2. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Any idea how long before it releases worldwide? I dont want to do all the account stuff just to have it come out in a week lol.
  3. vtamarit

    vtamarit Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Valencia (Spain)
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for your comments! Let me answer them one by one :)

    It will be available in about 1-2 months.

    Thank you very much for your great feedback. Really appreciate it :)

    We are still doing some changes in the abilities and the stats. Yes, currently, dexterity and intelligence should be better explained, because it is not clear what they do.

    About range weapons, we plan to include some abilities that will allow players to build a ranged Dwarf. With the current abilities, you can build a good tank/dps or a healer, but there is no option to build a ranged player. We will fix this soon.

    When you help other to defeat the weekly event, you obtain gold, but there is a bug in the last version that does not give that gold to some players after finishing the event.

    In Dungeon Legends, the drop is generated for each player in the coop.

    Currently, the rate drop for epic and legendary items is quite low. As I said, we are balancing the game, and we are still adjusting things like this. Furthermore, we are working on new items, with new designs.

    The first missions give you gold, because is what you really need when you start playing. We do not plan to change the first mission very much, but we will create new ones.

    We are still adjusting this. Maybe we will introduce another ways to earn hearts.

    Yes, thatÂ’s a translation problem. Thanks for pointing it out ;)

    The coop mode is still in development. What we have added to this version is just a first version. We will introduce new coop levels.

    You are right. We should change the way the button works when you click on a mission.

    All of mission with have special conditions are explained before enter. In Depth 3 you can see you have 2:20 minutes to reach the lower lever. Maybe this information is missing in some levels. We will check it.

    Yes, we are working on new items and weapons that will allos players customize their dwarves :)

    In Dungeon Legends you can change your weapon (or any other item) during the game. In top bottom right of the screen there is an icon of a bag that will open the inventory.

    Yes, good point!

    Yes, this is known bug, and we are already working on it. It should be fixed on the next version.

    Some players asked us for a dpad, but we have no plans to include it in the short term. We are very happy with the control system. We have tested other things and they do not feel as friendly as the current system.

    Thank you for your kind words!

    If you have any other doubt, or comment, please, ask it here. We love to know what you have to say about the game. It does not matter if they are good or bad thing. n fact, we prefer to know what you do not know about the game, because that will allow us to improve it.
  4. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The main reason I still haven't played since posting isn't the fact that abilities need training as that's ok by me, but it's training stats still, I know you already commented on it but seriously? Even the starting 15 seconds is annoying never mind 1-2 minutes and no idea what it goes up to.

    You should be able to play the game while it's happening, who wants to log in every few minutes to train? More than that who wants to log in to use their precious time to play then stare at the screen for 2 minutes while it counts down? It's rediculous and I don't know if you think it's going to make you money because people don't want to wait and will buy speedups, but I think like me people will just get irritated and stop playing instead.

    It works for abilities because they take much much longer to train plus they are limited to just a few upgrades and then it's all done with for good.
  5. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013

    Don't know if you had a chance to play Star Wars: Uprising.

    The movement, is similar in that you have to touch where on the screen you want to move.

    But they do two things differently that I really like:

    1) As mentioned previously, once you tap where you want to move, you can also leave your finger on the screen, and then move your finger, while keeping it on the screen. By doing this, the character will follow your finger, and you won't have to constantly tap the screen.

    2) Once you tap the screen, it leaves a highlight permanently on the screen where you tapped it, until the character reaches it, or you tap somewhere else. Although this may seem minor, this is a good feature, that also ultimately helps you so that you don't have to keep re-tapping the screen.

    Also I really liked the legendary hellfire blade you guys offered in the welcome package. I decided to buy it, and will buy more packages if it includes legendary weapons / armors with life steal, or health / mana regen.
  6. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    Also wanted to add, in a MMO you can typically have multiple skill bars.

    Since there are so many skills in this game for a single character, I believe it would be helpful to have this here as well. Because the player will likely and primarily use certain skills in the arena, fighting a boss, playing coop, or single player fighting multiple enemies at once.
  7. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    Wanted to report a bug. In coop, when a teammate uses the charge skill to stun an enemy. If you're standing near that enemy, you'll get stunned as well. I could be wrong, but this happened multiple times, so I believe this was the cause.
  8. vtamarit

    vtamarit Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Valencia (Spain)

    I understand your doubts about how the stats train works. However, I encourage you to try the game. Players play for a while, and then start trainning a stat before closing the game, and it is completed next time they open the game again.


    Thanks for your detailed description of the controller system you told me about. We have been thinking about it, and currently it is a little bit difficult to change the controls and integrate a system like Star Wars: Uprising. But it is definetively a good idea, and we will take it into the account for next updates.

    About the skill bars, you can change the skill at anytime, but we know it would be better if you can configure the bars and save the configuration so you can change them just by tapping the icon with the configuration of the skill bars. We have talked about this feature, but we do not know exactly how to integrate it in the menu, so I am not sure if we will add it in the near future.

    And the bug you mention is not bug, the stun skill is designed that way. We want players to coordinate the attacks during co-op games, so you have to decide when to use certain abilities.

    We are about to launch a new version, with more items, and changes in the drops, to increase the chance to obtain legendary and epic armor. We are also working on the clans and creating more levels.

    If you have any other comment, suggestion or complaint about the game, we want to read it! :)
  9. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    #29 johnthree, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015

    Hi wanted to mention about the weapon switch.

    You said, you can of course go the inventory during game play, and then drag another weapon to manually change it. A problem with this, is that while you're in the thick of battle, this isn't practical, and would be more ideal if you can simply press a single button to switch to an alternate weapon a la diablo 2 and dungeon hunter 5. Imagine if there's multiple enemies attacking you, I would currently click my inventory icon, find an alternate weapon, drag it to my current weapon slot, and by the time I do this, I would likely be dead.
  10. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    #30 johnthree, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
    You'll also quickly reach a point, where you'll no longer examine white gear in order to determine whether or not to equip it, since all your gear will be green an up.

    So instead of selling the white gears one by one, it'll be nice if we can have an option to sale all white gears in the inventory. In Zenonia S they have this feature, and I find it quite helpful, and makes selling and managing your inventory less tedious. In this game you can even choose to sale all gears at x level (e.g. white, green, blue, etc) and below. This is good, because eventually all your gears will likely be blue and up, so it'll be good to also have an option to sale all green and below equipments.
  11. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Any plans for controller support? It seems kinda, I dunno, bad.. when my hand takes up most of the screen while I'm tapping around to move my little guy.
  12. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    #32 johnthree, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2015
    I think that sounds good in theory, but from play I noticed people will use this to steal your kill.

    For example if I'm attacking an enemy and nearly killed it, a "teammate" will charge at me and the enemy stunning us both, and will take the kill and the resulting experience. Or is exp shared? To prevent kill stealing, I like the solution in Diablo 3, if you're near an ally that kills an enemy you'll both get the exp. This encourages teamwork, since a member can focus on support skills.

    Some "teammates" will also just be plain assess. For example one guy today, kept charging and stunning us, even with no enemies around. Sadly I had to retaliate and do the same to him, before he stopped.

    Also at later waves, it becomes essential to stick together for survival. When this occurs you'll also often get knocked back by your own teammates from the spinning attack skill.
  13. vtamarit

    vtamarit Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Valencia (Spain)
    Currently, we have no plans for adding controller support. We designed the gameplay with the touch controlling system in mind. But we will consider this option for future updates.

    We have noticed some players just enter the co-op to mess with others, and, more important, as you said, it could be used to steal a kill from you. We have these things in mind and we are thinking about how we can solve these two situations without changing the behaviour the skills. The experience could be assigned depending on the damage each player has made to the enemy, for example. But that solution has some technical difficulties we have to solve first.

    About the items, yes, we know it is annoying to sell them one by one. We will do something about it in the future.

    And what you said about the weapon, it is a good idea. We would have to redesign the interface first to fit a new weapon-switch icon, or it could maybe be a skill...

    Thanks again for your ideas guys! :)
  14. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    When I do a Hunt, the exp I get from the chest doesn't go add to my character exp. :( Is this supposed to be like that? Where is the exp going?
  15. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    ... on a side not, I've spent way more than I've played the game. :(
  16. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    If there was multiple classes then I would spend money!
  17. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Opps lol. I meant "spent more time". I've spent more time waiting on upgrades than playing the game. I still wanna know where the exp from a hunt is going, because it's definitely not going to my character exp.
  18. johnthree

    johnthree Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2013

    After beating a level, you have the option to quite or continue. I suggest a third option "replay."

    1) This way you can keep grinding for exp if desired, since some levels will be more ideal than others.

    2) If I have a mission that says to kill x type of enemies, some stages will be better than others for this, therefore you will likely want to keep "replaying" the level until the mission requirement is met.
  19. vtamarit

    vtamarit Active Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Valencia (Spain)
    The hunter is not your character. I understand the misunderstanding because we are using the same icon for the main chracter and for the hunter.

    When you send the treasure hunter to the dungeons, he gains experience. The higher level he has, the better items he can get you.

    There are no classes in the classic sense. We are focused in the abilities, so you can build your own class. currently there are three skills groups, but we will add more. So, at the end of the day, you will be able to transform your Dwarf in a Healer, a Tank or a ranged DPS.

    Thanks for the suggestion. It is a good idea :)
  20. F34R

    F34R Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Ahhh!!! Now I understand. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

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