Universal Dungeon Legends 2 (by Dreaming Wizard Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 3, 2022.

  1. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you, Lucasz, and I’m glad to hear about the added tools. I never thought about checking the ground, and sometimes, it’s so dark that it’s hard to see the ground, especially if I’m out of torches. I will scour everything thoroughly to make sure that I find them and am able to open every chest.

    I’m getting concerned about my lack of spells, and worried that I won’t be able to get through the later levels without them. I heard that I will eventually even be facing dragons in this game, and can’t imagine defeating them without better spells.

    I know that back at the end of level 4, I had issues with the dwarf, and had to use the button to bypass him and get the key. I’m sure, that if things had worked properly with the dwarf, that I might have gotten a special item for completing his favour, like the award I got from the goblin king. Maybe he had a spell that would have been useful. Maybe you can remember what award the dwarf would have given me that I missed out on.

    Another area was that puzzle area that I didn’t complete in the middle of level 6, with those four plates. I wonder what I might have missed in that area, and whether any important spells were there? Maybe that’s where the fireball spell was.
  2. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Oh so you should check ground as you may find there torches / potions and tools randomly scattered on each level.
    (there should be 10 tools for each level randomly dropped on ground, so some of them will be in shadows but some near torces).

    As for the Dwarf, as far as I remember he gave some potions and a random item from higher level.
    I am pretty sure you will find spells on level 9-10, it's all random but as far as I remember (I hope I included it not just planned to do so) on lvl9 there is a library with books where you should find some, or the centaur should give you book for solving quest.
    I am just thinking, I will send a new update with some fixes and I will add rewards for level 11 quests, I will add random spellbook or two that player didn't learn yet.
    As for the dragon, how to say it, it doesn't matter if you have spells or not, you can't kill him unless you posses his powers. There will be a hint given by the Watcher how to kill the dragon.
  3. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #123 David1953, Feb 22, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
    I’m in the first big room on level 9, Lucasz, not sure whether it should be considered a library or not, but there are at least a few bookcases around the sides. No spells in there, but maybe the library that you’re talking about is farther in.

    Finally found a decent spell, and oddly enough, in the most mundane looking barrel. Not fireball, but Icewall sounds as though it could be half decent.

    One thing that I should say is that those alien monsters look pretty darned cool, definitely one of the most interesting in the entire game thus far.
  4. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Ha I knew you will find some spells on lvl9. If you have decent magic level icewall should be really powerful, I think it's much less common and more powerfull than fireball. But that's all because of the randomness - you never know what you get even in an old barrel.
    Well those aliens are cool, I don't know why I didn't use them in any promo video or trailer ;)
    David1953 likes this.
  5. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #125 David1953, Feb 23, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
    Wow, level 10 was brutal, and I almost thought that I would have to quit the game. One of the two monster types on that level was fairly easy, but the other was ridiculous. Naturally, the harder of the two monsters predominated. I finally made it to level 11, and who knows what awaits me there. I did kill one snake, but it wasn’t too bad. I’m sure that there will be other, tougher monsters.

    I wonder how many levels are in the game, and I seem to recall somewhere hearing that there are 12 levels in total, so that would mean that I’m nearing the end.

    I’m also curious as to what character level I should expect to be at this point? I’m currently level 12, a little ways away from level 13.

    I’m also wondering how armour class works? I had an armour class of 80 throughout most of level 10, but still got a lot of damage from every hit from the harder monster on level 10. I would have though that an armour class of 80 would protect against most damage. I even tested a shield that raised my armour class to 90(it had no magical modifiers, though, hence the reason I didn’t use it regularly) but even that didn’t help.
  6. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    I am glad you didn't end on lvl10. Which of the monsters was that difficult? Spider/alien guys are supposed to be slow, the other one is fast but weaker?

    There are 12 levels so I do belive you will end soon :)
    How about spells, did you find more? I am sending an update giving spellboks for quests but Iooks like you're going to finish before it's online ;)
    As far as I remember you should get to lvl 14-15? I have to check in my notes.
    Lvl 11 are snakes and a big boss, but I think you will easily deal with him.
    Lvl12 might be a challenge as there are only strong guys there, but not that many of them.
    I am counting on you, you're the first one so close to the end! :)
  7. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #127 David1953, Feb 24, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
    Hi Lucasz, I didn’t find level 11 bad at all, provided I didn’t take on more than one snake at once, and allowed my mana and health to recover between battles. The boss was a bit hard, but not excessively so, and with the help of a couple of potions, I took him down.

    I was disappointed, though, that apart from the two keys needed, that the giant snake didn’t award me for killing the boss. I was hoping for a spell book or something.

    As for spells, I continue to be unlucky. I was awarded by the centaur with a spell back on level 9, which bought my total spells to 7. I’m just starting level 12, and haven’t found any more since level 9. I’ve found a lot of spell books, but every single one is a repeat of either the energy bolt spell, or the heal spell. I’m sure that I’ve found energy bolt 6 or 7 times, and heal 3 or 4 times.

    As for the monsters on level 10, the monster that I found was the hardest was that bigger spider/alien one. They were crazy hard, and sapped my resources to get through them. Also, they weren’t that slow. Several times I had to run from them, but they were always right on my tail, and I could never deal with more than one at a time. (I had to reload if I saw two at a time.)

    One thing that I would love to see is the ability to cast spells that aren’t in the two quick slots. It would be nice to go to the spell book and double tap or something to cast a spell that isn’t in a quick slot. Another nice option would be more quick spell slots.

    Thank you for your kind words, and here’s a screenshot of my character. The attributes are including bonuses from items, btw. Also, I should mention that I haven’t found a single magic amulet in the entire game.

  8. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Well, I think your character looks pretty good, definitely Health and Mana are similar to what I expected on lvl 12. damage is decent as well, what you could improve is armor (about 100-110 is what I have noted). I think you should do well on lvl12.

    Thanks to your feedback I have already done some changes and yes, Dragonsnake lord will give spellbok for the quest, as well as Dwarf on lvl4, Watcher on lvl1.
    I see you don't have an earing and you wrote about a single amulet, this items are rather rare and to be found on higher levels, but I think I will add some simple magic jewelry items to be found on lower levels.

    Oh yes, the spells, I thought about it, just two slots is not enough. I will add the third one, thanks for the idea.
    I hope you will have some fun on lvl12 but no big problems ;)
  9. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #129 David1953, Feb 25, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
    Thank you, Lucasz, and your suggestion about the armour is good. I can get the armour class close to 100, possibly even a bit higher, but I lose a lot of the bonuses, since most of the highest level armour that I’ve seen has no attribute bonuses.

    About damage, I’ve found a couple of weapons other than mine that deal out more, but they are very slow, so I’m not gaining anything by using the slower ones. I’ve already expended quite a few points in agility even to get my current weapon working at a decent speed. This would be at the cost of endurance and strength. Most of my magic points are from bonuses from items.

    When fighting, I try to fight using “enchant weapon” before each battle, and that increases the max damage a lot higher than is seen here, close to 190 or so with the spell in effect. Usually, I use one of my spell slots for enchant weapon, and the second slot for heal. The reason that I would prefer more than the current two slots is to allow possibly an offensive spell like Ice Storm in the third slot, and possibly, if there were to ever be a fourth slot, a spell like shield, to increase armour rating during combat.

    I like your ideas about adding more spells, even though I won’t be able to take advantage of them, since I’m already past the quests that you mentioned.

    Another thing is that you mentioned in one of your earlier posts a “Watcher” who gives me tips on defeating the dragon. I hope that I haven’t missed this Watcher, possibly on an earlier level, since I need to be prepared for fighting the dragon, and also, know how to do so.

    In summing up, I can’t even imagine playing the game at a higher difficulty level than my current “Easy”. It’s darned difficult as it is just as it is now, so I really have to admire anyone who can get through the game on the “Hard” level. Surely I’m not that bad, to even find “Easy” that difficult . Or, possibly I’m just rusty, since it’s been so long since I’ve played a dungeon crawler. I know that a long time back, I played games like Wizardry 6, and most of the Might and Magic games, on normal difficulty, without trouble.

    Oh, I did think of one more thing that would be nice to see implemented in future versions of the game. I’m wondering whether you’ve ever thought about including a health bar over monsters when fighting them? It’s just a way of letting you know how much damage you are inflicting, and whether you are close to defeating a particular monster. It’s just a sign of encouragement. Maybe you’ve tried it already, and couldn’t get the feature to work, but it’s just a thought.
  10. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #130 David1953, Feb 25, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
    It looks as though I have run into a game breaking bug on level 12. There are several doors that require gems to open. There were two in the SE and SW that I was able to open using ruby and amethyst gems, and those worked fine. There’s another door that requires two gems to open. I was able to find the emerald gem initially, I believe in the SW, but couldn’t find the sapphire gem anywhere. I’m concerned that a killed monster may have fallen on it, since all gems were on the ground.

    Now, it appears that the emerald gem that I found earlier has disappeared from my inventory. I definitely didn’t drop it, and still hadn’t used it to in the slot asking for it. (I was waiting to find the sapphire gem first.) Now, if I tap on the slot asking for the emerald gem, I don’t have one to put in there. One thing that I was doing was restoring my game multiple times from a save, since I only have one torch, and needed it to help on the search for the sapphire gem.(I would load a save, fire up the torch, then search as quickly as I could before it ran out. I would then reload the earlier save so that I would still have the torch, enabling me to search somewhere else.). It seems that on one of those reloads, the emerald gem disappeared.

    Also, where is the sapphire gem supposed to be? I’ve scoured every square inch of floor.

    There’s a couple more doors on the level with no keyholes, so I assume that they can only be opened from the other side.

    Also, it would be nice to have at least a few healing items on this level. I haven’t found anything, not even so much as an apple, let alone a potion, lol.

    There appears to be another bug regarding the “freeze” spell, which I found on the level. The spell description says that it would freeze an enemy for about 400 seconds, depending on magic level. I tried using it on the tougher of the two monsters that I’ve encountered on this level, and it only freezes him for about 4 seconds, not 400. Another spell that I use, “shield” that is also time based works fine.

    One thing that I should mention is that when I used the freeze spell, I attempted to use it on the tougher of the two monsters, the red, glowing one. I’m wondering whether the spell is ineffective against fire based monsters. I haven’t had a chance to try it out on the blue monster, since there aren’t any more in the area that I’m in.

    I also tried the “cheat” code, that you gave back on level 4, to try to open those doors that I can’t open, but it doesn’t work here.
  11. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    I actually tried going quickly up to the next floor and back down again, in the hope that level 12 would be “reset’, giving me the opportunity to try for those keys again, but that didn’t help either.

    One thing that I’ve realized is that the lost emerald gem isn’t the only inventory item that has disappeared. I actually had a couple of rings in my inventory at an earlier time, but those have since disappeared as well. Disappearing inventory items is never a good thing.

    I guess that I’m going to have to shelve the game until a patch is released, and I hope that there will be more healing and mana potions added to this level as well, since I can’t imagine completing this level without a single potion.
  12. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Hi David, I am sorry I didn't answer for a few days, I had my daughter's baptism this weekend and I've just returned home after several days.
    I am sorry to hear you experienced some trouble on lvl 12, I will read it closely tomorrow (it's late night here) and I will give it a thought.

    As for the freeze spell, it's the description problem, the length of freeze depend's also on enemies magic skill so the stronger the monster the shorter the spell works.
    I will let you know more tomorrow!
  13. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #133 David1953, Mar 2, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2022
    Thank you, Lukasz, and congrats to your daughter. I hope that you and all your family had a great trip.

    I almost restarted the game from scratch yesterday, since I noticed that your latest update improving the number of spells is now live. However, I will wait until you check out my problems with disappearing inventory items and not enough healing items to complete the level before I make any decision as to what to do.

    Just as a quick summary, a critical gem disappeared from my inventory, and there was another gem that I couldn’t find, possibly underneath a fallen monster. Then, I have almost no healing items, except for one loaf of bread, which would be insufficient to complete the level.

    On a side note, if you plan any future updates, I would suggest putting critical items such as the gems required to open doors on level 12 either in chests (preferred) or in barrels rather than on the ground. The gems on the ground that I managed to find were small and hard to see, especially if one is out of torches, and I never did find one gem that I should have found.. Then, there’s the added issue that if you happen to kill a monster(especially a large one like the ones on this level) right where a gem is, the monster could fall right on top of the gem, making it either impossible to see or not accessible at all.
  14. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Thank you David,
    I am just releasing next update with your fixes. Button combination from level 4 didn't work as it was only prepared for that level, but now I added it working for lvl12. So if you press 2x left top and 2x left bottom it should solve your problem :)

    As for disappearing items,I have been looking for a source of this problem but didn't find anything that could cause it. I didn't have any reports from other players about it and didn't encounter it myself so it's very hard to find out where's the problem. Maybe one of the saves was corrupted, maybe it's just a case of this particular item? I will keep looking into it.
    You said that one gem was trapped under a monster. To get rid of the monster's body you can pick all items from his storage and when you do so he will disappear. (sometimes you have to reopen his inventory).
    The gem you couldn't find (saphire) is located at the left bottom part of the map, between two chests (it's guarded by golem, this level is not random with enemies).
    So I hope this update will help, I will wait for your feedback :)
    David1953 likes this.
  15. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you Lukasz. Your suggestion about clearing items from monsters to allow their bodies to disappear worked like a charm, but sadly, there were no gems hiding underneath them. I did go to the extreme SW portion of the map, and the two chests were there, but there was no sign of a gem anywhere. Oddly enough, that seems to be where I recall finding the emerald gem earlier (which disappeared from my inventory) rather than the sapphire gem that you mentioned.

    I appreciate you adjusting things so that I can access that door which requires the emerald and sapphire gems. I will give it a try, after your update, and keep my fingers crossed that I will be able to complete the level.

    With only a single loaf of bread for healing, and the golems so hard to kill (especially the red one), I’m not sure whether I can complete the level as it us now, but I will give it a try. I hope that there will be more potions on the other side of the door.
  16. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Just another update, Lucasz, and this is very odd, and it could be a serious issue. When I loaded a save after “clearing” a monster and having his corpse disappear, after I reloaded the save, the corpse was back, complete with a duplicate of the item that I had just picked up. If I pick up the item, now I have a duplicate of it. If I save again, the corpse comes back a third time, complete with a third copy of the same item on its corpse.

    This seems to tell me that there is indeed something corrupt with my save file, and maybe I shouldn’t be trying to continue the game under its current condition. I will await your thoughts on this, and whether I should continue starting a new game.

    Should I restart a new game from scratch, I was wondering whether to start again on easy mode, or normal? I would still prefer starting on easy, but if the random item finds are better on normal, maybe that would be better. You would know whether the difficulty level chosen would affect the quality of item drops, and also, the probability of getting more spells.
  17. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
  18. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Well David I will be honest, you are the best tester I have ever met ;) I think I know what's going on with the monsters, but I didn't know it happens and nobody else told me about it. It's not your save file, it's my logic mistake.
    So basically, when monster's inventory is empty, they fall down and when they are below surface level they get destroyed.
    But when they get destroyed, they no longer get saved (I mean their inventory) as inventory script is attached to the mesh that is destroyed so it doesn't work anymore and doesn't save. So when you load game it doesn't know that this monster has disappeared.
    I have just understood it when I have read your message but it must be the reason.

    So here is how it looks like. Update is on the way, but it's not solving the disappearing monsters problem as I just got to know about it.
    It's a bit late today so I can't send a new update, and tomorrow I am leaving again this time for 6 days, I am back next Wednesday and that's when I will send an update fixing this monster's problem.
    Solution is simple, I will not destroy the object but I will just move it down below surface level and let it be there.

    As for your decision weather to start again or not:
    - difficulty level doesn't affect chance to find items, it's constant.
    I have just changed chance to find spellbooks by 5% so it should be easier to find it.
    I have also added spellbooks as prizes for solving quests on some levels.
    Difficulty level affects number of enemies you meet on level and their hp.
    It affects number of items you find on the ground, not in barrels/chests (and this are torches, potions).
    If you decide to play again, you should have a smooth way as I hope I have fixed everything on the way (but the disappearing monsters problem)
    But on the other hand you are so close to the end and this new update will help you deal with the gems and potions.
    So I don't know what should you do but I do really hope either way you will be the first person to tell me that has finished the game ;)

    Update should be online tomorrow.
  19. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #139 David1953, Mar 2, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
    Hi Lucasz, thank you so much, and I’m glad you have a heads up on what is happening. I will set aside my level 12 game I’ve had a chance to update. That level 12 game is on the newest version of iPad Pro with the M5 chip.

    In the meantime, I actually started a new game on an older iPad Pro that I own, and have completed level 1, or at least up to the point where I got the key from the Watcher. That way, I can play two separate games, and see how they compare.

    The game actually plays very nicely on my older machine, and the move rate through the dungeons is excellent as well. I’m not getting those “sometimes very slow movement” situations that I sometimes experienced with the newer machine, at least not so far. It’s odd that the game actually seems to run better on the older machine than the newer one. That may change as I get deeper in to the game on the older machine, but at least now it runs very well.

    I was rewarded with a spell from the tree (Watcher), but haven’t found any others yet. One thing that I did find interesting is that the game seems easier this time around, especially killing the scorpions. I actually encountered the scorpions before the Rat King, so I didn’t have his more powerful sword at that time, but even without it, they seemed easier to kill than when I played the game the first time. I am actually wondering whether there was something off with my older game on the other machine, since some monsters seemed harder than they should have been for the “easy” level. One way that I’ll really be able to tell for sure is when I encounter those zombies on level 6 on this new play through They were almost impossible to kill the first time I played the game, supposedly on “easy”.

    Have a good trip!
  20. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #140 David1953, Mar 4, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2022
    More issues with the game, and I’m thinking of giving up totally in its current state. This is all during the second play through.

    Level 4. Crown disappeared from my inventory, after reloading a save. The only solution was to use the “cheat” code to bring it back. The cheat code was necessary since it wasn’t in its original location after reloading the save.

    Level 6. I used the red key to open the door, but I chose not to go through it, since I remember it closing behind me in my earlier play through, and I wanted to go back and try to solve that puzzle with the four plates, in case there was anything good in that area. Now, the red key is gone from my inventory, the door is closed, and the chest originally containing the red key doesn’t have the key either. Now, I cannot proceed. What is odd, is that when I load the save near this door, it’s briefly open, then I can see if closing itself as the game is being loaded. The key hole demands a red key, which I already used to open the door prior to saving the game.

    Level 6. More healing items are needed on this level. What I find odd about the game is that levels with mostly easy monsters have so many healing items, that they can’t all be picked up because of inventory space. Then, when there’s a level filled with tough monsters like zombies, there’s basically nothing. I think that so far on the level I have found one apple and one egg for healing. The zombies are almost impossible to kill, even on “easy mode”, and there are almost no spells in the game, since obtaining spells is luck based. I have three spells during this second play through(magic shield, energy bolt, and fireball), and don’t have the “heal” spell, “drain energy”, or “enchant weapon” spell that I had during the first play through. Two of the spells were available from quests in the game, and I have only found one spell in a chest through to level 6. On a side note, I had thought that fireball would be more effective against the zombies. However, even after tossing as many as my mana allows, at least 6 or 7, along with numerous hits from an excellent weapon (damage 49-92), they won’t go down, unless I use a mana potion and toss more fireballs at them. They must have about 1,000 hit points each or something, and this is on “easy” mode.

    I really think that “heal” should be available prior to starting level 6. One suggestion is that since you do have a chance to talk to the Watcher before leaving level 5, perhaps the Watcher could give you the Heal spell then.

    Possibly you could include these suggestions in your next update, Lucasz. The most critical priority is to deal with disappearing inventory items upon reloading a save, and also that door that closes on level 6 after being opened with the red key earlier.

    Update, I finally solved the four plates puzzle, but it was a let down. There was absolutely nothing in there apart from some urns and useless items in them. I was hoping for a chest with either spells or good weapons or armour. At least I’ll know not to bother with this puzzle should I ever decide to do another play through.

    I will confess that I’m probably a bit crazy putting so much time and effort into this game, but possibly I’m just addicted, and would really like to see it through to its end. It’s sad that it’s so buggy, since otherwise, it’s addictive and fun.

    Edit. Gave up on second play through, and started a third play through. There seems to be a bug on level 2 this time. I got a gold key from killing a “mini boss”, but there’s no where to use it. There is a blue door, but the key that I have is the wrong colour. I cleared out a large area, and there are several chests, but no blue key. I also opened those two side rooms activated by switches in another area, but there was no blue key in either of those chests found in those rooms. I think that there was supposed to be a blue key in at least one of those chests. There is a large room in the south, and what appears to be an area, on the map, south of it, but there aren’t any switches to open this area. What’s odd is that on earlier play throughs, I had no issues with level 2, and am almost positive that the blue key was in one of those chests that I opened.

    Another oddity is that I started this third play through on “normal”, and there doesn’t seem to be any difference from the “easy” difficulty that I had been playing on the two earlier play throughs.

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