Universal Dungeon Legends 2 (by Dreaming Wizard Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 3, 2022.

  1. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    There will be controller support?
  2. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    How, on earth, are you supposed to kill those mummy like things on this level? Even on easy mode, the level that I’m playing on, I find even one almost too much to take on, and the fact that there are so many makes it well nigh impossible. I’ve tried several different spells, as well as enchanting my weapon, but nothing works at all well.

    The skeletons are fairly straightforward, but if I can’t progress beyond these mummies, I might have to shelve the game. Maybe there’s a spell that I missed somewhere.
  3. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Somehow, I got stuck here, just south of the door where one can see the arrow is pointing. I had used a key to open this door earlier. Somehow, the door closed behind me, and I can’t get back. Although I can proceed south, and through some doors there, it only leads me to more of those monsters which are almost impossible to kill. I’ve managed to kill several of them, but I don’t have any resources left, and there aren’t any healing resources on the level either. I wish there was a spell or something to kill these monsters easily, and I have to be missing something, since I don’t even get a lot of experience when I kill one of those things.
  4. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    #104 Lukasz Radziejewicz, Feb 21, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
    Do you play on easy or very easy?
    on easy settings:

    zombieAtkUpdate = 25;
    zombieAttackMin = 105;
    zombieAttackMax = 195;
    zombieHealth = 265;
    zombieToHit = 63;
    zombieArmor = 34;

    skeleton6AtkUpdate = 25;
    skeleton6Armor = 31;
    skeleton6AttackMin = 75;
    skeleton6AttackMax = 135;
    skeleton6Health = 210;
    skeleton6ToHit = 68;

    What spells do you have?
    so I guess the problem is not their resistance but their attack power?
    If so I will adjust it a bit and send an update ok?

    Oh and one more tip, maybe you use that or maybe not?
    When you fight it's good to move back and to the sides, so you can attack and avoid enemies attacks, they have to be close to attack, that mummies are slow so it works very well on them, you should not fight them static way. So attack, move back/side, attack and back/side. That's why it's important to pick good locations to fight (I prefere rooms at least 2x2 tiles, the bigger the better, and one at a time). Does it help or should I change their stats?
    William Hououin likes this.
  5. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    I have the following spells, Lukasz. I’m playing on “easy”, btw. I’ve never had any issues with any monsters so far, until these zombies. I have no issues defeating the skeletons, even the ones with shields. The Drain Energy spell works well on the skeletons.

    Energy Bolt.
    Magic Shield
    Drain Energy
    Enchant Weapon

    I haven’t found any spells other than these. The zombies do a crazy amount of damage with every hit, and even my strongest weapon does almost nothing. I can barely kill one, and it takes a lot of resources to do so.

    By the way, in my post just before this one, I tried to include where I was stuck on the map, but the file size was too large, so I couldn’t include it. I’m going to try reducing the file size. I’m basically stuck behind a closed door for which I had used the gold key to open earlier.
  6. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Here’s the point on the map where I was stuck, just south of a door I had used to open earlier with a gold key. The door is now closed, and I can’t get back to the northern portion of the map 73DED94C-B193-4FDD-BF5E-F704E7A3E648.png
  7. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Oh and one more tip, maybe you use that or maybe not?
    When you fight it's good to move back and to the sides, so you can attack and avoid enemies attacks, they have to be close to attack, that mummies are slow so it works very well on them, you should not fight them static way. So attack, move back/side, attack and back/side. That's why it's important to pick good locations to fight (I prefere rooms at least 2x2 tiles, the bigger the better, and one at a time). Does it help or should I change their stats?

    Hmm you would need fireball at this level, but it's random so you might get it any time now.
  8. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    As for the place you're stuck, you don't need to go back anymore, all you need is in the lower part of map now, I don't remember exactly how to open that door but I will be at the computer in an hour or two and I will check and let you know.
  9. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Actually, I ended up making it to the next level down, by running past one zombie that I didn’t kill, but I missed out on completing the puzzle area in the middle portion of the map, with four plates that needed to be either up or down, and a door which I was never able to open. I’m wondering whether it’s possible to get back to level 6 again? I’m not going to try for now.

    Thanks for the fighting tips, Lukasz. I’ve tried dodging to the side and stuff, but the zombies seem to be much faster than you are indicating. I sure hope that I find that fireball spell soon, since I have no idea what awaits me in level 7. Maybe the fireball spell was in that puzzle area on level 6 that I never ended up completing.
  10. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #110 David1953, Feb 21, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
    I’m now down to level 8, and am still looking for that darned fireball spell. The zombies remain the hardest monsters to kill, harder than the other two types that I found on level 7, even the two “mini boss” types. I actually found that a faster sword was more effective, even if the damage was less than a more powerful weapon. The last time that I found a new spell was way back on level 5.

    What awaits me on level 8?

    I was thinking, Lucasz, that if fireball spell is needed to complete the game, and I did indeed miss it on an earlier level, and it’s random whether I find it again, that you put it in an “important chest”, ie one where you would find a key, so it would be one that would have to be opened. That way, everyone would be guaranteed of getting it at some point in the game.

    I actually think that if I had had that spell for levels 6 and 7, that things would have been a lot easier.
  11. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    You have made it to lvl 8 so quickly, wow I am impressed. As for the weapons, it was the idea that sometimes faster weapon with lower damage is better.
    Level 8 is a new chapter. New design, not much of a puzzle (actually just one with floor buttons, but quite a bit of searching for key and new enemies.
    Bats are weak but fast, other guy might be a strong opponent.
    And at the end of the level is finally the first of the big bosses, he might be a challenge but if you are hurt you can always go back to the corridor and he won't follow you as he's too big.
    David1953 likes this.
  12. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    What controller are you thinking about? iOS or Android? To be honest I didn't think about the need of using controllers but I get so many questions about it that I will try to add controller support soon.
    William Hououin likes this.
  13. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    I’m not doing too badly on level 8, Lucasz, thank you for your kind words, and so far I’ve found a red key and killed quite a few bats as well as a few of that “other monster”. The other monster you mentioned is tough, provided that I only have to face one at a time, but I’m having nowhere near the same difficulty as I had with those zombies on the earlier levels. Those zombies were by far the toughest opponents that I’ve faced in the game. I’m wondering whether something was off with the balance for the zombies, or, we’re people supposed to have the fireball spell before taking them on?

    I’m still hoping for more spells, particularly the fireball spell that you mentioned.. The last time that I found a spell book was three levels ago, and maybe, I’m just unlucky. I’ve found plenty of armour and weapons, etc., but no spells.

    I suspect that I’ll have trouble with the boss, but your tips are good ones. What I find odd at this point in the game is the scarcity of healing items, and even items to restore mana. Mostly, what I end up doing is waiting somewhere quiet, and allowing the mana and health to regenerate, before taking on more monsters.
  14. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Hmm that is very strange with those zombies, I suspect there is something wrong with them, they should be stronger than skeletons but weaker than the weaponmasters (those two minibosses).
    I will have to investigate what's up with them, but good thing is you will not meet them again.
    As for the healing potions, why don't you use heal spell? I think I will add more healing & mana potions scattered around on the ground on upper levels.
  15. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you, Lukasz. I’m playing on easy mode, and I’m actually wondering whether the coding that affects difficulty for monsters may be off, in this particular mode, for the zombies. It took many, many hits from my best weapon to kill them, and there was lots of damage with every hit from them as well. I had a far easier time with the two weapon masters on that level. Granted, they were tough, but they didn’t give me the headache that the zombies did. I’m glad that I won’t have to face those zombies again, lol.

    I’ve basically cleared out level 8, except for that darned floor plate puzzle. How is one supposed to figure out which plates need to go down, and which are up? Then, there’s the matter of stepping on them in the right way to even effect the right combination. There are so many possible combinations, and too bad that there isn’t a hint somewhere. I’m not a fan of “brute forcing” puzzles.

    I’ve found some really nice weapons and armour, have almost 2000 and 2000 mana each, with the best stuff equipped, but I would love to have more spells. It’s odd that there are so few spell books. The last spell book that I found was near the end of level 5.

    Yes, I do use the heal spell, at least until my mana runs out. That was happening all the time when dealing with the zombies. I basically used all my resources on them.
  16. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    DualShock 4
  17. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #117 David1953, Feb 22, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
    Do you have any hints for that floor puzzle in level 8, Lukasz? Even a gentle nudge, like how many of those seven plates need to be up, and how many need to be down, would help. It’s too bad that there aren’t any hints on the level, such as a note or something. Maybe I should just try to get all the plates down, and see if that works.

    Got it, finally! Don’t know how I did, but I think that I was just lucky.
  18. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Hi David,
    there is a scroll with a letter on lvl8 that is explaining that puzzle, but it's randomly dropped so maybe you just missed it. Good you were able to solve it yourself, it;s actually quite easy, all buttons should be on just the one on the intersection should be off.
  19. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you, Lukasz. I initially tried to get all the buttons on, and when I stepped on the middle one, that turned it off, I heard the door open in the distance, then just stepped in the correct way so the last two buttons stayed down.

    I’m actually down to level 9 now. I used “cheap tactics” to kill the boss, stepping in and out of the doors to dodge his shots and get my own in. It took forever, but I was able to do it using only a small amount of resources.

    There were lots of chests to be opened in the final part of that level, and I got excited when I saw a couple of spell books. Sadly, they were both for spells that I already had. The fireball spell remains elusive. Three or four of the chests required tools, and since I only had one tool left, I did the “save/restore” thing on any chests that required a tool, so I wouldn’t waste my last tool.

    I hope that there are more tools to be found in lower levels of the game.
  20. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    I have added 10 tools per level to be randomly scattered around (not in barrels/boxes/chests but on the ground so look for them too.
    You are sadly unlucky with spellbooks, on lvl 9 there is a shelf with books that was supposed to give you some, or the centaur? I don't remember now but I think you should get some more spells on this level.

    On 9 lvl helldogs are fast but weaker, and alien mosters are stronger but slower. There should be no puzzle things, but keys and a quest. It should be easy for you ;)
    David1953 and William Hououin like this.

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