Universal Dungeon Legends 2 (by Dreaming Wizard Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 3, 2022.

  1. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Damn and I thought it would be so easy to solve this situation. Yes by going you should have loaded that save of level 4 but since you have been trapped on lvl3 I don't know what exactly happened with that save of lvl 4. I would suggest not to save for now on level 4 because it will overwrite the old save with the current situation on this level.
    So I understand that monsters are already dead, but doors are closed, right?
    My guess is you will not find necessary keys as items were probably saved as well, so it's just the problem with door.

    So what I need to know is if you have already saved this state on lvl 4?
    And what about the keys?

    And the solution - if you can find keys on lvl4 just go with it.
    If keys are gone (as you have already used them), but door are closed, I will create a quick hidden lifehack for you, I will add a decorative button in quick menu that will help you if you press it several times (like a secret sequence so nobody else uses it ;)
    I just don't know if you would prefer one opening the locked door on lvl 4 or one teleporting you to the end of lvl 4?
    Oh I see your answer now, so just let me know if you have saved one lvl4 after returning or not?
    David1953 likes this.
  2. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Here’s a map of my level as it is now. The door on the upper left is locked, and I have no silver key, since I used it the first time I cleared the dungeon. I think that you mentioned that the crown is in the southern cave, but there’s none there.

  3. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #83 David1953, Feb 18, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2022
    Oh, sorry, Lukasz, I missed your earlier post when I loaded my map.

    Unfortunately, I did save on level four after I started it. I know that there are other keys I will need as well, since I used them the first time I played the level.

    Actually, I wouldn’t even mind playing a completely “fresh” level 4 again. That is, the entire level, complete with all monsters, and original items still in their chests. I’m not sure whether there’s a way to get a “new” level 4 loaded in my case, unless I try to go up to level 3 again, then back down to a new, “fresh”, level 4.

    Whatever is the easiest solution for you, Lukasz, I would be happy with it.

    I really appreciate your help, Lukasz, and it wonderful seeing developers so involved in the community!
  4. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Interesting, but I just noticed that the goblin crown is in my inventory, so that problem is solved. I have no idea how it got there, but maybe it was loaded into my inventory when I restarted level 4 again, and I only noticed it now.

    Now, if I could just get the keys that I need, I would be all set.
  5. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Ok David I have just finished a new update and I am sending to Appstore in a minute.
    So I have added 3 decorative rounded buttons in the load save menu. (like there was one button with x to close menu, there are three more in the other corners but with some decorations.
    Now if you press Two buttons on the left side twice (upper twice and lower twice, sequence doesn't matter) you will get all the locked door up to the ogre that wants to be a goblin king opened. I have set it to add a crown to your inventory so I will leave it just as it is, you will have two, so you can through one away.
    And you can deal with him & crown.
    If, what is also possible, your quest progress on this level was overwritten and you will not be able to finish the crown quest (I don't know, but just in case) you can press the last, lower right rounded button 4 times and you will get the last door opened :) This should quickly let you go through this situation :)
  6. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you so much, Lukasz, you really are awesome, and your willingness to address the issues that I have run into so quickly, (because of a stupid mistake that I made earlier) sure speaks volumes.

    I should mention that I actually have the crown in my inventory now, even if I don’t know where it came from, but as you said, having two isn’t a problem. As long as I can speak to both the dwarf and the goblin king, I should be OK.
    Lukasz Radziejewicz likes this.
  7. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Holy crap, you're a responsive dev!
  8. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    With this game being a true “labour of love”, I really think that this developer needs at least a few good reviews from us who are playing, and enjoying it. Let’s step in and give him our support!
    William Hououin likes this.
  9. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Thank you David for saying it, I didn't want to ask but espiecially for iOS I have almost no reviews/ratings although I got a very positive feedback so every one means a lot and is very helpful :)

    David is now in Appstore waiting for a review, and remember that even if you will get in any trouble with that ogre/dwarf you can use the second combination to open the last door :)

    Well, I am trying to, you know I have worked so long on this game that I would love to know people are enjoying playing it, so if I know there is any trouble I can't stop until I fix it ;)
    David1953 likes this.
  10. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
  11. William Hououin

    Feb 11, 2022
    my gosh you’re right, thanks, no idea why I didn’t wrote one already … even made videos about the game, but didn’t left a review

    I will do that right now! And I’m playing on iOS!!!

    Spoilers: it’s going to be a 5 stars review
  12. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Your latest update worked like a charm, Lukasz, and now I should be able to proceed to the next level down. Thank you for fixing this so quickly!
  13. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    #93 David1953, Feb 20, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2022
    I guess that I’m going to have to use the second “cheat”, Lukasz. Although the Goblin King was great, and even gave me an extra weapon for my trouble, the dwarf was a “no go”, and didn’t think that I had completed the quest. I might try “throwing away” the second crown and see whether that works before resorting to the lower right button “cheat”.

    I will try your second button to see whether that solves the issue if the dwarf is still uncooperative..

    The second button did work, and it’s too bad that I had to use it. Even dropping the second crown before talking to the dwarf didn’t help. Odd that the Goblin King was so cooperative but the dwarf wasn’t.

    However, I have now made it to level 5 and can continue onwards. Hurray!
    William Hououin likes this.
  14. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022

    David, sorry you had to use that buttons but that stairs loop must have messed with saves of quest progress of dwarf, I will check it for sure.
    So I am glad the 2nd button worked and now you're good to go with lvl 5.
    I wonder how will you do on lvl5 as it may not be that easy, or maybe it is?
    Btw I thought I will write some help instructions on game website for each level as people might get stuck in some places not knowing what to do.

    And thank you guys so much for the reviews! :)
    William Hououin likes this.
  15. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Hi Lucas, I did complete level 5, and am now at the beginning of level 6, but it was certainly tricky! That room filled with teleports was driving me insane at one point, but I finally got through it. While doing that room, I did press a button, but had no idea what it did. It may have opened a door a bit farther along, but I did manage to snag an important key.

    Also, I was wondering whether there was any way to disable the traps on that level? I managed to dodge to the side with some of them, but it wasn’t possible in every case. I was very thankful to have the healing spell, otherwise I might have needed to use most of my healing stuff, just to get by some of these traps, especially a nasty double one.

    That’s great that you’re going to make a guide for each level, and even overall pointers would really help. It would also be good to know how best to spend one’s points, particularly in the later stages of the game. I would prefer not to make a character who doesn’t have the skill to get through the later levels.

    There’s a few things that I would like to add, during my play-through, that I thought I should mention.

    One thing that I should mention is that the movement speed of my character seems to be random whenever I start up the game. Sometimes, when I start the game, I get a nice, fast, movement speed, making it easier to dodge traps if I need to. Other times, when I start the game, the movement speed is very slow, with a pause each time to press the foreword (or any) movement arrow, and of course, I can’t dodge traps that way. What’s strange is that if I get the “fast” movement speed when I start the game, it stays fast for that play session, but if I somehow “draw” the slow movement speed, it stays slow for the entire game session as well. It’s a matter of quitting the game and hoping that the next time I start it, I somehow “luck out”, and get the fast movement speed.

    I should mention that I have the fastest version of the iPad Pro (2021 M5, 12 inch), as well as the latest iOS, so neither my hardware nor software should be the cause of the occasionally slow movement speed when I start up the game.

    Another question that I have, and it could be a huge ask, was whether you had given any consideration to allowing similar inventory items, such as skulls, torches, and tools, to be stacked (with a possible limit per stack), to save at least some inventory space. I’m finding that I’m using quite a few skulls, and finding quite a few as well, now that I have the spell to make them useful.

    Thank you again, Lukasz!
  16. William Hououin

    Feb 11, 2022
    Hi all!

    So, I’m stuck in floor 6, I’m pretty sure it’s something to do with the switches on the floor.
    Tried many combinations, as in the order to turn them on, but no luck

    tips ?

    I’m speaking about that door :
  17. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Hi William, you're right, it's the combination of three stone switches on the floor, the ones that are on the left side of your map.
    The right combination is:
    - button on the bottom of the map is ON
    - middle one is OFF
    - top one is ON
    William Hououin likes this.
  18. William Hououin

    Feb 11, 2022
    thank you !!!!

    super quick reply btw, didn’t expected anything that fast !
    Lukasz Radziejewicz likes this.
  19. Lukasz Radziejewicz

    Lukasz Radziejewicz Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2022
    Wow, David, it was quick with lvl5, I am glad you made it through.
    - The button in the teleport room opened door on the other side of the room. If you got there without pressing the button you would be stopped by closed door 2 tiles away from teleport room and you would have to go back to the button.
    - as for the fireball traps - you can dodge to the side, you can (what surprised me, it was not intentional, but it works) turn to the side, and then your character is thinner and there is a big change you will avoid the fireball that will just fly bye. You can also use traps to kill skeletons, if you can lure them to the trap. No you can't turn them off.
    - as for the skill points:
    strength is important on the beginning, later when you get powerful weapons, it helps but is not most important.
    agility is important later, but to certain level only - it speeds up attack rate so you don't have to wait long for next attack, what is especially important when you fight with large powerful weapons like axes/hammers/big swords. It also increases chance to hit so it is important. But when you get it to certain level you can focus on something else.
    endurance is always welcomed, it affects health so the bigger the better.
    magic as well, especially later when you have powerful spells that need a lot of mana. Magic affects mana and magic damage, so the bigger the better if you use spells.

    - thanks for mentioning the speed issue, I don't know what is causing it but I will dig into it and try to find the source of this strange behavior.
    - the truth is item stacking system was allowed on the beginning, but I have turned it off for most of the items because I have experienced some rare problems, sometimes when you had your skulls stacked after casting a spell it used all of the skulls in stack not just one. It is something I can easily fix I think I just was afraid I could overlook something and make some mess with items, so what I can do is turn it on partially, let's say I will turn it on for skulls and tools in next update, I just need to do some testing to make sure it will not do any mess ;)
    David1953 and William Hououin like this.
  20. David1953

    David1953 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
    Thank you for your excellent tips, Lukasz, and I had no idea that a simple turn to the side could limit the damage from those traps. For some of the ones that I ran into, I was able to get to an adjacent corridor, but for the ones in a long aisle, I simply “took” the damage, then used a healing spell afterwards. I will try your tip the next time that I encounter these traps.

    Your tips about where to spend points are excellent as well. I’m starting to use more spells now, and I will probably need to invest more into mana, but I was lucky enough to find that helmet with the 350 mana bonus, which is a huge help, so I have been investing most of my points in the other three stats.

    Thank you for looking into the movement thing as well. It’s really odd, and I would be curious to hear whether other players have encountered it as well. It could very well boil down to exactly what device is used to run the game, but since my device is a fast one, I’m not sure whether that is the answer.

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