Has anyone else's iTunes been running slow as hell? I can't even get it to load the main App Store page and I'm even having trouble searching. Hopefully it clears up within the next day so I can buy DH2.
Taking a break from playing DH2. I really am enjoying the game. It's what I had expected after trying the lite earlier (a few hundred times) Thank you Gameloft.
Does anyone know if there's any significant difference running both DH2 and DH2HD on the iPad (with fullforce/retinapad)? Since I've got both ipad1/iphone4, I'm wondering which version to get..
Agghh I'm still on the fence on this one! Is it worth buying if I have a 2nd gen iPod and can't use multiplayer?
In addition to having a 2nd gen, should one be getting this if size and replayability are concerns? Since this is over 500 MBs and it seems pretty repetitive.
It's a loot based dungeon crawler, being "pretty repetitive" is sort of the point of the game. Just saying At this price, I found it a no-brainer (I was *this* close to buying it for $7 many a times but somehow held out for the sale I figured would come). I even bought the HD on top of the iPhone/touch aimed version even though I may never play it on an iPad. Had a blast playing today and don't understand how anyone could be waffling. You either must really, really hate games like Diablo, or you've lost all sense of the value of money. It's a very well done hack & slash dungeon crawler that looks gorgeous. If you never even finished it, you'd still get $1 worth of value out of the game.