Personally confirmed. Just got a fire armor that can upgrade to T5 from expert 10. Note the lack of SF points.
unable to connect to server anyone install DH5 on a jailbroken ipad? I have it installed, but when it does not connect to the server. Is it because of the jailbreak? thanks.
Trying to find a good darkness back ability, are darkness bolts any good? Any advise would be apriciated
I'm in the same position now. Did 5 expert daily dungeon missions and got anything but blue. Almost like it's designed to not give you what you need. I'm this close to delete this crap off my iPad.
New updates up guys. Far East Xinkashi patch! Version 1.1 764.3 MB download see attachment for full change log
The update broke strongholds. I'm a level 45 getting matched up with 50s, 60s and 70s. I have no chance of winning and no real incentive to play it.
I just lost all level progress when I opened up today. I was on level 35 and now everything on the solo map screen is covered by clouds, like they are locked still. I still have all of my equipment and stronghold stuff, which is good, but this level loss prevents me from participating in events or completing daily awards. This means all I can do when I open the app is attack in stronghold and receive tickets from allies. I emailed support and filled out an in-game support form. Anybody else have this problem?
Please an ofline mode with endless dungeon where you earn gold and items. You can keep the den for the forge, and the daily rewards