Universal Dungeon Hunter 5 by Gameloft

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by EthanLean, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Someone said you get better loot if you bring a really weak alley who gives you 6 social tickets. Every time I brought one I got at least one 3 star on expert.
  2. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Nice. I have a level 77 in veteran 1 giving up 64k though he's no pushover. Very fun to fight him and his minions.
  3. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Thanks for the tip because I am getting nothing but 1 star thus far. Waste of stamina.
  4. olon97

    olon97 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2015
    If struggling in Veteran 3, feel free to take me out when my name appears. #

    I was trying my hardest to stay in veteran 2, but I had 2 unlucky (successful) defenses in a row while wearing tier 2 gear from an old unused gear set.

    I suppose I could swap out some minions while my shield is down, but I don't like the idea of losing income once the shield goes up.

    At the moment, 38 players in the top 100 of Veteran 3 have 15 or less successful defenses. You just have to check out the names on your battle options against the leader board stats and if no suitable matchup is available then restart the game for a fresh list of opponents.

    Players with strong defenses are going to drift to the next highest league whether they want to stay or not. The way the system works at the moment is built for rank inflation over time as long as you can find winnable matchups. Weak defenses will drift down if the player isn't online for a few days, but most players will inevitably move up by design.
  5. aeneid

    aeneid Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Man soon as you hit Vet 3 it becomes very hard to win... Almost everyone is 10 levels higher than you and a good portion of them have 4 star min's. I only have around 103 and have 4 mins, mine have like 30, 25, 25, 20 counts... All leveled to 35 each with 3800 hp, 1800 attack, 1700ar and I hardly ever defend my strong.

    I have the fire gear from event plus a fear sword. All my gear is tier 3 and I'm at 1.6k in dmg and arm and I get smoked.

    I can't even come close to winning in stronghold now. I just faced a level 12 with a 5 tier overseer who killed me within 2 secs of the start. He is 12 and 145.

    I have 4 tier 3s at level 35 and I win a defense maybe once every 15 battles.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #646 ste86uk, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    Still no luck for me on expert in the event still got 1 star items and no new armour anywhere yet that I can rank up to 4 and 5 star : (

    Also wondering where people are getting these good minions? So many people have rare and strong minions and all I ever get dropping are rubbish.

    Just reached Vetran 2 and this is my most profitable Attack so far, he was level 77 and his ice shield lasted forever but still pretty easy.

    Attached Files:

  7. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    So any can be t5, correct?
  8. aeneid

    aeneid Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    To get a decent minion I had to buy gems and out of 8 rolls with the chests I got 2(two) 3 star minions that I have leveled up to 40 each. They have over 4500 hp, 1900 armor, 1700 attack and then I have evovked 2 others to around 33ish with a tiny bit less stat numbers and that's all I can have I'm 103/103 and for every 10 chances at defending my keep im luck to win twice.

    I've gone up against one guy who was level 12 with a 5 tier overseer who was like 17 and 176. His minion would hit you once with a ranged buzzsaw for around 2k a hit with a bleed DoT at 450 a tick.

    The game started off great the timers and all never really hindered you much. Game sucks you in hardcore if your a rpger. It has city building/defense, manner of speaking, leveling up, tweaking your numbers with attack, armor, hp, awesome looking gear...

    Then once your hooked and have a great taste for the game the paywall hits you. Of course you can play it for free and get to where you want to go but it will take you very very very very long. You'd almost have to play once/twice a day for a hour or so spread out and horde everything and then after 10-11 hours use everything you have saved up at one time to get any meaningful leveling. If you level gear up by +7-16 that's not going to do much for you. You need to have 160-220ish type numbers on at least 2-3 pieces to allow you to navigate yourself the next round of hardness coded into the game.

    If you decide to pay, it gets expensive, quick. 20.00 gets you 260 gems and when you roll for a chest you more than likely will get an average item just at 3 stars starting point. I'll be honest I've spent 50.00 and I'm level 28 with nothing great or over the top. I'm at a place now where I'm getting slaughtered on the map and pvp. To high to be against people just below me but to low to have a chance against the people I'm playing now. To level my gear up it costs about 30,000 in gold and 37,000 in gems which takes awhile which eats up your time stamina which makes it even longer... Which temps you with opening the wallet again which I will not do. 50.00 was way more than I wanted to spend already. It's why a lot of game companies have gone freemium, it's like one person buying the same game daily over and over and over. It's an open revenue stream, and we the gamers, I think, forced them towards this path.

    This game is so awesome but it could be so much better if some lond of happy medium could be reached in regards to how games are purchased. It be nice if after a certain amount of money vested into the game it would become yours entirely. All timers/ads/whatever are removed and normal loot tables and level progression go to normal.
  9. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #649 oscar123967, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    So if i add some high level player, i could use them to clean out a bounty mission/event?
  10. Orderhere

    Orderhere Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    Is this another P2W title like 95% of all Gameloft games or does it actually have a decent payment model?
    - Are there timers? If there are, is it as ridiculous as the one in Rival Knights (where you play for 5min then wait for an hour)?
    - Are there tons of "real $ exclusive gear"?
    - Does it require constant internet connection? Pretty much an instant dealbreaker if it does
    - What's this thing about raiding other people's bases? You have to constantly play in order to protect your stuff? So if I get an ultra rare drop, but don't play for a couple of days/weeks, then there's a chance that item might get "stolen"??
  11. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #651 Zeillusion, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    So I did around 10 or so expert booster events today. Really need those tier 5 boosters! I was only able to get 2 out of the 10 runs I did. :/

    On a good/gold note it appears every Saturday - Sunday will be double gold day. Awesome stuff! I'm racking in 15-20k a stronghold match today.

    The staff and armor has been a real help.

    Has anyone been working on the loot event for the 65k point prize?
  12. olon97

    olon97 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2015
    Timers - yes. Level-ups reset timers which is nice, but I've certainly had "play 5min, wait 1 hour" experiences.

    All the top end weapons/armor/minions appear to come only from 50 gem chests ($5 for 50 gems). If you are very lucky, it may come pre-upgraded, but most of the time it will come at a power level equal to the highest free tier and need upgrading. If you're industrious, you can get gems for free - approximately enough for one chest per week.

    Internet connection is required.

    Raiding is not as bad as it sounds. Your minions earn non-premium currency passively while you're not playing - that's all that's at risk. If someone raids you, you get an 8 hour shield letting you earn in peace. As long as you collect those earnings before the shield expires, the gold becomes permanently yours (until you spend it of course). Raiding someone else forfeits your shield, but obviously you should collect what your minions made before you choose to raid.

    I've paid a whole $0.99 so far myself (on a sale) and I'm having fun. I'm a couple timers away from opening my first premium chest earned entirely in game.
  13. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Most my targets have 0 gold usually or just a few hundred which sucks. As for the event I wanted to do it but you can't get those items without spending cash. You needed at least 13k a day in points for one of them.
  14. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Yeah it's rough getting the 65k armor / wep. So I ended up doing 15 or so booster experts and only got 1-2 tier 5 boosts, oh well.

    Moved up from vet 2 to 3. It's pretty rough haha. Was farming some dude with 15k gold all day until I ranked up. Make sure to shut the game off and start it up again. You sometimes get new opponents.

    Usually can find people with 10-15k during this event. Sometimes you can even raid the same person. I wish I was able to find that guy with 30k gold again. Wasn't even during the double gold event!

    Good night all. Hitting the sheets!
  15. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Same rank as you now too, although still no luck getting decent armour anywhere.

    Anyone have both demonic shield and healing shield? Wondering what's better. I use demonic and have tried multiple times to get the healing one but no luck yet.
  16. forsakenxe

    forsakenxe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
    I cannot connect to the server when I use 4g internet, any workaround? :(
  17. kenken11

    kenken11 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    If you are relying the ally u bring to do dps, anything that help u to gain back hp is obviously the better choice? Especially in expert mode.
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I don't rely on allies only 1 of mine is stronger than me, both items heal one on kills and the other apparently on hit but I hear only with nature weapons?

    Had to sadly abuse the refund policy in the EU so expect to get banned from refunds. But I thought well I really like this game I spend time on it and got a 260 gem pack or whatever it is. Every single chest bar 1 was a belt, two which I already have and a poor weapon : ( I want to support the game but out of all that you'd expect a half decent armour set. Weapon wise sure I want that nature staff but could live with something decent.

    Chests need to be categorised and don't even get me started on bounty hunter chests. I have piles of tickets I'll never use.
  19. xodiac

    xodiac Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    A friend of mine refunded his first purchase the day it came out, he didnt get banned until today, like a week later

    So he regrets spending more time playing, he thought maybe they wouldnt ban him but ofc they will check who does refund and ban them, they just take some time on it
  20. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Well on Tuesday I will have a 4 star weapon after I get the daily event! Whoooo. Love this game even though I spent more than I wanted to haha. Its worth it to me though as I havent had a game hook me like this in a while.

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