possible bug Just reincarnated the first time and after wave 20, all the weapons are now invisible and it feels like the attack speed is way down
Congrats on your first rebirth! Check the optionsFx off will turn off the projectiles, and then theres a 2x speed that might be ticked off. If you switch devices using cloud save the settings don't follow....but if you don't have those features, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe cloud save and load it on another device, see if that works. Or cloud save, delete the app, and reinstall...if that doesn't work, contact the dev (he can be reached on facebook.) And If you haven't already tried it, use multiple new games to get to level 20 with your characters for more achievements. Getting as many of those as possible is a big help! (Nameless needs to get to level 200...not sure if that was fixed) There's actually a bunch of more useful tips for starting etc throughout this thread...
I went with nameless first for my main and eye after. If you want blade as main then maybe get eye first. Why does level 12 seems worse than level 11? Seems like mod efficiency doesn't apply to 12 at all.
I didn't even know there was a level 12. Seems like you could spend 100 million trying to get a 12 and it doesn't even work? Are there any hidden principles that determine when you can up your mod's level and when you can't? Some slots seem unable to rise for a time no matter how much you spend. Level 11, in particular, sometimes seems impossible.
11 is max but with hell stones you can increase it by 9 more levels and there is also a perk that prevents a drop in level. Still I would like to know if its broken because it seems level 11 give more.
You made the level 11 weapon when you had a blacksmith in your party, and the level 12 when you DID NOT have a blacksmith. That skill improves weapon mod efficiency and it makes a huge difference. Also, the all skills necklace will give give you a higher blacksmith mod too! Blacksmiths: living sword, snake, mr. soul, fire spirit. I think that's the only one...Also, ogre has a miner bonus which can make mods cost half the amount.
Ah, I thought it passively boosts enchants I already have when person with that perk is in the party but its a pernament boost to weapon. Good to know. I recently replaced LS with skeleton as he has fewer skills (btw its best to keep it without awakening perk right?) so never noticed it before.
Yeah, when I was first playing I had downloaded an update after switching my party and I was like "oh no, I have to keep these weapons forever because they are so much better!" Haha. Then I figured it out. Yes, I would recommend keeping one of the bounty hunters unawakened to get that skill up quicker. But it isn't a huge deal. If you aren't going to use both Orc AND Ogre, I would keep ogre unawakened as well...but when you get to the hell, its handy to have both of them because they benefit from the same huge weapons bonus. More bang for your...hellstones. I've been playing with the 5 spirits and they are faaaaaantastic! I do think the fire spirit's haste is making the game faster, so that's a plus. They seem to be much more powerful than my last party...but hard to tell, I'm only on day 400. But they are fun to play with for sure. Exciting to finally have them all!
Right now in my party on Hell 1: Nameless as main, orc,skele,eye,wraith. Im not sure whom do I kick to make room for ogre :/ I don't have any spirits yet, only level 16 nature dungeon. Do you guys keep going for that last top perk that gives exp even when dungeon is not selected or stop after getting spirit?
I went in for the IAP to get all the seeds. It's probably the best value of all the IAP's, because they are the hardest to get. But yes, you want that seed. But it it probably won't be until hell 3 that you'll get it. I don't know, maybe around hell 6 or 7 it would start getting a lot easier to level up your dungeons, but it's a long slog. I do think you are right to get nature first. After that, fire for damage—good against bosses, endless waves, day 1000+...And then light (the money from statues is handy in the first 100 days, if you switch back and forth to nature for building, or any period where you aren't building for 10+ days. I Kick out skeleton/bounty hunters around day 800 or 900. You can milk some more money out of your banks by giving wraith the all skills necklace. By that time, most of your focus should be on forging dungeon hp and regen anyway, so you can just switch the all skills necklace over to a builder every 20 or 30 battles. Ogre is much stronger than skeleton, and he will increases everyone's rage damage by 50%, among other things.
So when I do endless at the end of run I should always fire skele/sword and get ogre (or maybe blade?)? Looks like I can't do that until I get that perk which enchance non equipped item as I wont have weapon for ogre ready.
Nameless Revenge Skill Question Hi, Hope someone can help to understand how Revenge Works, I think I'm missing something. Looking at the skill description: Each wave, gain a 40% damage increase, stacking up to 540 times. Did 2 runs, both end around 300, On first run, at around Wave 300, increase in damage should be around 12,000%, on second one, should be somewhat 2,000%, but end up losing at same stage, so think I'm not looking it right. If anyone knows how it works will be great, tonight will do a Endless run with Nameless only to see if can see numbers and see the 40% increase in damage each wave.
I heard in endless it works no matter what round you pick. If you start at round 300 it will give you booost for past 300 rounds even if this time u only started at 300. Can someone tell me if automatic building is worth it as a first hell feature? or maybe going faster to lobby would speed things up and let me earn more hell points faster?
I'm doing my first insane run now, building up my first legacy weapon from scratch to pass on for the next run. Its relatively easy so far, but I'm only 25 days in. I'm guessing End is a lot harder? How many legacy weapons will I need to make the jump? I'm thinking make the jump to end first, then buy the features needed to auto-grind on lower difficulties with the rubies from my first decent End run.
I was doing about 2 runs on each difficulty and then move to next one and slowed now on hell. I would get 1-2 weapons for end but you will need few levels in ruby +weapon level after rebirth so you can kill first round.
@Bomboocha: I would prioritize lobby skip because it will make the grind faster. AI builder is a good follow up to maximize your earnings though... I remember I would leave my phone going 20 or 30 minutes and then buy a bunch of stuff...which, by the way, if you are going a long time without building, you'll get some extra money by putting the all skills necklace on wraith, upping your bank$ %. #Ruby upgrade to starting weapon levels I'm going to get on a little bit of a soap box here, but I really think this will slow your progress down so bear with me. Consider that 30,000 rubies will get you: A) level 60 weapons TO START, and leave your mercs with lame weapons until day 15 or so, which means your main has to be much, much stronger than them. B) 780% character damage ALL THE TIME. I didn't upgrade the ruby weapon levels until hell 5, and it wasn't so I could clear day 1. It was to save money and streamline the first 20 days (once I have the enchant research up, I put it on auto-enchant...little if any enchanting until then) I figured that if I can't handle day 1 with my level 1 weapons, I probably can't make it to day 1000 anyway...And choice B again helps me all the time. Once you have started upgraded starting weapon levels, only your main can equip them, so your level 10 weapon isn't that much more help on day 2 or 3 when your mercs are left with junk to equip. So if you can't go big, don't do it. You'll get more out of character damage. I'd recommend waiting on this upgrade until a few other things: •Have at least 5 level 20 mod weapons to inherit •Maxed legendary accessories for your main (and a few others, hopefully) •maxed out in the rebirth store (except weapon damage, mutations, item quality, defense—pricier items for later) •maxed out defense and are at least 50% of boss damage in the ruby store (I maxed out boss damage first though) •I'd say at least >700% character damage in the ruby store (about 30,000 rubies) I feel pretty certain about this, but then that's my playing style. Y'all do you—at least it will be an informed choice now #Revenge in Endless waves: Yeah it seems to count the wave number, because I get just about as far with nameless starting from day 1 as day 230 or whatever. Other characters, however, that build damage upon crits, harvests, richochets—whatever—do benefit more from day 1 starts to build up their damage.
Looks like that automatic building will be best then as I do leave it running sometimes without buying anything for 10-20min. I do play it on PC and can't really imagine playing this one game on phone but as a side thing on second monitor its nice.
What does the research skill extra mod slot actually do? So far I haven't managed to buy another mod slot on any item, am I doing something wrong?
From my understanding it adds an extra mod slot to non legendary weapons. Since you always aim to have legendaries for the higher quality % and they come with 6 mod slots its a worthless research.