He is speaking about Day 1, and sometimes the boss is very difficult to kill on day 1. Mrs. Love and Mr. Eye are the most powerful in terms of mass damage, but Mr. Blade and Nameless are stronger for single opponents. (I think Blade is stronger for bosses though because of bash, and revenge has been nerfed) Killing bosses is more important since the last couple updates—I've often wiped out everything and then slowly died by a boss. Also powerful however, are the Orc with deathstrike and Wraith with Giant flame lances, which do 10x damage to the first thing they hit. This is excellent for bosses too. I am going to experiment with adding the Goblin, because he increases attack speed and crit damage, and also his attack powers up when everyone is hitting the same target. *Bash is also excellent for bosses, and most tower fights! Right now, I am running with Mr. Blade as my main, and starting with unawakened ogre (for rapid builder), wraith (for bank, cheer, giant flame lance, increased special skills damage), living sword (bounty hunter), and Mr. Eye (scientist, mass damage). Then when I hit hit game overs I change the lineup. At first, I was switching Mr. Eye for Mr. Love, and Living sword with Mr. Death for healing. But I found I got further with just switching sword for Love, and keeping Eye. Even though Love does most of the damage (partially because of hellstore bonuses), Mr. Eye still helps clear the room and his scientist skill can get me to level 100 extra offense & defense in the research tree. But I'm going to try out the goblin to replace the sword. In particular for that last trial, he should be helpful. If your characters are basically at 100% crit rate, then increasing crit damage % is a big deal. I'll post an update if it is any good.
thanks for the comment. my build now are Ms.Love as main, Wraith, living sword, Ogre, and Dark spirit(which replacing the blade). As for day 1, I found out that Ms. Love still do more damage than blade or nameless, probably because I spend hellstone to increase chain lightning attack damage. Now I'm stock at HELL IV day 800~900. I found out that in late game, using rebirth stones to increase weapon damage didn't do much help since it require 30k+ rebirth stone to increase 1 level only. Do you have any suggestion on how to spend rebirth stone, ruby and hellstone? is it really bad to using spirits as main character? My plan was to get light spirit as main to replacing Ms. love, because light spirit can do more damage to armor and magic protection. I will try your build instead then. thanks.
@solareclipse I saw your suggestion of when you mentioned you auto'd and continue to farm until 1000-1200. I like this because I totally agree I could do something else around the house. So during a game over that's when you would drop a guy off correct?
Hi guys, what would be your advice on the first features to purchase with rubies to get started on auto-ing the game?
If you want to run multiple days without input, you need at minimum: automatically start combat, auto sell trophies (weapons), and auto learn skills. Auto enchant is pretty important but not strictly necessary, if you're overpowered. Auto research you can save till later...having a break every so often to choose a new research (and visit the forge, check preferred skills, etc.) is nice.
I'm on Hell 4 and can get to day 1100, though its my 5th or 6th run now. I don't have any spirits yet, so I can't say if one of them would be preferable. At first (after the update) I put my rebirth stones into max item quality bonuses, and got it at 112 now. This makes a pretty considerable difference! I've also got mutation down about 15%, but its really hard to tell what difference that is actually making. Mainly though I'm focusing on item quality, and not weapon damage anymore. Once you get over 3 or 4,000% weapon damage, it takes a lot more to have a recognizable impact. I figure I'll come back to that when I am earning more rebirth stones. Rubies, the boss damage bonus is fantastic...I think it even helps fighting the tower bosses. Once you have 7 or 8 inheritances, you really don't need any more than that (although eventually starting out with 24 or 25 level 200 legendary weapons to sell might be a bonus to your starting funds, but that would take like 800,000 rubies last time I checked, soooo). But you know, balance things out...I already had 1000% character damage by the time the new boss damage was added with last update, now I've got it to 50% and can beat all the tower floors for bonuses. Hellstore, definitely defense maxed out! I was focusing on hero and merchant damage, then mostly moonlight slash and chain lightning. I wasn't sure about the other characters, but now I'm pretty settled on a party, and probably will be until I get 4 or 5 of the spirits...they have that damage multiplier around other spirits in the party. But I haven't gotten any of their accessories yet anyway. Update on trying out goblin to replace living sword: its a lot easier to take down bosses with his party skills. It might not be quite as strong as having Mr. Eye (having two mass damage dealers with Love too), but its close and I think I have less game overs from bosses I can't kill. It is important to have a lot of money to buy self-healing without Mr. Death, but I can certainly go further with either of them.
What's the best strategy to leveling main and party? 1. focus only on main character 2. leveling all party in a average way I found out that my main character "Ms. Love" always has way higher damage than other, I'm talking about 1000x or even more than other party member. So in my opinion, that (1) should be better. However, for following reasons that make me think will it be better to leveling the party member the same time as main character? 1. There's a mutant, which decrease party member attack damage and increase main character attack damage. IMO, mutant purpose is to decrease our ability to fight the monster, so for this particular mutant, is that mean develop think the party member attack is important to fight the monsters? 2. I found that my main character has always way higher damage than other party members. I'm talking about 1000x times higher. So I don't have if it will be profitable to level party member with hell stone? I don't even think I can make it with leveling party member attack in hell store. 1000x is huge difference between them.
Item max quality is unbalanced. If you levels the "Item max quality", it will only apply to the items bought after you leveling "Item max quality". In short, if you had a item(100%) with 6 mod level 20. and then you level "Item max quality" from 1 to 5. That item is still 100%.
Thanks for the advice! I would have thought that auto enchant would be the most important! Thanks, I'll try it out first without auto enchant
Love and Eye are always going to show a lot more damage because their strength is in hitting multiple enemies, vs single ones. They won't be as strong against bosses armed as for example an orc with deathstrike huge weapons and bash bonuses. Eagle Eye doesn't help you much for difficult bosses. If you look at the details for a character it will show you what the damage reduction is for mercs (right now mine is at 35% for me with research complete). But there's other considerations, even beyond party support skills which enhance damage. If you are struggling with trials 28 & 29, for example, where you can't use your main. I'm finding, for example, that Orc is doing most of the damage that wins trial 28, so I promoted him to level 60...also, he is *much* cheaper to promote than blade and love, whereas the bounty hunter aren't much help—their party bonuses to penetrate and ricochet don't help either Love, Blade, or Eye. However I think that this last update on iOS has increased the gold from battle bonuses, so they are helpful until I hit game over...40 million per battle vs 2 by day 900+! Anyway, you need mass damage dealers and you need people to clear single targets...but there is probably one or two people that you can hold off on, until you get to the next difficulty and your trial rewards increases. Regarding item level quality, it is a little bit of a pain to have to find and mod up new weapons, but it *is* worth it. The damage increase is considerable, and since he improved the modding chances it only takes a few minutes to mod out 5 or 6 weapons. I'm at 112 now and its kind of fun to see the difference in level one weapons—often 3 or 400 damage at level 1 for 1% quality improvement. (That's with 4 damage mods, asp, and crit) When you add that difference up over a few thousand item levels, phew...
On my first run through on normal with skeleton as main, snake, ooze, living sword and ogre. Snake does heaps and sometimes keeps up with me, but others do little. Not sure why.... Also, how to improve skeleton? Reload rate? Attack speed? Attacks so slow compare to others with his 1 ammo
Penetrate is very effective, together with triple shot and multi shot. I wouldn't put anything into reload until those are maxed.
Thanks for the tip . I have multi, triple, penetrate maxed and working to max his +city skill. I guess, are his other skills good? The ones with the trade off? Or just take the raw DMg ones?
Has anyone else noticed that your characters will be more successful on the iphone then the ipad? I usually do better in the endless run on my iphone when I let them both runlike only ONCE did they at least tie on my ipad with what they got on my iphone. I'm wondering the way enemies appear or something impacts the battle...
Moving to end difficulty? At what point can I move to the "end" difficulty. I've ran through insane day+1000 3 times now and I have 700% weapon damage and 20% damage reduction from rubies. I can't make it past day 35 or so in "end" and can't make it past the trial level 2 Edit: I main mr blade and use mr eye, wraith, living sword, and I start with ogre. Around day 500 I switch ogre to orc. All members are promoted to level 11
Some pointers: Inherit 5 weapons, shoot for 99.98+ quality Mod the weapons when you have ogre and sword together (cheaper, higher quality) and use the all skills necklace on sword for an extra boost. After I got to level 9 or 10 mods, I would save the game. Try 10 times, and if I don't get a mod up, reload. If the mod goes up keep it and save, even if you don't want it. It's more likely to stay at level 10 (or go to 11) once you are there, then to get back from 9 to 10. accessories are a huge help, but focus on Mr. Blade and Mr. Eye first. Next, orc because his necklace gives everyone rage. You might sub out living sword for now, since he doesn't really deal much damage. Nameless, maybe? Until you have a few of the $ bonus rings, his bounty hunter probably isn't worth it. Mr. Death also works really well, crippling and slowing enemies, providing healing, and some other goodies. Ruby store's boss damage is also very helpful, especially once bosses start getting lots of mutations. I'm also pretty sure it helps with the tower of trial bosses as well focus on promoting mr. blade to level 20, then mr. eye. Mr. Eye doesn't really do terrific damage until he has more of his skills up, but when he does he can really clear the room...Whereas having a strong Mr. Blade, especially as your main, will help in the beginning. Especially if you bring in level+ in new game from rebirth store if you haven't already maxed out dungeon hp regeneration, do so. It's too expensive to repair the dungeon. Research power is also a huge help, even with Mr. Eye. And of course, attack speed, crit rate and damage are also high priority, but I'm guessing you already got those...i'm going to start hell 5 so its hard to remember what I had back then...and then IAP can make it even harder to tell. Hope that helps.
If you haven't already gotten legendary jewelry for your main character, that really helps a lot. You can buy the necklace and fully upgrade it pretty easily. The ring takes Rubies, of course, but it is worth it if you can afford it. If you've done that and still aren't having luck, I'd recommend trying Nameless as your main. I tried him based on a recommendation from this thread and he really is great at getting into new difficulties.
Can someone give me some pointers for this game? I just started recently. I'm at level 200 on Easy, and I'm wondering what I should do first. There are so many things to manage, like Reincarnate, Awaken, Promote, and all the upgrades in Rebirth Store. Progress is kinda slow at this point, so should I reincarnate or keep going? If i reincarnate, which upgrades should I get first? The 2x battle speed seems like a good first upgrade, but then there's still all the equipment mods, and forge stuff that takes a bit of time as well. I just need a little guidance.