Universal Dungeon Defense : The Invasion of Heroes (by GameCoaster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by GameCoaster, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. ntice

    ntice Active Member

    Feb 21, 2017
    How is everyone liking the new update? Definitely some good additions added however not sure if they fixed the hell stone reset yet for people who have IAP. Can anyone confirm?

    I've noticed a few things increase ATK of your hero however I don't see an increase in DPS. So if Nameless has 1 trillion DPS and I promote nameless once which should increase ATK by 1%, his DPS remains the same at 1 trillion. Where can you see in the increase in ATK for your hero? It'd be nice to monitor this stat.
  2. HeadRush

    HeadRush Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    Is there any way to delete a save slot ? My OCD is getting Triggered by all these slots i don't use anymore, would really like to just delete de save slot
  3. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #223 Solarclipse, Mar 30, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    Yeah I don't see the final numbers anywhere either. The "details" on our characters could use some more stats. I'll bet that's in the works. The dev posted new features going into android on his facebook page, so I'm guessing this is what we can expect for ios soon. Nothing mentioned about the hell stone IAP reset fiasco, except fixing the display bug and adding giving one more reset.

    That said, there's some exciting stuff in here. I'm going to stop spending my rebirth stones for a bit, to save up for whatever is coming! I'm also curious about the medal upgrades.

    <1.91.0> (Android)
    - A new difficulty level is added. (Hell 6 ~ 10)
    - Nine new studies will be added.
    - Repeatable research is added.
    - The difficulty and rewards of 'Tower of Trial' have been changed.
    - The Tower of Trial extends to the 30th floor.
    - You can upgrade your character through medals in trials.
    - New Stats will be added to 'Reincarnation Store'.
    - Increases the attribute experience you gain when you are reincarnated.
    - Wave will be recorded even if you abandon 'Endless Army'.
    - Gold obtained by killing enemies increases by 40%.
    - At higher difficulty than 'END', enemy's hp increases.
    - Character will automatically wear ornaments after character creation and reincarnation.
    - Fixed an issue where the number of remaining 'hell initialization' is not displayed.
    - 'Hell initialization' increases from 3 to 4 times.
    - You can now initialize the attributes of your property dungeons. (Free 3 times)
    - 'All effects off' function is added.
    - The time of invincible mutation is adjusted.
    - The upper limit of 'Shock Absorb' is adjusted from 20% to 15%.
    - 'Necrotic Plague' will be changed to apply only 20% to the boss.
    - Endless army rewards increase in the Hell difficulties.
    - 'Chain Lightning' increases the attack power of enemies that hit the first time with lightning.
    (Previously, the lightning that was not the first target was thrown once, then hit from the second target)
    - When the research is completed, the phenomenon of intermittent zeroing will be corrected.
    - When a character's attack speed is higher than the game's refresh rate (frame), it is modified to have a stronger attack by consuming multiple ammunition at a time.
    - Minor bugs are fixed.
    - Some text will be edited.
    - The learning conditions of some talents are changed.

    Update: The Dev says update is expected to be ready for *iOS* in 3-4 days, but I don' t know if he meant 3-4 days to submit it or be approved by apple. Also, these fixes/clarifications are added:
    - The health and damage of bosses in the Tower of Trials have been adjusted.
    - The achievement condition of rapid research has been reduced from 40 to 35.
    - You can use the hell initialization function by consuming ruby.
    - The item succession level increases by 2 instead of 1. [feature in the ruby store]

    I'm relieved to hear you can buy hell store resets. #TakaOtaku, it looks like that research achievement might not be so hard after all—are you playing on android? Love to hear more details about the new features.
  4. TakaOtaku

    TakaOtaku New Member

    Mar 30, 2017

    Just started playing a few Days ago.
    I was a few Days away from all Research Achievement....
    And then I was dumb enough to update before xD
  5. ntice

    ntice Active Member

    Feb 21, 2017
    So I am on android. The update is overall good with the new features but the trials are extremely difficult now. I believe a bit too difficult.

    With the update, it is easier to start on a higher difficulty but late game progression has been hampered. In Hell 4 I was getting to 850 pre patch. After I could only get to 750.

    Character promotions are a nice feature and will come in handy. I'm saving a lot of my medals for the new characters once I get them.

    I'm currently doing Hell 5 and getting to 550. I get less rewards but I can do faster runs which yield more medals for promotions. Promotions seem to be very important.

    Let me know if anyone has specific questions.
  6. Samurai

    Samurai Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
    Elemental Dungeon EXP

    This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find any answers. How do you collect EXP for elemental dungeons? Thanks in advance!
  7. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Hell 5, damn. Good job! I only made it to day 900 my first time on hell 3, and now that mission has to be run an extra time for the reward and that's a bother, I want to be sure I can do a 1000 day run on hell 4 so I'm biding my time a little.

    •What do the promotions do exactly?
    •What's the new research?
    •Are there still issues with day 1000+ bosses being almost invincible at times?
    •less important, but I'm curious: How many rubies to reset the hell store? Thanks!
  8. ntice

    ntice Active Member

    Feb 21, 2017
    You are going to be surprised how hard things get as you progress so the mutations seem even more challenging. I saw in the notes that monsters gained health. My biggest complaint is that monsters do too much damage. Even at 400% increase, you can get 1 shot.

    As for you questions.
    1. Promotions increase abilities proc rates and other good things like increase in damage. Each promotion also increases ATK 1 percent. The perks of promotions are for every 20th promotion.
    2. New research includes individual researches for new characters and also includes ms love, Mr eye, etc. There is also an increase in elemental xp gained research for reincarnation which is great. The repeatable ones are increase atk and defense.
    3. Since the release, I have only made it to 750 on Hell 4 so can't speak to day 1000 bosses. The new upgrades in the store will help with mutations but will take a very long time.
    4. I have yet to do a reset in the Hell store. I'm going to wait for the new characters and the do a reset for the explosions upgrades. I have yet to confirm if we don't lose the IAP for Hell stones after reset. If so I definitely won't be resetting.

    Biggest thing I wanted to mention is that water does not seem like a great element anymore. The reason I say that is it looks like the bind from nature works on bosses and trials while freeze does not work on them. That extra time goes a long way. Also, unlocking the new elements only takes 28 points rather than 33
  9. venofreddd

    venofreddd New Member

    Apr 1, 2017

    May i know how to maximize elemental dungeon experience?

    purely more battle days more experience or i have to get as high as possible in endless wave and trial as well?

  10. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    iOS update is OUT!

    New update just came out a couple hours ago, such good things.

    The rebirth store now includes: + max item level quality (and also new weapon graphics), reduce mutation rate, and reduce damage (up to 75%. I'm not sure how this damage reduction stacks wth hell store. But yeah, I was able to increase max item level 3 or 4 pts and now I'm seeing a legendary 104.21% axe...oh wow...the tower looks much more interesting. The new researches look great. I'm thinking I might start with Mr. Blade rather than Mrs. Love, and run with the Eye for his scientist bonus until I hit a wall and need mrs. love. There's also a research to double gain for elemental dungeon, which was sorely needed. Now I only need 7 more levels to unlock my first elemental :)

  11. DrDave

    DrDave Member

    Jan 31, 2017

    I'm at trial 25f (the portal) and I can't seem to get it unlocked before I'm killed off, and then the math teacher 2, i'm getting killed in 2 shots. WTF! The past 24 were a breeze! How ??
  12. KyneTarse

    KyneTarse Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Rapid Research - bug?

    Has anyone had luck with the reworked Rapid Research achievement? I only started playing a few days before the update, so I didn't have it previously. I just completed my 35th research on day 197, and it didn't unlock at that time or after day 200 either. :confused:

    I'm on iOS. Playing on normal difficulty with Skeleton if that matters.
  13. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Yeah, Dristram's a lot harder now. I had to go drop from hard to normal difficulty to beat him. That's just how it is—all the bosses are harder—it's a total revamp.

    The pattern is definitely random, but using two fingers helps. For math teacher, hit the pause button as soon as the equation comes up—you can work out the math and then zip back into battle with the answer. Might save you from taking a few hits.

    For the very last boss, I have one weapon with a level 20 crit mod, for Mr. Blade. I think that in combo with bash really helped, because I wasn't doing much damage to him until he got close. I'm thinking that I need to enlist the bash skill a lot more because of these bosses that are so hard to kill, since so many of them have shields now (Hell3, day 900+)

    Regarding the researching accomplishment supposed being at 35 and not 40 anymore, I'd contact the dev on his facebook page and let him know its still not working right on iOS. I know I am running 1.91.0 which should have that...you might want to double check thats the one you have.
  14. ckaustro

    ckaustro New Member

    Apr 3, 2017
    Is there a trick to getting weapon mods that high? The highest I can seem to get to is 11, and this is rare. Is it scaled to weapon level or day?
  15. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    See the hell store.

    Dev just posted another update, which I hope will address my beef with modding weapons up to level 20—when you can upgrade item quality every run or two it is no fun modding your weapons to max...This update is for android, but it should be on iOS in a 3 or 4 days:

    <1.91.1> (Android)
    - All enemies have slightly reduced attack power.
    - The tower of the trials has been rebalanced.
    - The probability of success of modification increases.
    - Fixed an issue where rapid research could not be completed.
    - Repair costs are reduced at high difficulty.
    - After 500 days, the entrance restrictions of the tower of the trials will disappear.
    - Even if you turn off the effect, the effects of invincibility and reflection are displayed.
    - Katar's attack power is increased by 40%.
    - Bow damage increased by 11%..
    - Natural healing and blooming of life are reduced in healing.
  16. raijen

    raijen Active Member

    Apr 9, 2013
    Canada, Eh?
    Patch is live on iOS (Canadian store)
  17. planeswalker

    planeswalker New Member

    Apr 8, 2017
    Does anyone know if the difficulty you start with affects the endless wave mode?
  18. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Yes, the endless waves AND the tower are both different according to the difficulty level you are on. This means you also get many more medals and rebirth stones in the tower as well, which is awesome.

    The dev also mentioned something about the strength of the bosses being somewhat impacted by the day you are on, but i am not sure how exactly.
  19. DrDave

    DrDave Member

    Jan 31, 2017
    Trial Rewards strategy

    When I was in Hell 1 I didn't even manage to complete Stage 25+ on Hard with bonus, and now I made it to Hell 2 and Trials have scaled up in difficulty. It will take a few more runs to get the final stages on hard because I want those legendary rings but once I get strong enough to get them, I will probably move on to the next difficulty.

    Any suggestion on how to get those Legendary rings? I was thinking on farming on a super low difficulty, I think the percentages for Rings are still the same but you are much stronger. High difficulty is good for getting medals.
  20. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Assuming you have all the achievements, I would Play on whatever difficulty you can get to day 1000 on (and should be able to beat the first 24 floors of the tower with bonuses). You'll get the most rebirth stones and rubies that way. Once you can get to day 1200-1300 you should be ready to get to day 1000 on the next difficulty.

    This game takes many many runs, so you'll have plenty of opportunities. Don't grind just for the rings. Keep pushing and you'll be able to buy the ones you need soon enough. In the meantime, all those rebirth stones and rubies are very important. Awaken, get promotions, reduce damage, etc etc.

    Once you get to hell 1, expect to be running that many many times before you are ready for hell 2 :) If you get to hell and can't do day 1000 the first time, its kind of annoying because you won't earn all the hell missions on the same run. Eventually you'll go to hell 2 and you'll have these dangling rewards and...just a little irksome is all.

    As far as characters go,
    •Mr. Blade is a must for pure damage,
    •Mr. Eye is good for handling masses and for the repeatable research (scientist), but you will replace it with Mrs. Love much later (she does the most damage, aside from elementals—haven't gotten that far yet)
    •Wraith makes the *biggest* impact on your income with his bank skill, and is a very strong character. Mr. Soul does a little more damage but the money is worth it.
    •Living sword for bounty hunter money—which becomes more of a big deal when you get 5 of the +65% gold rings, you can be getting 30-40 million per battle by day 800+. But even without those rings, useful income.
    •Leave Ogre unawakened (start with potential, then builder) to max out builder as quickly as you can (the all skills +3 necklace will make potential level 6 and he can max out builder much quicker). Later on, switch out for an awakened Orc. Better damage and skills overall. The thing is he has so many skills that getting builder maxed out will take you longer than the unawakened ogre.

    Also, focus on nature first, the 40% reduction in build costs will mean getting the 600% experience bonus quicker. This is especially helpful for boss fights bonuses by day x, because you'll be at a higher level by the time you are on day x. Applying it from day 1, it makes all of your $ go a lot further.

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