Game Impressions Loving this game so far - I'm into it a lot more than tiny heroes, probably due to the specific characters rather than a load of generic characters. Was originally slightly confused by the method of moving the map as its the opposite of what you expect...but got past that easily. Graphics are great - difficulty is just right (for me at least) so far, script is quite funny, and all your characters serve a specific purpose so far, rather than being disposable, more like fire emblem than advance wars. Good to here theres an update with arena coming, I like it but not sure I would replay the story over and over so glad theres something extra on its way, until then going to go complete the story, will report back on length
iPad1 / 3GS / iPod Touch 4 Hi Guys, Thanks for the love! Hopefully we'll have all the kinks out on the first update. Right now it looks like so many people want iCloud i think we will release a mini-update to serve that. To iPad 1 / 3GS / iPod Touch 4 users: Terribly sorry. I thought we worked out all the crash kinks. It's straight up a memory footprint issue. Please close all your active apps before launching, and it *should* work, but i am working on reducing memory footprint right now and getting out a patch ASAP. Once again, you guys are the best - we will continue to monitor the forums and ask any questions you have. PS - A little help until i get the crash permanently fixed - make sure you close all your apps and restart.
Love the game! Great game! Gee for some reason the main characters seem familiar? A movie about ghost's maybe?? It reminds me a bit of Highborn. And that's a very good thing. My only gripe is I really hope you guys in the future expand into more environments. Like forests or castles. It's such a fun game I would like to see more and more variety in the future. Maybe updates or IAP with a whole new story? Or a sequel? Keep supporting this game it's great and has lots of untapped potential. Good job guys! And thanks for entertaining me!
How about reconfiguring the new game / continue buttons? Also, is there a way to add confirm ending your turn? I have ended my turn a couple times just by accident - swiping the map for instance and just somehow clicked that. Tad, ever so slight, annoyance.
Not holding my breath, but just out of curiosity would reducing the memory footprint possibly allow this to run on an iPod Touch 2G as well? Only reason I ask is that I know there's been quite a few games that actually run better on the 2G than some newer devices when it's a memory issue and not a graphical or Open GL 2.0 deficiency.
I ain't afraid of no ghosts. I picked this up last night, and got the ghostbusters thing right off. .....funny, but left me mixed. I'll play more .. After I go watch ray Parker jr get spooky. Who you gonna call? Dungeon crawlers! ( music plays- a funky rad 80's wail) I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
When a character gains abilities, when can those be used? I leveled up during some battles and gained new more powerful abilities but couldn't seem to get them to register in that ability wheel. Are they only available at the next encounter?
The wheel doesn't seem to do anything but of you is the arrow on the right thumbs stick it will scroll through the available skills.
Ah ok, I thought if you scrolled the wheel to the ability that became the active one. Thanks for the response.
Thanks for the news about the memory footprint Issues. I bought it on my g/f's ipad2 and haven't put it down all morning. Finding the trophies and secret areas are makIng me very happy. I eagerly await updates
So far my upgrades to skills have been given to me -- as in no choice but, you leveled up and got this skill now.
Ok, so here are my thoughts so far: I find the game is funny, has a good script, and I imagine I will be playing this a lot. These are the good parts - which are the majority of my impressions, so far. The niggles, which I would like to point out in the hope that they might be fixed - or at least considered. - I'm happy that you identified the problem for the iPad1 crashes. I have finished 1-1 3 times, and right after I ended the level it crashes, prompting me back to the end of the last battle. Mildly annoying. - On that regard, one thing that could be added is _more frequent_ Auto-Saves. Especially at the end of a battle, but why not at the end of the level as well, before the loading? It's also kind of annoying to have a User Save later than an Auto Save - I unwillingly skipped a few sections of some cut-scenes... Have a clear "skip" button somewhere, not just a tap on the screen. - The textures in the game menus - equipment, etc - feel a bit rough. Especially the text labels for "Weapon - Finally, I have to agree with some of the complains here on buttons and the rest, but I'll like to generalize it a bit more. The UI is a bit... less than ideal, to say the least. You have to click _way_ too many times, especially in combat, for it to do an action. Specifically: * Why should I keep being informed that "Enemies are nearby" when I'm trying to reposition my party members and distance them from - or moving them towards - the enemies? It just breaks the action, and has me have to repeat the same action. * Why inform me that I can't use "Defend" on an enemy? It's obvious I want to attack it... The same with attacking a party member. It's just a pain to have to go down there, and click the tiny - and non-obvious - arrows to change the action. * The same problem with changing a character, if you pick Roy and he has the "Defend" action on. You can't just click another party member, you have to click the tiny arrows down there. * I also agree: why does the HP only show up if I have Roy selected? If you want a good example of some good interactions on an iPad/iPhone for a TBS game, I can at least suggest Hunters: Episode One, form my experience. I'm sure other members will have other - and probably better suited - suggestions. I'm confident that all of these can be tackled in the future - I wouldn't want people to lose out on this game because of UI problems. Cheers, Paulo
Hey AWP- Sorry bud :-(, this game is right up against the memory barrier on 256MB devices (it uses 130mb of ram, but that's about the max you can have). No way i can get it going on a 128MB iPod 2G
actually its a bug. If you click on the icon in the wheel, instead of 'scrolling' it works. We just discovered it.
No problem. Think it's the iPhone 4 that sometimes I see people complaining about crashes/memory issues when the same game works fine on my 2G. Didn't hurt to ask
Well, I'm not even out of the "Chapter 1-1" area yet and I've already managed to encounter 5 crashes due to the OS killing it for using too much memory. /rant on: The fourth generation iPod touch is the *current* non-iPhone, non-iPad device. It sold about 10 million units just over the holidays, it will be the current device on sale by Apple until Fall 2012 at the minimum. Yes, it has half the available RAM of the iPhone 4 or 4S, or the iPad 2. Then again, they are still making and selling the iPhone 3GS with 256MB of RAM, and not even a year ago the iPad 1 with its 256MB of RAM was the current tablet device. That is tens of millions of current or very recent iOS devices that only have 256MB of RAM, and yet it's becoming painfully obvious what devs are not bothering to test sufficiently on. This is the sixth new release in less than two weeks I've purchased only to find it won't run, except in the technical sense, on the 4G touch with iOS 5.01. I see no excuse for claiming support for a device and then leaving users with constant crashes because the game coding is too inefficient to operate in the available memory space. If the Playstation 3 can do the things it does with 256MB of RAM (and the Nintendo 3DS with only 128MB of RAM), surely talented programmers can get a low poly TBS to run under the same on iOS. /rant off What I've managed to see seems pretty decent, and plays well, but if it's going to crash every three minutes, that's unplayable.
Really liking the game, good humour in it and the skills of the 4 characters complement each other well. Playing on medium and you do have to think about what your doing, not massively difficult but if you charge in you'll probably get your ass kicked. I haven't managed to unearth a single secret yet though (have found a few trophies) and I must admit I'm stuck on 2-3. Would really recommend it though.