Any way at this point to make it 8.1 compatible? I don't want to update my iPad Air 2 for various reasons. Thanks
Yes it's a lot harder now. Constantly dying on some dungeons. I like it. Time to rate 5 stars Edit: turned my iphone to the side accidentally while I had the auto-lock off and it changed orientation. What the hell? Ok, i'll take it.
Today's been pretty awesome.. I haven't even played this yet.. Been occupied with crashlands all night.. This looks fantastic though
The good news is this runs fine by force install on jb iph6+, running 8.1.2. So it doesn't seem like there's a problem with the current build for IOS below 8.3. So it's possible they could revise the IOS requirement
Yeah, I loved the original Dungelot, but after getting burned by getting in early on Dungelot 2 I'm going to wait and make sure the release is a polished product before buying.
So far so good, feels like RedWinter learned from the mistakes made on 2. Put in a few hours so far and can confirm this is the Dungelot we hoped far.
If that is epic, then what word is reserved for far superior icons? To each his own. It looks like the cartoon cow from 'Too Close For Comfort,' 80's sitcom. I'm cynical and old. Lol
I'm unable to locate the cloud save icon that was displayed here. Has anyone else found it? It's not appearing to the left of my save slot.
The update will be asap, We already loaded it. Few improvements and minor bug fixes Posting to twitter/facebook Maybe coins offset issue fix ( Didn't find issue that caused offsetting on new ipads ) Added tip about [ BIG ] items. When item marked as BIG it won't stack in one slot in inventory.
I use ipad2 myself and can confirm it's work well there. Better..well, it's more polished, you have mansion to upgrade, more mini games, few different worlds with special monsters and big bosses. Slightly different game mechanics ( Your hero can starve now, each 5 dungeon floors you will get to refuge where you can rest and visit trader. New heroes. A lot of text based events that can work differently for special heroes.
just wanted to say how awesome this game is, it takes some stuff from 1 mainly the animated sprites and brought them back from the boring choice used in dungelot 2 as cards and they took out what was wrong with 2 iaps/timers etc but kept the world map tossed in some story, I am assuming we will be seeing more character classes in some updates? the graphics are great in this they really pop. Job well done making it premium was the right path to take...And I did not hate Dungelot 2 it just was not as good as one but it had some great ideas and concepts and some just failed and i did buy the food iap so the timer went away and to support you guys and it looks like the money went into this gem of a game you have created, Bravo.... This and Crashlands ios must haves.