Yay! I am too excited about this game! Downloading now. This is one of my most wanted games. I hope it lives up to my excitement. =]
OMG. Instabuy! As soon as I saw this I squealed. Totally forgot it was coming out today. Huge fan of the original and sequel. I enjoyed both and am super excited it's going back to its original roots. Yummy. Gonna be a great weekend with this bad boy fo sho' doe.
Bug: buying magic wands doesn't stack in inventory Edit, Another: typo on tip for salvaging items for the charge bar
err... I guess I'm the only one but seriously, why does this require 8.3 ios? Not even 8? I never updated because they locked out document editing. This game should at least be playable on ios 7. Seems like you have to generally have the new ios in order to play this completely 2d game? Ugh..
Is there any reason NOT to use the blessings? It seems like an easy way to boost health/attack every run.
Some players may have problems while playing game. So it's a nice helper. ALSO keep in mind that in future you may face more difficult dungeons and this buf may be useful.
One thing I'm not super fond of, and that was also present in the previous iterations, is that exploring fog is of no consequence. In Desktop Dungeons (sorry to keep bringing up this game) for example, exploration needs to be balanced with restoring health and mana and this makes for tighter experience where every action matters. In this however, exploration of unseen tiles in largely a trivial process where by you tap away until you reach a road block with no free tiles left. Given the parallels to DD, was this something that was considered but deemed not fitting for whatever reason? I'm curious of this design decision, rather than being a criticism per se.
I can't say anything here as parallels to DD are useless ( Though I love this game Dungelot is far different and more lighthearted and do not share concepts of DD ). Taping and opening blocks are just part of exploration and not everything you do must matter something : ) But you will face some situations when tapping blocks may affect your hero. For example there are slimes that can *poison* adjacent blocks or trapper that will make few blocks dangerous to open ( decrease HP ), archers make barricades from adjacent blocks so its harder to get to them ( you must make several taps to reach em ) In the next updates when we add more content we plan to add some *power* blocks with buffs too.
Off work still for 4 days so buying now, looking forward to playing more. I didn't want to put too much time into beta as I'd likely lose my progress. With that in mind do all heroes share the same mansion upgrades? Love that it has the cloud save setup that way too as now I can play on my iPad and iPhone. Can you teach other devs to do this? Most of them suck at letting you play on multiple devices.
Wow this is great. No idea what Crashlands is like because this is good enough to keep me going elsewhere for now... However some spelling mistakes are horrible but worse I keep getting a debug message popping up saying "player authed"... Part of the gamecentre authentication that I as a player should never see. Needs this stuff patched ASAP then this will be one of those gems you keep on your device forever.
And you will get it ; ) We will submit update very soon with few improvements, hiding debug message, and social sharing of your progress