For me having the left stick able to strafe, makes it much less stable - sometimes tapping left or right does not respond, and he won't always go forwards or backwards. Turning off the strafe and having movement on left stick, and turn on the right stick allows consistent control for me.
Trust me, guys. You're gonna get Wolf/Minigore style stick control for the game pretty quickly. Already talking to Machineworks and arranging to get new builds. I imagine it'll be a scheme like the following: Left Stick will smoothly move you around, WASD, style. There will be some sensitivity on it and you can lock out strafing if you like so you can just move forward/backward. Will also add some acceleration in there so it's not instant run speed at full speed. Right Stick will be free look. Both sticks should work smoothly with your holding your finger on the stick and moving in and out of the stick zone. I have no idea why it works like it does now. I see dual stick control being the primary and default way to control the game. The sliders are "ok" at best, imo, no matter how you configure them. They should be the secondary control mechanism, and even then, they should probably default to a cross style design, which is more intuitive than what's there now. So, it's being addressed and is high priority but it'll take a couple weeks to get it sorted out and an update in place.
Bought it. Controls aren't great, but I'll still love it. Can't pass up an all time classic for that price. Rozzie
I am assuming then that the right hand stick would stay in place when you release it so you can tap to shoot...will the left stick snap to center if released?
Good stuff. B-b-b-b-ut, I thought the blurb said that the sliders were the preferred method? Here's what I currently use. Either seem fine - the analogue seems to get stuck more often than the sliders, but it seems like the sliders can get stuck to 'on' causing fixed movement. It's a choice between the lesser of two evils, I'm afraid. Sounds like you may have it under control, but those two weeks seem like an age away...
Another communication snafu. Pretty sure it'll be addressed and you'll get all the original music. Still sorting some things out.
I'm definitely all for the dual analog sticks; the sliders just didn't work for me. I could manage with them in Prey, but only because there was no alternative; I just had to rearrange the controls as best I could and live with it. The Wolf/Minigore/Dark Raider style is definitely the way to go. It feels the most natural. Glad to see it's already in the hot seat for a quick update -- I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye out for that. I'm just glad we finally got an official Duke on the iPhone. Rockin'...
George - I too am curious about a question posed earlier - Will the right stick remain where it is when shooting - right now it snaps to center making hitting anything really tough unless you are using a tap on the aliens to shoot - not something that I prefer... Old school baby... And will the left stick snap to center - should be default - when not being used?
yeah, or make another thing the user can specificy...snapping to center for one or the other stick as they like
I have found that the digital controls work pretty well. For me they are more precise and easier to use then the analog setup that was recommended.
Guys is this compatible with a 2nd Gen touch? I know I saw someone say only doesnt work on first gen here, but in all the reviews in the App store people just say iPod Touches and one guys said he has a 2nd gen. I want it but I dont wanna pay for it and not be able to play it.
Honestly, not sure. Are you wanting to aim vertically and shoot enemies with simple auto-aim, vs the tap shooting? I suppose a toggle to center or not, would be the way to go. The original game didn't really require you to aim up very much at all since it was primarily a keyboard game. re: left stick snapping. Not sure I see the problem with that as it's just strafing you around? Snapping should really be a non issue as the stick should just respond to wherever the touch from your finger is, within the stick zone. The right stick snapping is just to center your view so you don't get too disoriented, or walk around looking at the floor all the time. Keep the suggestions and polish feedback coming.
Okay, how about this. Once the controls are fixed, it'll be the most kick a** FPS in the App Store. EDIT: And it does only work with the iPod Touch 2G.