I signed off on the Duke 3D iPhone update that fixes the analog controls. Will keep you posted as to when it goes to Apple (late today?). re: 1G Compatability. I've been told that the game should work on 1G's with the coming update. re: Germany. I would hope that people could download the updates, but I don't know how that works. re: update time frame? I'e been told it can be 5-10 business days once submitted. The devs hope to get it submitted late today. There is more to do on the game, but it was important to get this update ready as soon as possible, while also not destabilizing the game. This update will mainly address the analog controls, and some minor changes to menu text to make things more clear. Thank you for your patience. We hope to bring you the Duke Nukem 3D experience you expect.
Will the update also add a fire button? I'm not a big fan of the tap to shoot mechanic. You end up covering most of the screen if your fingers.
There's a fire button now. It's just not clear. Turn off Tap Shoot and turn off Tap Screen to Shoot and that will place a little fire button on screen.
Thanks George! I'll be waiting for the update before I start playing it again. My stubby thumbs is just not working for the controls right now...
I believe updates are only allowed by apple store if it's still for sale in your region, I've had apps not update when they were't showing in my local store, only to work later when they re-appeared. Also I think been mentioned before, but should allow to rorate the device 180degrees and play with home button on left, so that hand doesn't cover speaker so easily.
This is great news, thanks. I went ahead and finally purchased the game to take advantage of the sale. Now I know what everyone was talking about. It literally took minutes to get the secret rocket launcher that you have to jump for so we'll see how that goes with the update!
The final build is being tested on all the various versions of the phone and touch, and it's getting near upload time to Apple. Will keep you posted.
Great to hear and thank you for having a presence here on the thread letting the community know that you are concerned and working to make things right. Definitely appreciated!
Why does the game require a microphone anyway? I'm 99.9% sure this has been addressed but I really don't want to go through each page one by one, so no flaming please
It doesn't. The build was mistakenly targeted for 2nd gen Touch and iPhone. That has been addressed for the forthcoming update so it will work with 1st gen Touches, too.
At 9:13 PST, the Duke 3D iPhone update was sent to Apple. It fixes the analog controls and makes the game work on Gen 1 Touches. If you mean using the iphone accelerometer, no. There really wasn't time for that and testing and the analog stuff was pretty crucial to get an update out asap. I'm still not sure that accelerometer functionality is all that useful in controlling an fps character. Duke's environments are also a lot more complex than Wolfenstein's, and you change direction more, in tighter areas.
Sorry, I should have elaborated. It's regarding the speed at which Duke will run when pushing the analogue stick - he runs at full bore. Earlier you mentioned that maybe you'll have them implement an acceleration scheme into the stick.
Everything about this game is great other than the obvious. I bought the game knowing the controls would suck but that an update was on the way. I played through the first level but won't play anymore until the update's released.