Please count me in for test flight. That's just fantastic. I cannot wait for this game! Take my money please! Lol Billy
Would love to get in on the Test Flight beta's if there's still spots open. I bought the original and look forward to the fixes and updates.
Thanks Dev to listen to us on the melee weapons thing, please also count me in if you need any tester. Thanks and good luck on release
Is there gonna be an update for the small few of us that never had issues with the game to begin with? Or are we going to have to buy the game again, as a different version? Since it got pulled and a lot of people asked for refunds? Just wondering cause I played it on my iPad mini with no problem so I never asked for refunds.
Of course, anyone wanting to try it on testflight send me a message with your email to send the invite. People that have already tried it in our previous testflight version will receive the invitation too. Don't worry, the game is the same in the appstore, it will get an update and when we release it to the public you will see it just like any other update of one of your games.
Please Dev, your game has some cool character models and I'd love to play anyone other than a muscle bound Rambo. Is it possible to have some options to choose from some of the models you already have or maybe have some customising - female? skinny? skin colours? I feel like it would really add to the game!
Sorry I have an iPad Air and an iPhone 6 and this game has too many problems to play on either of them. Hopefully they fix it, otherwise I guess it's my fault for not waiting for a review.
Whoa! I'm really excited for all the new content you're adding to the game, totally unexpected. Hope the beta testing goes fine
Wow. Just saw the post-apocalyptic opera Dog Days last night and got in the mood for a good post-apocalyptic RPG. Glad to hear this is headed back to the App Store! My iPhone 5S will gladly welcome it back.
Yes you are, you should have received the update to test. That's why the game is not available right now, we are testing an update to fix all those issues at the moment, please wait a little longer and you will receive the update once the game is available in the appstore again. Hope you like the game even better after the update, I think you are the very first one ever to complete it
thanks for the invite, i have no problems in controls and screen this time with the latest version, using iphone6plus ios 8.3 .
Hi, Just from reading this thread you will see what happened and why the developers did what they did. I can tell you from what I've seen and know I wouldn't worry. Just be patient. Also have you tried private messaging Angrybug and ask to be placed in the beta? I'm currently testing it and I can tell you it's a really fun game with decent progression. There's new features the dev is putting in that actually do add to the gameplay. I don't care if the dev tries to give me the game for free I am purchasing it one way or another once the final product is released. Yes it's that fun! Plus I'd rather give my money to small indie devs that actually try, take criticism and make changes based on that criticism, and just really care about their work. This game has all that and NO IAP nor and ADS! Billy
Thanks! It seems the issues with the screen and controls have been fixed... at least for all the devices and iOS versions people here are reporting, with some luck we can be sure the bugs are finally gone. We fixed the sound issue a couple of you encountered too, so finally we are in the correct path to having a new version of the game to send for the review process. We are not accepting any more beta testers now, they are a lot already and we really appreciate the support and feedback all of you are giving us. It was a long way, we hope to reach our goal soon. Thanks! I'll keep you posted.