Fantastic news. My summer will be over by then, but it's nice to read things are going smooth keep it up. I have Star Wars: KotOR to play with meanwhile
Hi CGSColin, any news regarding the iOS version? Checked your blog and webpage, and I only found info regarding the Steam version (something about yes/no votes and that it was going slowly towards Steam). I got iTunes cards at 20% discount the other day, and the credits are reserved for Drifter and Junk Jack X
Hey! Progress on the game continues apace and I'm making sure it continues to run on all supported platforms as I go! I tend to talk more about the desktop version out there because I kinda owe my Kickstarter backers a desktop version of the game so I want to keep them happy That said I'm definitely not forgetting about you guys and when the game hits 1.0 it will be out on iOS as well as desktop. I'm currently feverishly adding gameplay features as fast as I can and after that I'll be going through a polishing phase and hopefully then 1.0 will be ready. The actual release date is still a bit undefined and will remain that way but it's closer to done than not, if that is any comfort
We will patiently await the release, the screenshots on Twitter make it look pretty amazing. I look forward to getting lost in that big galaxy once its complete.
Just realized that people may be checking the first post in the thread and not realize the progress the game has made since I first announced it so I updated it with the latest teaser trailer if you wanted to check it out
Awesome, awesome, awesome! I love the game AND the music I guess that once it comes out, I won't need to buy any more games. I think I'll need a bunch of lifes to see all the planets and constellations available in the game
Any chance of a 5G widescreen update for Red Nova? I still think Red Nova is a really under rated game with great space physics that some people seemed not to understand. If Drifter will be similar that seems like a smart name.
Finally saw the new trailer Love the art style and atmosphere Some questions: - Will this work on iPhone 4? - Perhaps this is the point, but are there more "cluttered" areas? With more structures, etc. in one area? - Is it possible to use that asteroid field to your advantage a la Star Wars?
Man, this looks gooooood. One concern though, I hope that travel between the planets/systems doesn't get too formulaic and boring. Staring at a ship for 2, 3, 5 minutes while nothing happens will get monotonous fast.
In the latest video, the player's spaceship seems to hide behind an asteroid to avoid the shots, so I guess you can use it to your advantage. What I don't think you can do is enter an asteroid and find a giant worm sleeping inside
+1 Have the exact same concern. Everything else looks awesome Well I was taking more weaving through the asteroid field or maybe using it to avoid detection
I don't think that it will take so much. There are 20+ minute videos and I remember there was some kind of warp from one place to the other, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for the continued interest in the game and I'm glad people are liking what they see! Some of your recent questions have already been answered but I'll go over what I can now and as always I'm monitoring this thread so if you have other questions that haven't been answered elsewhere feel free to ask Unfortunately I'm basically 100% focused right now on completing Drifter and getting it into people's hands. Assuming Drifter sells well that should give me some breathing room to give a little bit of TLC to Red Nova and update it for the iPhone 5's screen and give it retina support on the iPad. It's likely that the game will not run very well on the iPhone 4/iPad 1 and the base device requirement will be the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and up. That said it does still run on those devices it's just that the framerate is really low and probably unplayable. However, I will be spending some time working on optimizing the game's rendering engine before launch so I may yet be able to eke out enough performance on those devices. As for more "cluttered areas" there are going to be randomly distributed "areas of interest" throughout the game where you can encounter pirate strongholds and abandoned wrecks and things like that you can discover and explore. As someone else noted, there is a fast-travel system called "slipstream" in the game which boosts your ships velocity by at least 10x its realspace velocity. The systems are still large but this should definitely cut down on the monotony.
Still being worked on, still runs on iOS devices and still can't run a proper public beta for iOS :/ For those who haven't been following along on Twitter I will now dump a big pile of new artwork you probably haven't seen!
Here's a mix of some new ships that we've been working on, some station interiors and a new station type: