Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Oh? I did not have any turn countdown as the thief! My boss gave me HORRIBLE wishes instead like the genie. One of those wishes was exile my hand, and I was drawing a lot of cards! Wow cool, now we know each boss has a different difficulty!

    The thief is definitely one of the more difficult class, it's really challenging in that even reaching level3 is very hard, even to the point of purposefully missing out a creep just because I had to heal/lvlup in time to fight the boss of that level.

    Yes equipment is important and what you said is correct. I've recently found the book whereby it gives you a random card every turn and I found that pretty awesome for the thief but I have not found it since then, I think it's pretty rare... . Also I'm not a big fan of the bow because it only deals ONE damage for every action cards and at the later levels, one damage is negligable against creeps that are either immune or just plain defend against that one damage... .

    I also always now start off with the talent that allows you to refresh your dungeon skills, so now I always start off with 2 treasure chest, and 2 more every 5 creep kills. Just remember not to pick up anything until you've decided what deck to build based on what's left in the chests and shops at the END of the first level. Thieves' survivability depends on a really tight deck... .
  2. RLennon

    RLennon Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2013
    I'm 30-40 plays with not making it past the second floor. Not worried, just enjoying the game learning the cards and monster tendencies.

    Great game!!

  3. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I finally made it to floor 2! Lol it sounds funny, this being any other RL it wouldn't even be a big deal, but yeah.

    I would have actually made it past floor 2 I think, on that run, but I used what would be the equivalent of a shrine in Diablo and it completely messed me up (doubled my HP but gave armor 1 to everything, which may or may not be bugged). Even when doing 2 damage to something, I would do zero. The only thing that worked against monsters were my elemental cards (theif) but that wasn't enough.

    Love this game, it's tough as nails but equally as rewarding.
  4. tamykatakki

    tamykatakki Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    Usually I'm a lurker on these forums but I just had to comment on this game!

    Initially I was really on the fence about Dream Quest but after following this thread I decided to just give it a go. I can definitely say I don't regret it in the least! This game is totally addictive. I'm almost on my 50th run pretty much exclusively as a wizard and have yet to defeat the 2nd boss but I keep coming back for more.

    I was quite apprehensive about the graphics I could see at the start but I've found they have actually grown on me and I don't even notice them anymore. In fact the cards are pretty easy to identify now without much thought.

    Mechanics are excellent. I love how achievements open up new cards to collect. The variety of monsters and bosses with unique abilities is great and can pretty easily stuff up a good run which does add to the suspense (no physical damage taken mobs, I'm looking at you when I play warrior/ thief!). Also the shrines are great fun at the start when you have no idea what they do and you just close your eyes and hope it's a good one.

    Massive thanks to the developer :) really glad you're so active and willing to listen to feedback and improve on things. Just wanted to let you know you've completely ruined my life! I'm going to be stuck to my iPad forever till I beat this game :p

    In short, anyone who has doubts about this game - give it a go! Truly amazing game hidden behind simplistic graphics
  5. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Those gods never give you anything for free! ;)
  6. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Having just finished my prayers at the last of the 6 altars (and unlocking the Necromancer class) I can attest to the fact: TANSTAAFL.

  7. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Update is on the store! This is NOT the iphone interface fix - this is the update I submitted last week. Changelog:

    Added high score tracking.
    Added names for Warrior and Thief (Katie, Samantha, Jacob)
    Fixed a bug with simultaneous death
    Fixed a bug with necromancers near end game
    Fixed a small number of typos

    Note that high scores start now - I wasn't tracking them in past versions, so your previous ones won't show up.

    @final boss discussion: =)

    @tammi (and others): Thanks! Really happy people are enjoying it - it's the most gratifying part of all of this.

    Still working on iphone interface update - hopefully feature locked tonight, test for ~2 days and submit this weekendish.

    Also, please re-review if you can - the biggest problem with updates is that it wipes my reviews (which are really important for a game like this in attracting new people!)
  8. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    #148 funambulist, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
    @LegendaryFerret: Thanks for the update!

    One request please... can you add either a statistic or an additional achievement which we can use to track the total number of times a player has died? At the moment the final 'Skull IV' achievement is reached by dying 100 deaths and beyond that, at least as far as I can see, there is no further tracking. Or are you internally tracking the number of deaths beyond that point?

    Easiest perhaps to implement would be the addition of a single achievement of 1000 (or 1001) deaths (set at an impossible unlock price)?

    Thanks for listening and again thanks for this fantastic game!
  9. rowe33

    rowe33 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    PLEASE fix the upgrade screen so that it won't exit unless you've spent all your upgrade points. Every single run I end up losing one or two upgrades because I accidentally hit 'Upgrade' before picking my two upgrades.

    Really like the game though!
  10. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    It's in the next update (it'll give you a confirmation screen if you pick too few). Hopefully out towards the end of next week =)
  11. D1vi8

    D1vi8 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2014
    Game Impressions

    (Sorry for my bad English). Reading all this, I bought the game. And the game is great. First I doubted because of the graphics. Once I started to play, I realised this is the best game I downloaded this year. I hope gamesites will review the game. I'm sure the game will eventually get the attention it deserves!
  12. rowe33

    rowe33 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    Thank you! That's really been driving me nuts.
  13. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #153 Vovin, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
    Well, I was hesitant at first, but my fellow tA members pushed me over the edge and made me buy this.

    Oh my, how I "hate" you all for making me spend money all the time on iOS games... ;-P
  14. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    I'll be posting a review soon to slidetoplay.com.
  15. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Any chance of maybe enhancing the PICKPOCKET card from just a measly 3 gold to something more useful?
    Or just remove the exile part?
    There seems very little reason to use it otherwise......
    Also, some minor form of financial gain for deleting cards (Forgetting) would also be nice.
  16. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    You must not play deckbuilding card games. :) The benefit of "forgetting" cards is that you can delete weaker cards from your deck so that the better ones have a better chance of coming out sooner.
  17. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Agree, in "Normal," CCG's that is true.
    But the delete option is quite rare in this game which makes what cards you put in your deck in the first place all the more important and thus when you do delete a card, some renumeration would be nice, even if a token gold piece, hehe.

    The Pickpocket card seems pointless due to only 3 gold per battle, would you agree?
  18. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Glad I'm not the only one who keeps hitting the upgrade button after selecting the first card to upgrade...
  19. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #159 MrMojoRisin, May 22, 2014
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
    That's a Thief card, right? I haven't played that class much yet. But 3 does seem a little low. Maybe he will up it some, unless there is a good game balance reason for it being so low.

    Right now, with the other three classes that you start with (how do you get more, btw?), gold seems to be pretty well balanced so that you have enough to decently progress your deck and character, but not so much that you can just buy everything on the board. So you have to choose wisely how to spend it. That a facet of this game that I really love, so I can understand him not wanting to break that by giving the Thief too much.
  20. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    If you look through the usually most expensive achievements you'll see how all of the classes are unlocked but, suffice it to say, either progress far or, better yet, win as all of your available classes, and the the other classes will just drop into your lap naturally.

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