Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. cadiboy

    cadiboy New Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Any plan on making it full screen on iPhone 5 devices?
  2. Myqpalzm

    Myqpalzm Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2014
    Pamulang, Indonesia
    I've been playing this game for over a year now, and I still cannot get past the second floor with any class... :(

    Are there any strategy guide out there?
  3. D1vi8

    D1vi8 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2014
    And I thought I was the only one. Only got once past second floor.
    But yes there is a guide.

  4. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    There were also some YouTube vids of the dev playing the game this helped a lot. And try with a lower difficulty first.
  5. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Just a thought, but when I was starting out I just did my best till I saved up enough to buy the Professor in achievements. He is the most fun and possibly easiest class to get further with. I've gotten all the achievements now and still play the game solely using Professor because he's so much fun. Hope that helps.
  6. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    But now that he is nerfed he is not so easy anymore. I find it difficult to get to level 2 now with him. I would rather suggest the warrior or thief to get started.
  7. Myqpalzm

    Myqpalzm Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2014
    Pamulang, Indonesia
    Thanks for the guide link!

    I'll be sure to search the video on Youtube.

    I don't really want to spend my achievement points, actually. I'll save it until someday....but thanks for the suggestion! I'm a bit curious about that Professor class...

    I prefer the thief, actually. With necromancer and samurai as my other main class.
  8. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    I remember they changed him, but I'm pretty sure the last update reverted him back to original. Has for me anyhow.
  9. lawdcu

    lawdcu New Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    Newbie Pointers

    There are probably much deeper guides, and I'm probably repeating myself, but for folks who have yet to kill the third floor boss, here are some pointers I've gleaned from waaay too many hours with this game.

    Choices Matter
    Peter Whalen has said in an interview that he tried to make it possible for three deck archetypes to exist for each character class. We'll get into some specifics later but for now it's important to realize that you can't just add all of the cards that you find and expect the deck to cohere. You have to pick a model and stick with it. Because of that...

    Explore as much of the first floor as you can before battling your way through.
    There are no ninja monsters on the first floor, ever, so find out what's there. Is there a Monastery? How many shops? What loot is available? If you have a choice between fighting a monster that's near the edge and fighting one that's probably blocking your way to big chunks of the board, prioritize the one that lets you explore. There are quite a few levels that will generate with do-or-die choke points - you have to kill that goblin or you'll never find the boss. So, even if it's a harder fight, take on the goblin as soon as possible.

    Best Stuff Ever
    These cards are incredibly useful, and often found on the first floor. You should (almost) always try to take/buy/use them if you can.

    Execute: Easy mode for Floor 1 and early Floor 2.
    Protean: Card drawing is the single most important thing you can add to your deck.
    Venom: Six damage over three turns, fits into nearly any deck, solves your elemental damage needs, and cheap.
    Hamstring: Incapacitates a lot of gnarly creatures and bosses on the turn it shows up. Deals three damage even if it doesn't do anything earth-shattering.
    Choke: See: Hamstring
    Monastery: If you remember nothing else: Always use a first floor Monastery twice, and as soon as possible, to thin your deck. If the shops are piss-poor you might want to splurge on the 25 coin option as well.

    Things that are worthless, IMO
    I've logged a lot of hours and I (almost) never see a way to use these.

    Bandage: Someone no doubt has a story about how this card saved their life. It is nonetheless crap and you should always discard it.
    Altar to Alcoran: There are edge-case uses for this altar, but for the most part it renders the rest of the level (or the next level) unplayable. Obviously if you're on level 3, have a decent path to the boss, and have a bunch of cards that could level up, go ahead and invoke.
    Gauss' Hourglass This is a funny one because card drawing is unbelievably important (see Protean), but you have to sacrifice tempo to get the bonus here, and on later floors that will almost always kill you. If you were building an equipment deck with a Warrior and didn't have enough equipment slots, then a turn that consists of Hourglass, Sword, Armor, end turn, draw six is pretty sweet. (The equipment area doesn't count as "in play," so playing prayers or equipment and nothing else would trigger the Hourglass.) And, of course, you may end up in a level with a ton of Medusae and Revenants and suddenly you look like a genius. Normally, though, the Hourglass sits there and mocks you.
    Vanilla Mana Cards: Don't add these to your deck. If you start with one or more, level one (or two) up and delete the surplus ones from the deck.
    Unless you find it before any battles on level one, or in the very first store, Pickpocket: Everyone can make use of this card but if you're not getting the mileage out of it on the first floor it's really not as cool. Picking this up before you fight anything, and then managing your fights, you can expect to net 20-ish coins on floor one. That's enough for something lovely from the store. Later on, you cannot wait around for Pickpocket to show up, and many times you'll kill the creature before you can pick its pocket.

    If it's not already clear, the most important thing you can do is keep your deck compact and make everything in it useful. THIS IS THE PRIME DIRECTIVE.

    Go ahead and start on 'raptor (again IMO)
    You can achieve the little perks quickly on either Grizzly or Velociraptor, but you can't complete all the achievements unless you're on 'raptor. Might as well get used to the beatings early. Then, for a treat, you can drop down to Grizzly and marvel at how much easier it is with less chaff in your deck to start.

    Core classes
    Priest: Love/hate, this guy. Prayer of Violence is very good. Orison...meh. It's a good card but after level one you'll wish it was something else. Prayers + Piety + Hastes is one deckbuilding option - you need some defense (Blur, Shield, Ward) while you wait for the sky to rain arrows & fire. Another option is to assume that you'll find the big huge spells at some point and build your mana base up with useful cards like Wisdom & Inspiration. Priests don't get much mid-range offense in the spell category, they get mega-spells like Shrink and Mahamat, so you'll need a lot of mana. Similarly, Soulfire is mana-intensive because of its return-to-hand ability.

    Thief: Favorite basic class. It goes without saying, but activate "Find Treasure" immediately. At level up, take Circle over everything that isn't Backstab, Dice, or an extra Action (and even that is close). On reaching the second floor you want at least three actions. Thieves suck against monsters with armor or the Blur ability, so emphasize elemental damage. Every now and then a treasure chest will have a mana card and you'll have to wonder if you'll ever see a spell. If it's Salve, Wisdom, or Fiery Charge, go ahead and take it. If it's something else, you'll have to balance the likelihood that you'll find Penance or something. Jeremiad's Bracers + Dodge or Avoid (or even just a Shield) is a lovely engine and a lot easier to assemble than most.

    Warrior: Using Smash, you should be able to see most of the first level before getting into too many battles. Warriors can be equipment junkies, or they can just opt to beat on anything they come across. Taking "Upgrade 2 cards" on level up is often the best choice. If you're not picking random classes and just want to get through the first bunch of achievements, the Warrior's your huckleberry. Hamstring and Choke will almost always be at home here, but verify that there aren't any Colossus Smashes going spare first.

    Wizard: The temptation is to boost your mana, which is fine, but when in doubt, err on the side of health. Shed one of your starting mana cards if you can, and level the others. Jasra's Jarring Jolt deals one damage four times, not four damage. If you're facing a monster with Cower, this is good to remember. Teleport to get to new areas if you must, but bear in mind that you must win a battle to refresh the ability. Wizards have a lot of spells to choose from, and often the synergy between the spells is what's important. Each element has spells ranging from small to massive, but only the water spells (frost bolt, blizzard, freeze) amplify each other. You're looking for something like a 1:1.5 ratio between mana cards and spells, and if you could delete all of your starting attack cards, I'd say go for it. Wizards loooove finding the Altar to Cairn.
    RadicalPsyche likes this.
  10. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    What a cool post, especially since I play this game completely differently- a testimony to the greatness of the game.
    I hate execute because it is a card you have to get rid of later on. I never take protean because The chance to make it work is too small for most decks. Hamstring is also too specific, works well only on some monsters - 3 damage is not enough for the third floor
    Card I always take: the one where you get a random card every turn (forgot the name) because it is fun and can save your ass. Circle for anyone who uses actions I cannot get enough circles and will definitely take circle over most other cards.

    Gauss I am not sure about. Got it to work a few times the problem is you need more than one to work effectively.

    Your post makes me want to play again, try your approaches, such a great game!
  11. cannedpineapples

    Jul 19, 2012
    How to beat the final boss?

    Any tips on how to get him? So far I've gotten closest with Wizard: Acid Rain + Blight combos. But then I'm always one turn away from killing him. Frustrating. Any other classes work better?
  12. lawdcu

    lawdcu New Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    I think my one success was actually with a ranger and zeelion poison actions.
  13. phreaker

    phreaker New Member

    Sep 10, 2015
    Class I can do it with: Assassin. I have two kills recorded within about 15 games of each other. I suspect I figured things out ;).

    Kill seeds: X9XA9-94M55-Z96WD-LDW55 , J4JM9-XX9SQ-73Z95-RQ499

    (Just so you know you have a seed capable of actually killing the end boss. Not all of them are, and some are near darn impossible, I suspect a well played monk may be more consistent. But I can't do it. ;) )

    My thoughts on strategy:

    People focus on the cards. Cards are great... but you have to think about the whole game.

    Talents matter, abilities matter.

    Why Assassin? (Thief/Wizard)

    It has two GREAT abilities.

    1. You can run from combat, and the monster stays damaged.
    2. Murder. Can't deal with that monster. Nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.

    Now, the thing I don't think people focus on enough is what talents you take at each floor.

    What is your starting talent? Why?
    What is your 2nd floor talent? Why?
    What is your 3rd floor talent? Why?
    What is your level 10 talent? Why?

    I find the 3rd floor and level 10 talents the hardest to choose personally.

    Now, the rest is for those who want a spoiler: (I request that you honor my spoiler tag here. Do not quote this except in private mail back to me.)

    For me:

    Start: Healing.
    Floor 2: Preparation.
    3. ???
    4. ???

    These two abilities, interlink with murder, and running from combat. You want to kill things if you can for the cash. But sometimes murder is right. Now there's a quote for you... Healing is GREAT so you can stay alive after you do something silly, or just because you are about to die, and facing a strong monster. Preparation should be used as needed to keep your abilities cycling.

    Now... what is your base ability:

    Channel: Whenever the assassin plays an action card, she gains two mana.

    Hmmnn... There's a deck archetype from the base classes that plays that way. The action based/cantrip/dice/backstab thief.

    For this archetype, there's a simple ruleset: (The backstab thief.)

    There are two types of cards. (assuming you have enough actions, and you should.)

    1. Cards that let you draw another card. Call them cantrips.
    2. Cards that don't let you draw another card. Call them terminal cards.

    You WILL draw your entire deck, if your number of terminal cards, is less than the size of your hand.

    This is VERY important. You want to know you'll draw all your cards :). (I think both kill decks could come close, if not do this.)

    You may ask: What about Circle. It kinda counts as a card draw... kinda not. Depends on how close you are, and how many turns you are willing to waste getting into full bore kill mode. Take it though, it is one of the few cards I'd throw in about ANY deck, and I'll take as many as you hand me.

    Note, the number of cantrips doesn't matter, as long as you have actions to back them up.

    So in the normal thief archetype, you play "dice" and "backstab" as your terminal cards. Defense may come from dodge and friends.

    In this case, you actually have MUCH better defense. Blur + Earth Shape (DR 2, Casts on 2 mana, and has 3 rocks on the front. I may have the name wrong.) is pretty hard to get through. Clearly you can use the thief versions if you have enough actions too.... Do what makes sense, but given that you get Blur in your starting deck... I suspect you'll have it at the end.

    With all of this said... Clearly removing cards at monasteries is REALLY important. Do it!

    As far as killing the boss. You'll want two types of cards.

    1. "Doublers". These are cards that re-cast the spell you just cast.
    2. A card to double.

    I suggest Blight or Electocute to double. They are pretty strong, and play well. Blight is stupidly strong, and electrocute is right behind it. In fact there are decks where electrocute is stronger, which is counter to the normal opinion. If you can gain ~20 mana a turn and have 2-3 doublers... You will outrun a blight deck with electrocute.

    They both work quite well... :)

    I usually choose Fluid or the 30% of attacks fail talent on 3. And for my level 10, -1 card for my opponent, though I can easily defend +1 card for me.

    So for TL;DR:

    1. Grab actions that allow you to draw a card, as long as they are in balance with your base actions.
    2. Grab a defensive card, like Earth Shape.
    3. Thin out your deck so you have as few cards that don't cause you to draw another card as possible, within reason. (Which is pretty small here ;).)
    4. Look for a kill card, and doublers, on floor 3, use WIZARD kill cards. They are more effective. A kill card here is Blight or Electrocute.

    You likely WILL have to run from the end boss once. Do so and heal yourself! With that, the good defense, and the wizard kill cards. It is very possible, to kill the very end boss.

    Note: You can kill the end boss with your ONLY poison card being blight! No problem. I expect most kills will be done that way. You don't want to carry the poison spell early, and your deck won't be consistent enough to get it off every turn as it requires to really work... Never mind the mana pressure etc. Early, playing as a thief is much easier :).

    Now go watch the boss go flush down the toilet, then do it on your own seeds.

    I look forward to someone writing a guide for another class. :)

  14. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Wow that was a cool post thank you. I have gotten most achievements but never killed him I will give it a shot...
  15. autofire

    autofire Active Member

    Aug 16, 2013
    Hahaha dude that's so extreme, I think I'd have been crying
  16. Angelica

    Angelica New Member

    I seem to have found a bug

    I love the game and cannot stop playing it! Awesome!

    But I have noticed at times the monsters get too many cards. For example, I was fighting a ghost. I looked in his hand to steal a card for a one time use. He had a Hide card and two Attack (2) cards. I stole one of the Attack (2) cards. When he played his 2 card hand, he played his Hide card first and drew another Hide card. He then played that Hide card and drew another Attack (2) card, leaving him two Attack (2) cards, but he then played three Attack (2) cards.

    I found it a tad annoying as the last card played killed me, but oh well. The problem is that I have noticed this kind of thing happening in other fights. I will Kick a card, but the monster will still play his hand as if I had not reduced it by one card. The episode with the ghost is the only one I have documented.

    The problem is intermittent so it is hard to find and hard to document. I don't know where else to post this as I cannot find a Bugs thread. Many apologies if I posted it in the wrong thread.

  17. Nobody33

    Nobody33 New Member

    Nov 3, 2015
    #677 Nobody33, Nov 3, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
    iCloud sync not working 11/3/15

    Can anyone give me advice on how to get the iCloud Sync to work for Dream Quest? I have played on my iPad, and have uploaded the profile to the iCloud, but when I try to download the profile on my iPhone, no profiles show up whatsoever.

    Both devices are set to the same iCloud account (obviously), and I have no trouble syncing any other data from any other apps between the devices through the iCloud. Both devices have Dream Quest enabled in the Settings>iCloud>iCloud Drive page. For whatever it is worth, both devices are set to backup via the iCloud, and have both backed up to the iCloud within the last hour.

    I've tried rebooting both devices, waiting several hours (days, actually), disabling and re-enabling the iCloud backup and iCloud Drive on both devices, and making sure both devices had the newest (and same) version of Dream Quest (given that I first bought Dream Quest less than 2 weeks ago, there wasn't much chance I had anything but the newest version, but it didn't hurt to check), all to no avail.

    If it matters, both devices can Upload profiles, and then see the profiles they have just uploaded when they select download, they just can't see the profiles uploaded by the OTHER device--which is what this is all about.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Hi, sorry that I've got no idea about your problem, yet I guess maybe you can ask the dev for some help? His email address was [email protected] (as shown in #646) before he joined Blizzard, not sure if he still uses it though.
  19. ddubois

    ddubois Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I just won a Thief on velociraptor, and got to fight the big boss for the first time. I hadn't read about this fight and his characteristics before I attacked. It was an incredibly disappointing experience, because you only have like 15 seconds a turn when fighting the Lords of Dreams, and that's including the time spent picking card(s) from your hand to give him. Thieves obviously need to play out all their +action cards first, then all their cycling cards, then play all their preps and sidesteps, then play their backstabs, and it's physically impossible to do that in the little time given. In fact, a couple of times I give away a couple gifts, played out an Alacrity or two, then hit "play all", and with all the cycling, the animation delays kept all the all cards from being played. First game design decision I've been disappointed and perplexed by.
  20. Lfinn

    Lfinn Member

    Dec 17, 2015
    Looks interesting!

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