Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. Mdrael

    Mdrael New Member

    Oct 26, 2014
    Need some help /tech support. Finally got my samurai to the third level boss (Hydra) and when I use my combat ability to burn mana and damage the Hydra, the game locks up, resets me back to just after I killed the last enemy I fought.

    Any ideas?
  2. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Probably a memory issue. Have you tried rebooting your device?
  3. Angry Angry Hydra

    Angry Angry Hydra New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
    #623 Angry Angry Hydra, Oct 31, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
    What happens if I can't ever kill a monster and he can't ever kill me?

    I'm currently fighting a Hydra that is getting increasingly angry, but even once he's drawing his entire deck he's never going to be able to damage me. (Well, actually, he doesn't seem to be drawing more cards. It say she's drawing 24 additional cards, but his hand is only 11 or 12 at the start of my turn.) And I have no damage that sticks on him and can't kill him in one turn.

    Is conceding my only option?
  4. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    That is what the concede button is for. You have to be prepared for these fights as well...
  5. Angry Angry Hydra

    Angry Angry Hydra New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
    #625 Angry Angry Hydra, Nov 2, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    Yeah, after a couple hundred turns I ended up concluding that there is no further attempt to deal with stalemates beyond monsters getting angry. I am happy to accept the loss but being forced to concede is a real bummer, I would have preferred if after the monster starts drawing a dozen or so extra cards I started taking increasing piercing damage or something as is common in other games. (I would also have been happy with a mechanic that would break the stalemate in my favor -- doesn't matter -- my complaint is the lack of a stalemate breaker either way.)

    I feel a bit bad complaining, though -- it's the first time it's happened and the first truly negative experience I've had with this amazing game over a huge number of hours playing it.
  6. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    There was a discussion about this earlier in this thread. Think about it as wandering in a dungeon filled with horrible creatures to finally come to an endless fight with a monster you can't kill, that won't let you get away, forever struggling in an endless fight... And it means next time you have to be prepared for one more type of battle that you did not think of before... and You probably thought you were well prepared with a deck the hydra cannot damage...
  7. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath New Member

    Oct 19, 2014
    This remains one of the most playable games on my iPhone, and it's one that I always find myself returning to. Let's have a sequel please Mr Whalen.
  8. danron1376

    danron1376 Member

    Jun 30, 2014
    there's supposed to be an update with advice from richard garfield. not sure when the timetable is. but yes i would like a sequel
  9. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    And so you shall. Perhaps.
  10. danron1376

    danron1376 Member

    Jun 30, 2014
    wow, nice interview. one interesting thing he said:

    "Most of the people who like Dream Quest are either between 8 and 11, or game designers."
    not sure where he got that data, but it's interesting if true. i would think most of his customers are ccg players, mostly those familiar with magic the gathering.

    also, seems like hes working on something like dreamquest but more like magic meets chess. i would like to play that one as well.
  11. baelnor

    baelnor Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    Finally won with assassin!!! Now back to samurai. Just can't win with him
  12. dreammaybequest

    dreammaybequest New Member

    Nov 26, 2014
    Will this game on android ? I am really want to play this great game on my android phone .
  13. Ben!

    Ben! Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Chicago, IL
  14. Zanatar

    Zanatar Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    First of all.. I want to say Hi. I realize I`m late to the party, that is this thread.. arriving at page 64. There hasn't been a post since Christmas Eve.

    I really hope people haven't stopped playing or reading.

    I have some questions I was hoping to have answered.

    But before I get to it.. I want to thank you LegendaryFerret for making this game. I`ve been having so much fun with it over the last month or so. As so many have said in here, I can't put it down. I can't stop myself from playing. The "one more game" curse.. has kept me up late at night. I`ve gotten OUT of bed, to play that "one more game". lol Fantastic game!

    So on to my questions:

    1) Where is everyone? Why is this thread so dead now? Have people stopped playing? Is there another forum I missed? I saw the thread to the Subreddit , but it`s been pretty quiet too. I`m hoping someone can tell me "hey we are all over at such and such forum. " I especially want to be on the forum where I know that LegendaryFerret is active on.

    2) Speaking of LegendaryFerret. What is happening these days with the game? Are you still reading here? Are there more updates in the works? I really hope so. I would love to know what is happening and what your plans are for the future for Dream Quest.

    That`s it for now.. I have a ton of game related questions, more pertaining to strategies and needing help. But I want to make sure people are still around here reading first, before I start asking.

    Thanks, Zanatar.
  15. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    I am still reading this thread, but I have to admit I have played other stuff in the last months, but I spent a lot of time on this (sort of, with a daytime job and small children there is just not a lot left for gaming...)

    On the reddit there was an interview with Peter where he spoke about future plans, did you see that?

    Anyway, welcome to the party #
  16. Zanatar

    Zanatar Member

    Aug 17, 2014
  17. Zanatar

    Zanatar Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    Sorry for the double post.

    I just read the interview.

    It doesn't really say much in terms of future content. He just says the following:

    "Well, in terms of the graphic design, I’m still looking for someone who would be interested in working on that. Generally I’m pretty happy with the content…if I come up with some cool ideas for new classes and new cards, I’d be okay with releasing some kind of expansion. I have ideas for a Dream Quest II that would change some things that I don’t like, but it’s just ideas at this point. There’s a long way between having ideas and doing all the programming. "

    How long ago was that interview? Would be great if we had an update from Peter.

    I really hope Peter is still reading here. I would really like to hear if any new updates are coming soon.
  18. Shwqa

    Shwqa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    It has been a while since that interview. Mostly like there will be no more updates. But hey crazier things have happened.
  19. Zanatar

    Zanatar Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    Ok I`m looking to do something no one has done yet. If we could complile the info I`m looking to get from this thread, it would really help new players and old ones.

    Now I have read Peter's strat's for the 4 basic classes.
    From what I understand, there are at least 3 deck strategies you can have for each class. I am looking for advice on this.

    I would like the format to show 3 deck archetypes , example cards to get, large or tight deck and overall strategy for the archetype. Let me start it off (and I`m my examples below are straight from Peter`s guide and not my own:

    1) Colossus Smash deck - tight deck needed
    Good cards to get: Holy Strike, Pierce, Wrath of God
    Strat: to cycle through and get Colossus smash as often as possible. Use Double strike on powerful cards and avoid action cards Find utility in attack cards.

    2) Slash deck -
    Good Cards to get: 2nd sword, Slashes, some elemental strikes, Scimitars and Gauss’ Hourglass
    Strat: maximize the sword by getting as many triggers as you can and getting cruel talent on 3rd floor , and cards that weaken your opponent causing more damage per turn (Poisons?)

    3) ? Not sure.. I`m thinking a defensive deck is often the 3rd archetypes
    Would love for someone to fill this in.

    1) Backstab Deck :
    Good cards to get: Circle, Swiftness, Alacrity, Jab, Penetration and Dice
    Strat: Lots of action cards that draw cards and add action points and then finish with Dice and backstab.

    2) Strike Deck - Tight Deck needed
    Good Cards to get: a couple of max Strikes , Desperate Strikes, Mimic, Coup de Grace and Darting Daggers, any other cards that copy Strikes at a lower action cost.
    Strat: Needs lots of base action points for the strikes. You want to have a very tight small deck to cycle through and use strikes as much as possible each turn.

    3) Defensive deck - (not sure on this but I think I`ve read this is a valid deck type)
    Good cards to get: Shield, Jeremiad's Bracer, Dodge, Avoid, Blur , Hemorage, poison cards in general.
    Strat: good idea to get some base action points and equipment slots and have high Dodge rate to avoid damage and cause poison damage. The idea being to survive long enough for your poisons to kill off the target.

    Priest: Not 100% sure here. Peter`s advice on the priest was very broad overall and didn't give any deck types exactly. So I`m making this up based on my limited experience with Priests.

    1) Prayer deck -
    Cards to get: Any and all prayer type cards , Piety, and any cards that help improve Prayer cards in some way . Heals and defensive cards.
    Strat: You need to stay alive long enough for your prayers to go off. Will require some good defensive cards. Might want to copy Piety going to floor 2, to have 2 or more of them. The faster you get lower the level 5 prayer cards to go off, the better.

    I`m honestly not sure for these. Would love someone to fill this is in. I have not had much luck with the priest.

    Wizard :

    1) Electrocute. -
    Cards to get: Electrocute, mana surge, mana swell, overload, Conduit ,Shock. There are others but I forget.
    Strat: Raise as much of a mana pool as possible, to use on Electrocute.

    2) Fire deck - Tight deck
    Good cards to get: Fireball, explosion, meter , mana surge, overload, mana swell.
    Strat: Needs high base mana to fuel the cost of spells. Needs a tight deck to kill mobs fast with high high dmg.

    3) Ice / Poison deck- Heard about this but not sure how to fill this in.

    Wizard's I think have huge potential for more then 3 archetypes. I think it has much more then other classes. As you can combine 2 element types.


    Now that`s the extent of my knowledge. I have unlocked other classes (Monk, Samurai, Necromancer) so far. But I have not had much luck with them or figured out good strats to fill this format in.

    Please continue this idea. I want to eventually compile your responses for other classes. I'll keep notes for who has replied and give credit. I will in time, once all the classes and archetypes are filled in, I will post a strategy guide (not under my name.. but as a community effort.

    Thanks, Zanatar.
  20. bababewey

    bababewey Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
    Whoa, this game is fantastic. Here is a helpful article. http://www.pockettactics.com/features/winning-ugly-still-winning-peter-whalens-guide-dream-quest/

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