Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. nortikdos

    nortikdos Member

    May 15, 2014
    Wow, beating the Dreamer with non-professor/non-dragon is impressive! Good job.

    For Pure: Monk with Preparation is pretty straightforward.
  2. danron1376

    danron1376 Member

    Jun 30, 2014
    yeah maybe they can make it so that fleeing is not 100% effective. also, it seems too easy that you always get to go first (unless ambushed but that is rare). my favorite is to steal ENTHRALLS from the vampire boss and THREE WISHES from the genie boss.
  3. Papermoon

    Papermoon New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    I was so lucky to get such a deck, lol.

    I'll try to use monk with the talent.When posted last time,I haven't met the Dreamer as a thief. :) Thx!
  4. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Is it? I've tried at least 10 times now and I keep dying before I get my deck under 4 cards. Do you just need to keep trying until you get a multiple Monastery floor 1, plus a cleanse or 2 on level up?
  5. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Well, I don't know if I would call it straightforward, but I did it. First floor actually had no monastery, but I did get a Cleanse on one of my level ups. On the other hand, I had to take either Circle or Wisdom when I got to I think level 4. Used most of my first floor money on an anvil to get a pair of Attack 4s, and beat Cumulo Nimbus. On the second floor I was down to a 5-card deck with the two Attack 4s, Wisdom, Heal, and Slice, and it turned out that (given my monk ability to deal all piercing damage) I was able to kill most of the floor 2 enemies (I avoided a Gorgon who probably would've killed me) until Meditate and Preparation were ready, and I found a Monastery to cleanse the other 3 cards from my deck for a total of 75 gold.

    So, that seems to be the answer to getting the Pure achievement - find a way to beat the first floor while gaining no more cards than you can avoid, and then hope for a monastery on the second floor. I'd be very curious if anyone managed to cleanse their entire deck on the first floor, though; I guess it's possible to get 3 Monasteries, say.
  6. Shwqa

    Shwqa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Professor is meant to be broken, things shouldn't be nerfed because of professor.
  7. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Nicely done!
  8. Sangammon

    Sangammon New Member

    Dec 1, 2012
    So it seems like the best (only?) real way to take the Dreamer down to zero health is to abuse the crap out of: 1) Electrocute; and 2) Storm.


    End-game strategy is basically thus: set up your deck so that you have at least two electrocutes, a ton of mana adders (overloads help, ideally one conduit helps cycle through other spells), and at least one storm. Everything else in the deck should be geared towards: 1) cycling your deck as much as possible (hastes, stasis, Jasra's Emerald is godly for this); and 2) providing some support/sustainability (healing, especially, so Bless or Mahamat).

    Then do this: get mana up as absurdly high as possible, draw all your cards, electrocute as much as possible (easily doing 100+ damage per electrocute), then play a "Storm" card to use up 30 mana, and get a free turn. Repeat infinitely.

    I found the Necromancer is the best for this because of the Life Tap ability. Basically it lets you cycle through most, if not all, of your deck on the very first turn. At this point, just hope the Dreamer doesn't have any particularly obnoxious abilities ("choose your death" is probably most annoying, because eventually you have to exile your cards, as well as "decay", because honestly screw that ability -- it messes up every deck, but in this one you'd probably still be able to squeeze out enough damage before your infinite turn engine dies out).

    Moreover, Necromancer's pretty good for getting there along the way. The soul siphon ability early on is ridiculous, one-hit killing level 1 and 2 enemies, giving you starting mana, and making it easier to do enough damage on later enemies to keep collecting mana. Just on soul siphon I had like 25 starting mana or so by mid-floor 3. Necromancer has a pretty good chance at a Level 4 (or 5, I forget) Electrocute draw. I would genuinely use the "Copy" talent to copy it, unless you got some other godly card. Along the way, use/abuse life tap to basically never let another fight with a monster get past your first turn. You may run into a few moments in between the higher level-ups where your life dips too low ... so it helps to have a Bless/Mahamat and/or other healing along the way to keep you from going too low. A Troll Blood Charm really makes this a LOT easier. Also useful could be taking the "Heal" dungeon ability as your first talent, if you unlocked it.

    I found the "Charismatic" level 4 Talent helps round out your deck, and honestly If you've already killed the dreamer or purchased the Master Thief Talent, you'll find you can pick up enough Conduits (1 is really enough, 2 is better) to forego Archmage and instead pick up Master Thief and just run wild on the stores in Level 4.

    GG dreamer.
  9. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Hey I got pure too. I took talented on the first and crumble on the second floor, that really helped. I was was forced to take two cards on level ups. I was kind of surprised how far you get with two attack 4, circle, mana and heal (as a monk).
  10. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Awesome tips for necro!
  11. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    Did you know Polymorph works on bosses? Even more cheating!

    I would love to see a new class based on the disciple of chaos. Innate would spawn free prayers of chaos each time you used a different card type in a round.
  12. instink

    instink New Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    I just created a TA account to let you guys (and hopefully the dev!) know about what just happened.

    I beat the dreamer.... in a highly unsatisfying and accidental way!

    Was playing priest, trying to get him below 850 to earn the achievement. I had deck of wonder and a gift taking dreamer... DOW gave me Last Chance, which I gifted without even thinking. Dreamer then used last chance... and died on 983 health. I didn't get the achievement and was left feeling a bit ripped off actually :D

    Anyway, if you want a dirty way to beat him quickly, there you go. But I suspect (hope!) this might be something the dev will want to fix.

    Thanks Peter for the awesome game, i've been hooked on it for weeks, I think my wife is about to divorce me from neglect!
  13. Johnsson1975

    Johnsson1975 Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    That is one of the ways you should use. There is a achievement to beat him by Hp.

    Anyway as I said in my first post, this game is so darn good. Sometimes I think it's a way too hard, but then as I almost give up I get a really nice run. Yesterday I tried to win with Necromancer or thief. Gave up after 20ish tries, picked warrior and just had a blast! DoW and boots of speed is so nice to have. Troll bloods charm is really helping out to survive all the way also. Picked up armour and celestial armour late on level 3. Getting the all damage is piercing is nice for a warrior also so it's easier to deal with ghosts and elemental resistant monsters. Anyway, got the dreamer down to about 800 hp. Happy with that! Probably would have beaten him if I would have the pendant that protects against damage in my turn... He poisoned me to death...

    New tries today as always...

    Oh, I beat the game 4 times now and died 242 times...
  14. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    I never knew that!!!! Have you tried devouring a boss? You can get stuff off them too! XD
  15. Johnsson1975

    Johnsson1975 Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    Polymorph bosses was added in last patch... Before that you couldn't do that :D
  16. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Side note, but since this is built in Unity, any chance we might see a Steam release/Greenlight at some point?
  17. Johnsson1975

    Johnsson1975 Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    I hope it's not EVER released for Android. That would truly ruin my life...

    20-ish tries today, never got to dungeon level 3. Thief and priest tries, since I need to beat the game with them to get achievement... Once I got the kraken as boss, but failed miserably due to a bad thief build. Surprised I got that far with it... Kraken is the last boss I need to unlock the 18 bosses achievement.
  18. mojojojo82

    mojojojo82 Member

    Mar 1, 2014

    Finally (finally!) got a necromancer that could have a good shot at taking the end boss down to sub-850.

    Had portal left, and for no good reason portal the lvl3 boss, while standing on a shop.

    Boss goes on to shop, boss goes down and... stairs get hidden behind shop.

    And I'm 65gp away from closing down the shop, after having just spent 70gp to get mana >50 for Archmage.

    So, no more enemies, no way to die to get my Archmage talent, no way to hit final boss level.

    Ah well, extends DQ play life another couple of weeks I guess.
  19. danron1376

    danron1376 Member

    Jun 30, 2014
    devour is only for non-boss creatures.

    anyone have tips for the dragon class, btw? sometimes i get unwanted bonuses that are high mana spells but they wind up useless because my mana count/mana cards are very low.
  20. mconeone

    mconeone Member

    Feb 8, 2012
    The bonus you get from devouring is based on the monster type. So if you aren't focusing on spells then don't devour magic users.

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