Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Woohoo! Finally beat all classes (and below 850)! Now on to bard, prof and dragon!
  2. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    I think wizard is my favorite base class for whatever that's worth. All 4 elements are pretty playable, though I usually go mainly 1 and then a bit of a second. Frostbolt and Fireball are enormously powerful on floor 1 and most of floor 2 - 8 damage is a ton and Frostbolt is basically a free turn.

    Some random wizard thoughts:
    Wizards have to be incredibly focused - more so than most of the other classes. You have very, very limited card draw, but your individual cards are among the most powerful in the game. I like taking flee and then an equipment slot in the hopes of getting Jasra's Tome or Boots of Speed (or a Staff) to smooth out my deck a little. Any of the actions that let you filter (sift, inner peace, etc) are great since your individual cards are awesome.

    You have to think about randomness mitigation all the time - if you have to pick between sift and holy strike 3, I'd usually take the sift. Your deck's power level is going to be fine; your level up rewards are excellent, so you just need to filter through the garbage as best you can. And the best way to do that is to minimize the amount of garbage you have =)

    Mana cards aren't that great for a wizard - you have the +10 mana combat ability, so if you alternate hard/easy and have reasonable base mana, that'll get you through most early-mid game things except maybe bossess.

    Early game, it's pretty straight-forward to power through with Frostbolt or Fireball (or 2 fireballs!) and then grab something like a Meteor or Blizzard off your level 5 level up. Then on floor 2, work to kill a 6 by starting, getting a good hand or fleeing, and then killing a low level if you had to flee and then repeating. Once you hit 6, find the strongest monster on the map and just fry him with your long cooldown. Then kill littler guys to reset and you should be able to get to 7. The floor 2 boss is always easy since you just set up a god-hand and burn him out with your amazing cooldown ability. Generally you can tank a couple of turns or use flee and just one-shot them. Channel-meteor, for example, kills most floor 2 bosses outright with your cooldown. At that point, you get the delete 3 talent and your deck is mostly just kill cards. Again alternating strong/weak and using the uber-cooldown on level 10's, you should have enough money to pick up a tier 3 spell or 2 and wreck floor 3 and the boss.

    Be aggressive with the +mana cooldown. If it'll let you cast spells, just use it. It'll come back soon and saving health is usually worth the cooldown. The kill-cooldown on the other hand you should plan around and use on mean things.

    That's a little vague and your mileage may vary, but generally as a wizard focus on kill spells and randomness mitigators (filter/draw effects as you see them) and don't play anything else if you have a choice. Spell doublers are pretty good, and I like a mana surge, but generally just 1 unless I have a staff or am electric. The only exception is that defensive cards work really well with poison or frost - charm + frost can make for a pretty unbeatable deck if you can get some deletes or some filtering (or just a good density of frost effects). For floor 1 talents, I like flee, but health is totally reasonable. I generally shy away from mana - you have enough base with the passives to cast fireball and you'll find base mana pretty easily as the game goes on (and you have the first cooldown for the first boss).

    Also, the normal caveat applies: there are lots of options and I've been successful with a pretty wide range of wizard decks, so if you've got something that works for you, go for it!

    Edit: Wow, limmy! Congrats!
  3. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Btw, how does everyone like Teleport? I noticed that I was getting myself in catastrophic trouble often enough to not be worth it so I stopped using it.
  4. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    Good to know on the elemental trickery.

    The only class I haven't 850'd is necromancer and I only spit on priests and necromancers so I enjoy a good wizard run. It's just swingy.

    Teleport is your dungeon level randomness mitigation, to help you get around elites in your way or other things. I would never use it blind, only to try to scout beyond a jerk you don't think your deck can take.

    You still tend to need to take at least ONE card on level 1 as the 4dmg jolt isn't usually enough to get you through the boss.

    And sift over holy strike 3? I can see your reasoning clearly and STILL I would have trouble making that call. It's hard for me not to want to spend perk 2 to copy HS3. Hell, if you offered a perk 2 that just said "Gain HS3" I would probably take it every time.
  5. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Holy Strike 3 is great but too many hs3 will only cloud your hand, you still need to remember that a 6health gain isn't much later on.

    On another note, I killed the dreamer with the prof with a 40+ card deck! I managed to steal a haste totem from the first level and it all went awesome from there (3 haste totems in total)!
  6. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Isn't it always blind? If it's not blind, doesn't it mean you have already walked there and therefore have no use for it? There were too many times I was like "Oh man, I don't want to fight that level 9 right now" so I teleport behind him except it was a wall behind him and I am placed randomly nearby and trapped behind a level 10. Out of the frying pan into the fire. Or I get behind the level 9 and there is nothing to help me back there, except now when I have to fight the 9 I can't flee to safety because I have put myself on the far side of it. The ratio of times that I put myself into a worse situation by teleporting was feeling too high, and dying that way is more frustrating than just giving it a shot against the 9 and dying.
  7. TheGribble

    TheGribble Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    You know what I think's crazy? This game's been out for six weeks now, has been pretty much solidly in the top new games list on the TA iphone app the entire time and is still there despite umpteen new games coming out today and still no TA review. What gives, guys?

    Oh, and it's great by the way.
  8. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I agree, this game deserves a proper review! Could help offset the somewhat (initially) off-putting exterior.

    I'm also not a huge fan of teleport; usually I end up using it as a hail mary when confronted with an enemy that that I definitely won't be able to defeat, and need to unlock a portion of the map that's blocked. Smash is much better IMO.
  9. kroner

    kroner Member

    May 25, 2014
    Situations where I use teleport:
    1) I'm blocked by a mob I can beat, but I want to sequence things differently. For example my damage doubling cooldown is ready or I'm at full health and about to level up so I want to find something meaner to fight first.
    2) I'm blocked by a mob that I want to fight now, but I want to check behind it for shops, chests, etc which might help in the fight.
    3) Hop over health packs.
    4) I'm blocked in by a mob I'm not ready to fight. In this situation I try to know for sure there are more mobs behind (all the other paths are dead ends), or I have no other choice but to take a risk.
    5) A last ditch effort to find healing.

    4 and 5 can be high risk but it may be a last resort. The others are generally safe. That said, I've never taken teleport as a talent but with wizard you don't have a choice on the matter.
  10. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    Where did you get the totem? Did you crush it then snag it? Never seen it in an actual deck. Nice wincon, though.

    I just my first dreamer kill post 1.06 with a Professor using Mana Swell, Blight, circle x6, and Three Wishes x8 (among many others). It seems like the enemy chooses randomly from among the wishes and, because the buffs and debuffs last the whole fight, I was able to lock a lot of opponents out of drawing or getting any action points, draw an insane number of cards, and it also threw a lot of healing my way. Also very fun.
  11. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I'd guessed that that was going on, Kroner - I usually see Blizzard after I kill the floor one boss if I have frost bolt, or meteor for a wizard with fireball.

    It's kind of a bummer that the first floor cards for wizards are so cruddy, though; in particular, I don't think I've ever talked myself into taking one of the "Charge" mana cards besides Static, although I guess the Frost one synergizes well with the water spells that do double damage if your opponent is chilled. Relatedly, it's a little unintuitive that Chill doesn't stack - two Frost Bolts leave your opponent still with Chill 1. It's possible that should be explicit in the tooltip for Chill, since it's different from other effects like poison and burn.

    Taking all the above tips into consideration, if you take health from the lemonade stand, cleanse your mana 1s, and don't pick up any mana cards besides a Static Charge if one turns up, how do you cast spells to kill the first floor boss and the early floor 2 monsters in order to get better cards?
  12. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    #532 slothwerks, Jun 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2014
    Agreed; for that reason, I wish it were possible to level up the base mana cards into the special 'charge' ones. They seem fun, but too weak to add to a deck. I'd consider them as an upgrade.

    I also feel like I'm missing something with Mage on first floor. I only manage to beat the first floor maybe 50% of the time. I just don't feel like I have the damage output I need in order to beat many of the bosses, especially if I'm not picking up enough of the first floor spells. With just Jarring Jolt, I'd have to cycle my deck 3-4(?) times, in order to beat most of the floor 1 bosses (more, if they have elemental resistance)
  13. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Ya, you're right, stole crush, then stole totem after crushing. Roar!

    8x wishes? That's just silly... . XD
  14. Aeoghaus

    Aeoghaus New Member

    Jun 25, 2014
    voice actor, producer, film and audio book reviewe
    United States
    I've been reading through this thread quite a bit to get impressions of the game for multiple reasons.

    1. As a blind gamer, Dream Quest appeared on my radar because of the two basic mechanics. Roguelikes and CCGs can be fun to play when accessible. Thanks to the native accessibility features in iOS, there is a decent mobile market for blind gamers when developers know how to adapt their games accordingly. Examples include Lost Cities (by The Coding Monkeys), Freeq (by Psychic Bunny), the Somethin Else titles. Dream Quest isn't able to do this yet. However, LegendaryFerret is starting work on it. This brings me to my second point and why I'm replying here in the first place.

    2. Funding. Some people here like the graphics. They feel there is a certain charm involved in the art style. Others have passed on the game because they feel the graphics aren't up to standards. Funding would help with this to a degree because Peter would be able to have someone do the graphics for an updated version of the game. (Perhaps draw on the inspiration of what is already there and simply polish things up.) Also, funding would help get Dream Quest accessible for blind gamers like myself. You wouldn't want too many cooks in the kitchen; however, a few would get more things done and allow bigger projects to take place.

    Simply updating what is there isn't enough if a campaign were to happen. Thoughts I have regarding what else could be done include more monster types based off of certain Lovecraft archetypes and tropes. (The author even has a story with the words "dream quest" in it.) New cards specific to that theme could be done as well. Perhaps more floors to increase game play length. Notice I'm avoiding new classes because the amount is almost too many. I personally would want music updated and to be dynamic in places. Sound effects are something that can either help a game or hinder it. Far too many titles get stock sounds which are cheaply made as if they were recorded with a laptop microphone or much worse.

    In summary. Which of these ideas do you like? Which should be avoided?
  15. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    I like the idea of having 1 more floor. Maybe place another staircase in the dreamer level with the quote "escape the dreamer?" and it lands you in a nightmare floor full of ridiculously powerful monsters (that can be defeated and not as cheating as the dreamer). Said monsters can then be based off of certain Lovecraft archetypes and tropes. ^_^

    On another note, I've defeated dreamer again this time with dragon but with 2boots of speed, 3jasras emerald, 1jasras tome and 1flamebrand. XD Oh and my deck has 3acid rains and 2 blights. Dragon snack is awesome! Now looking forward to bringing Bard to Dreamer... .
  16. Papermoon

    Papermoon New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    #536 Papermoon, Jun 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
    I just killed the Dreamer using wizard,so excited and,em,tired :).
    2 Gauss Hourglasses and 2 slots I got this time,and what's more ,2 channels (I'm not sure about this name,1 action and next magic card cause double effect).so I waited 2 turns(all the cards in my deck then were in my hand)
    ,then added a lot of manas and just two channels one electric(not sure about this name,just that card whose damage depends on the mana you still have after using it).

    Thx for creating such a great game!

    I wonder wether there can add a function so I can scan the card I unlocked already,so I can find some funny combo without playing game.

    And ,I found a bug when using Priest,my card's may display with it's explain window in my hand,then it will hide other card.

    At last, can someone tell me how to unlock the achievement Pure? I don't wanna unlock it using points.

    Forgive me for my poor English.
  17. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I'm all in favor of this as well. It'd be nice to have an easy way to look at, say, starting decks for every unlocked class, plus the details of the cards unlocked by achievements. If we're going all-out, maybe also a list of the unlocked Talents and what they do.
  18. elan

    elan New Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    Zombie Bite

    I was wondering if was possible to collect the Zombie bite card as the professor and how you would go about doing it? I noticed that the professor is unable to collect cards in hand such as Pounce, and also cards in the graveyards are not listed.
  19. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    All I can say on the wishes is try it. When you limit your opponent to hand size zero and your base draw is half your deck you will know you have arrived.

    I've snagged Pounces, so I know that works. You just need a high enough level cat to be packing multiples.

    My belief is that some monster starting hands are preset, such as hag double deadly curse, water elemental suffocate, zombie bite. My guess is that if you used Charm or an equivalent discard ability, waited until the deck came round again, and then used your class ability you could potentially learn zombie bite (which is essentially the "crush" strat used above to get a haste totem, modded for an in hand card).
  20. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Concerning Pure: I am unsure if I want to even try this - it seems a lot of work to find this many monasteries and probably making your deck weaker and weaker to get to 0 cards (equipment would probably help), and in the end you start combat with no cards and then?

    On another note, regarding fourth/fifth level: how about saving the top scoring hand for each character (would be cool anyway to be able to see those in your high score list) and have a level where you can fight your ghosts from the pasts, I.e. Your old hands with their health and base actions etc.? Maybe without getting further points, and maybe only those that made it to the dreamer. Not sure if this works as some hands rely heavily on playing them the right way but it sounds fun to me...

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