Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Wow!! Congrats on that killing him without using bard/dragon/prof! Now that's the achievement you can be proud of! Looking forward to killing him as well now that hopefully* my game doesn't crash anymore ^_^

    Also how do you determine which dreamer it is? I can't seem to be able to deciyfer the story... .
  2. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    #482 snarvid, Jun 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
    Update is not in my app store yet.

    Here's my partial set of Dreamer spoilers. SPOILERS, I SAY - TURN BACK NOW!
    As best I can recall:

    "When he sings you go mad" - pick your poison (choose from one of five or six terrible choices, such as take 20 damage, ward 30 for him, poison 8, exile hand, or the dreaded dance puppet). Some of these can be blunted by the... ermmm... Periapt of Protection, is it? The thing where you don't take damage on your turn. Exile hand is still no fun, but at least the poison, damage, and dance puppet are less horrifying (though wasting a turn still sucks). If you're planning this win note that buffs that you apply still apply to you, so if you're packing a lot of wards/Mahamat you might still get good benefit from your turn.

    "when he dances thoughts wither and die" - your cards devolve into simpler and simpler forms over time. For example, Electrocute becomes Shock and Acid Rain becomes Acid Lance. Possible solution: a bard with the Chaos song can switch decks with him, and you're unlikely to redraw anything, but then you're using an unfocussed deck against a dude with a crapton more health than you.

    "when he beckons all must give him gifts" - you have to choose an increasing number of cards to give him from your hand each round. IMO easiest to work around with some combination of the Fiery talent, the Deck of Wonder, or the Flamebrand. Note that two of these are unlocked through the Samurai.

    "when he speaks those who disobey are punished cruelly" - each round he adds a restriction or requirement for card use, such as "play a card beginning with the letter U" or "don't play cards with the letter E." If you disobey you take damage to your current and maximum health. I'm pretty sure I recall the Periapt not protecting against this damage.

    There's more - sometimes he has a timer, sometimes double turns, sometimes he's got a ton of gear right off the bat, but I haven't figured that out yet. I think the one that says something about nothing can hurt him might give him a regenerating Ward 30
  3. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    #483 snarvid, Jun 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
    Follow up on Dream Quest update - if you search for the game it says it is a new version (1.06) in the App Store but it isn't coming up as an available update under the updates tab. My game is still 1.05.
  4. Dymonic

    Dymonic Active Member

    May 8, 2014
    Here's hoping for the update

    Attached Files:

  5. Ben!

    Ben! Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    I've gotten the update. iCloud doesn't seem to work for me, though. I uploaded the data on my iPhone but don't see it on my iPad.

    (Also, yes, I'm definitely using the same iCloud account on each as other apps work)
  6. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Same as me except I uploaded it from iPad and tried to download it to my iPhone but its a no go.
  7. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Yeah, it's weird. Haven't gotten it yet either, but I keep checking periodically for updates.
  8. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Speaking of the kraken, has anyone figured out when ink spray is triggered? As the card immediately disappears, it is kind of hard to figure out...

    Also still waiting for the update to actually install...
  9. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    The kraken ink sprays every time you play too many cards.
  10. neonwednesdays

    neonwednesdays New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
    It's similar to exhaustion in that if you play more than three cards, the fourth one is countered and your turn ends.

    I'm still waiting for the update to appear here, too!
  11. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Are you sure it is three cards? I'm pretty sure I could play four cards at least one turn...
  12. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    #492 HumbleSloth, Jun 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
    I like the necro and my win rate doesn't seem too bad, but it's been a while since I've played him so I don't remember the specifics for tips. Here is a screenshot of a winning deck if that helps anyone.

  13. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    Update live for me now.
  14. Ttorroro

    Ttorroro Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    #494 Ttorroro, Jun 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    Hey pete

    Congrats on a marvellous game with depth and true replayability and well achievements engineered towards that :)

    I got here after I try to contact u on a possible bug I'd come across

    The master thief talent doesn't seem to work as items , spell cards etc in shop are still costing me gold. If it works as intended then pray tell the use of it .

    Edit: unless , well, it is specifically meant for equipment cards ie "items" in which case currently I can't confirm as there isn't a equipment card available in the shop on my current run

    Edit2: well it worked after all after testing again..My bad. Only works for spellcards but not Linda hp n mana upgrades unfortunately.
  15. Ttorroro

    Ttorroro Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    Also, another bug: elemental shroud description says immunity to elemental damage but the effect is just halved elemental damage.
  16. nortikdos

    nortikdos Member

    May 15, 2014
    If only Master Thief worked on Linda's Lemonade Stand....
  17. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    #497 nlesgold, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    After clearing the dungeon with Ranger and Samurai, I've wanted to go back to trying the base classes in order to work towards unlocking the assassin, and so far that's meant playing a lot of Thief. After a bunch of games, I have to ask - am I meant to consider putting mana and spells in my deck? I know that shops' inventories are tailored to the class you are playing; that seems to be true for treasure as well, except for one thing: treasure chests keep coming up with mana cards and spells like shock and meteor that I would never normally consider for a Thief unless I got some cards like Wisdom or Static Charge to smooth my draws. Should I just accept that treasure chests sometimes contain trash, or have people had success incorporating some magic into their Thief?

    I'd really rather not see mana/spells and have a better chance of getting the poison cards that let you build an alternative to going either actions+strike or backstab/dice.

    One other thing - am I overvaluing Circle? I'll buy it pretty much 100% of the time that I see it, and often use my floor 2 talent to copy it. Getting a couple Circle plays early tends to lead to much stronger hands as the fight continues, and a deck with 2-3 of them seems to function much better than one without.
  18. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    #498 snarvid, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    It sounds like you're really ready for Assassin... Assassin is exactly the rogue-with-spells. It's probably my top contender for "smoothest to construct with" class.

    I'm not a strong Thief player, but I'd say you can't overvalue Circle if you're remembering to include finishers (Backstab, Dice, ummm... the daggers that make attack cards do bonus damage based on the numbers of action cards in play) or a Greatbow. Unless you're facing an exhaustion enemy or some of the enemies that damages you per card played you can't really go wrong with cards that replace themselves, and Circle replaces itself twice.

    That said, Copying it as a talent might be a mistake. If nothing else, Preparation means an additional Treasure chest every five fights, plus additional benefits as you get more dungeon abilities. And a high percentage of my winners use the heck out of Equipment slots and Cowardly... in a game where random draws can crush a solid deck, being able to take a mulligan in every fight and/or know for sure one or more equipment card you can start with in play every battle is really, really strong. Unless you get an early Deck of Wonders I probably wouldn't Copy going on to level 2.

    Edit: For example, I just started a new Thief game. Find Treasure yielded Strike 1, which I dislike. Preparation-> Find Treasure yielded a second chest with Desperate Strike and Circle. Not too shabby.
  19. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    This is interesting, what do you mean by "smoothest to construct with"? I found her to be one of the hardest to keep the deck balanced because the action system and mana system are interacting.
  20. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    It's not so much that I *want* to make a magic thief, so much as I feel like some of the treasure cards for Thief are trying to trick you into doing so. I do pick up Wisdom if it's on offer, and sometimes Elusive Power, but it's awfully hard to imagine a thief deck reliably casting Meteor. As for trying Assassin, I haven't cleared the dungeon with any of the starting classes, let alone all four.

    Jeremiad's Kris, yeah. My so-far best thief had that, and it was astonishing to suddenly be able to pump out 50+ points of damage in a turn.

    Yeah, that makes sense. I think generally, copying the Circle is a lower return than getting a solid piece of equipment, but on the other hand, you can't count on a Kris, Deck of Wonders, or Boots of Speed. Preparation is not yet available to me as I haven't won with a Thief yet, and I've been only using my achievement points on second chances for particularly promising characters, and only unlocking achievements by actually achieving them. I do have all the passives, and a solid distribution of the other. I'm missing some boss kills (Titan, Hydra, Phoenix), the 10,000 Mana one (I haven't played a lot of priest/wizard lately), and most of the dungeon clears, plus Pure, Rich, Clarity, Lord of the Dream, and Dream Master.

    Wow, very nice. That's an auspicious start!

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