Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    I fought a boss with a timer but without other effects that take time during your turn and it didn't bother me, so I think it is indeed the interaction that is frustrating.

    Also there are times that I don't want either reward on leveling up, but I am forced to take one. Is that as intended, or could there be a third option to decline the rewards?
  2. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I just beat the third floor boss for the first time, using a pretty sweet samurai deck with a ton of mana and two equipped decks of wonder. I lucked out pretty thoroughly due to the last boss being Chromatic Demon, while I had very little elemental damage in my deck apart from Electrocute. I got the Lord of Dreams to under 850, just, and unlocked Paladin and Ranger (finally - somehow I ended up not fighting an Earth Elemental for the longest time). Those decks of wonder were amazing vs. Hags on the third floor - one fight, every card in my deck was a curse, but I killed her with the random cards and Kai Blast.

    I had a so-so game with Paladin and then made a Ranger which I am enjoying greatly. It's great fun to play a couple Circle every turn and swell my card and action count for future turns. It's basically the best Thief deck I've never had before. I also really like the Equipped ability.

    I've faced the third floor boss a couple times with warriors, and I think I might've gotten to the third floor with a wizard once, but otherwise I haven't had much success, but I am still hooked on it. It helped *so much* to improve the iphone interface.

    I have still found a couple times that I've had decks that have drawn all their cards and made it very challenging to choose among the cards in my hand. I wonder if the dev has ever played any of Playdek's deckbuilding games, which I've found to have excellent interfaces. In those games, any time you have a card expanded to read it, there's a button choice to play it, and swiping left or right on the card picture will move to the cards before or after it in your hand; something like that would help a lot.
  3. Ben!

    Ben! Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    I wish I could remember the name of the card (Circle?), but I think it's bugged.

    It's supposed to grant one action point now, allow me to draw a new card now, and give me an action point after I play my turn. It's doing that, but it also seems to be allowing me to draw an extra card during the next round. Is this on purpose?
  4. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    The text is "Draw 1 card and gain 1 Action now and at the end of your turn". So it depends on how you parse that. It sounds like you are reading it that "now and at the end of your turn" applies only to the action, but the game applies it to both the action and the card. I assume the game is working as intended and maybe something can be done with the wording to make it more clear.
  5. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Wow, also Mimic is a card that pops up directly over the cards you are choosing from; I just played it with 5 cards in play, and can only see 1.5 letters from the name of the card I want to pick. Possible, but challenging.
  6. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I never would have thought it, but this is my GotY pick so far. I admit that I'm not a fan of the art (it's not so much "bad" as inconsistent) but you really don't notice after awhile. Finally found a class that really clicked with me (Paladin) and ALMOST got my first win yesterday. Should be a matter of time now.

    Question: when starting out, what perk are people choosing? I always choose Upgrade, for my first perk, and usually the second as well (sometimes a Copy instead). Curious what other people do.

    Can't wait for the next update!
  7. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Upgrade is one of my faves as well but there is no knocking the ability to flee, extra hp, or extra mana at times as well.
  8. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    I thought flee would be good, but I find that if I have to flee, I'm usually screwed on health anyway, and am still in a pretty bad spot after I escape.
  9. nlesgold

    nlesgold Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 22, 2011
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Good luck! I was beginning to despair, myself, until I got my samurai win earlier today. After that, I beat the third floor boss again on my second game as a ranger.

    I'll admit that while I haven't bought any achievements, I've been spending a lot of points on second chances for particularly promising or fun characters. I had to retry twice on my samurai win, and once for the ranger.

    Actually, I usually take health for my first floor perk, though for a Samurai it is always upgrade (those sorcerous slashs are critical), and I found that the dev's advice to try Flee with a wizard was quite apt. On the second floor, equipment slot and copy are my most common choices; most characters don't get a lot of chances for equipment slots, and the second floor has some choice ones like deck of wonder.

    I used Crumble to earn the achievement for killing the first floor boss without killing any of the other enemies - I used a samurai and it took a number of tries. The key for me was getting a floor that had a lemonade stand and an anvil - spent my gold on exp to get to level 3, and upgrades to my sorcerous slashes. I think the boss was a unicorn; I just beat on it until I had enough mana to Kai Strike it to death.

    Incidentally, while I hate to beg for trouble, the Unicorn doesn't seem remotely up to the difficulty of the other first floor bosses.
  10. kroner

    kroner Member

    May 25, 2014
    Upgrade is quite good for both paladin and samurai because they start with good targets for it. I think for other classes health, mana, flee are pretty good. Some of the unlockable ones I haven't really tried though.
  11. thesteamboat

    thesteamboat Member

    Mar 2, 2014
    I'd agree with kroner that flee, health, and mana (for appropriate classes) are usually pretty good. With flee you have to be willing to use it proactively to get the most benefit out of it -- don't be afraid to use it before a fight goes bad. For the unlockable ones, I like smash and sixth sense. Smash is great to help get around hard monsters, and sixth sense lets you avoid getting jumped by invisible monsters. Both of them can make sequencing your fights easier.
  12. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    For some heroes I like to take the one that allows me to see all creeps too. ^_^

    A great way to use flee is going into battle, realising your starting hand sucks, flee and try again!

    Yeah, that's why I like sixth sense: it helps sequencing easier and you can prepare for the boss etc.
  13. xx99

    xx99 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    IT Help Desk
    I didn't see if this was mentioned yet, sorry if I missed it.

    Could we get an option to pass on both level-up options? There have been a couple times when my level-up options were both cards I didn't want. I'd rather have no bonus than gum up my deck.
  14. Ben!

    Ben! Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Chicago, IL
    Is the haste totem an unlockable card? I just got destroyed by an enemy with it and I really, really want it. Looked through the achievements a couple of times and didn't see it anywhere.
  15. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    #455 RollingSkull, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
    Haste totem isn't unlockable. It's the gimmick of those jerks. Gotta just deal.

    My perk choices are flat out health for everyone. Upgrade for the classes with holy/sorc. And mana for the wizard only. Level 2 is usually one of the free card pack perks unless I'm playing warrior/paladin likely to pull an amazing piece of equipment. Only then will I buy equipped blind. If I'm happy with my deck I have been starting to pick rich just to have better buying options for level 2 buys.

    Level 3 perk is a toughie at all times. Usually delete 3 if I haven't had much deletion or 30% counter spells/actions if I have. Cruel is a sucker's bet as you're probably losing if your chief source of damage is physical by floor 3 (that rules out elemental and pierce!) That's not to say a fully operational sword cutlass combo wouldn't be magic but there's enough resistance out there that all damage piercing is just by the numbers the stronger play. Your mileage may vary and if I had the tools where +1 phys dmg sounded better than all damage pierces I would take it without question.

    Speaking of which, feature request: let me check my deck and stats when I am making decisions for perks and level up rewards.

    Seldom will I copy but when I do it's Deck of Wonder, Celestial Armor, or Holy Strike 3, the total no brainers.

    Flee disagrees with me philosophically. If my deck is just a slot machine that it is better to reroll than to improve then my input in the game is not needed.

    And I just ran 6 necromancers that couldn't get off floor one. No deaths due to risky soul devours either. One saw only one 4dmg spell and one level 1 elemental slash. Only two even saw fireball.

    I did get off the first floor eventually only to eat it three or four fights later but I have to go back to my original thesis that the Necro is awful.
  16. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    You can choose the copy talent to view your deck and exit via the X to close the window, then choose a different talent.
  17. kroner

    kroner Member

    May 25, 2014
    This is in version 1.6.

    Flee can be really great for high burst damage decks. Rerolling a bad hand can meaning killing the opponent in 1 turn rather than 2 or 3. A big difference in damage taken.

    The value of cruel obviously depends entirely on the deck. There are some warrior or thief decks that work in many 1 point intervals. Bumping to 2 is not only a huge damage boost generally, but makes them much more effective against physical resistance since the damage gets rounded to 1 instead of 0.
  18. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014

    Dream Quest live by BGG,June 19
  19. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Yep, deck viewing is in 1.06 on level up and talent choosing.

    @passing on both level up options: I doubt it. Have to think a little but I like the fact that sometimes you just end up playing something you weren't expecting. The level up cards aren't that bad generally and I think it's happened more often that I've ended up learning something cool than being in trouble. It's a good opportunity to take a situation that seems unappealing and make something good out of it. I also think having the option of none is pretty weird for a new player. So I guess I'm generally disinclined to do it, but if there's a compelling argument I might consider it.

    @slothworks: Excited that you play Dream Quest - really like the battleship mechanic in Tales. I thought it was very clever and used very well.
  20. slothwerks

    slothwerks Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    #460 slothwerks, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
    @LegendaryFerret: Aww, thanks, glad you took the time to check it out! Dream Quest is the one game that consistently pulls me away from Hearthstone -- haven't sunk this me hours into a game since Dungeon Raid :p I love all the depth/strategy, and the discussion it encourages. The achievement/card unlocks are totally brilliant, since they open strategic options as you progress as a player, while not overwhelming someone who's playing for the whole time. It's also a nice carrot that encourages players to keep playing. I also really like that players can choose to just 'buy' achievements they're struggling with, in order to progress. It's still challenging, but you removed the frustration.

    Still trying to figure out how to beat the 3rd boss without running out of steam. The past few runs have been vs. the Titan, and my ~40-50 health is pretty pitiful next to the ~220 of the Titan. I can deal about 80-90 damage before I'm killed. I think being less stingy with my class powers during the leveling/exploration process may help -- right now, I tend to only use those against bosses. Per the suggestions on the forum, I've been picking up Sixth Sense, to help plan out attack routes better, so I'll see if that helps.

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