Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    Monk and Necromancer are pretty terrible. That's just how the cookie crumbles. They're lucky to get what they need to out-perform the floor 1 boss's deck, and usually you have to take a bunch of weak cards that will be obsolete next floor to do that.
  2. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Oh no! I had a super good deck that got destroyed by the dance puppet who forced me to play the last chance card that was drawn from the magic deck thingy equipment! GRRR
  3. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    Ouch, that hurts.

    A good thing against that power is cards that give you an ability whenever you exile a card, or cards that say "draw x cards, then discard y cards"

    ..Then exile the cards you don't want to get played.

    Also, note that buff cards you play while you're a dancing puppet still help you, not the enemy, so keep those and don't discard/exile them.
  4. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Priest thoughts:

    The priest is fundamentally a resource management class. There are a couple of ways to build it, but in each case it's really important to be able to juggle actions, mana, cards, and time. Priests get reasonable access to mana (almost as much as a wizard), but limited access to actions, so they need to be somewhat careful. Generally priests will go through their deck several times in a fight, so it's important to have enough resources to accomplish that. They have a ton of support cards and few damage cards to enable this playstyle - the support cards let them make a lot of decisions and balancing damage and support is pretty tricky.

    I've actually played a ton of priest in the last two days based on something someone else suggested and I've been pretty happy. You have to plan very far in the future - pick up cards that you'll need later early on. Particularly the floor 1 mana cards are all excellent. That said, I've been looking into some small tweaks for the priest. I don't really like how strong Penance is right now or the two floor 3 immunity cards. I'd like to give priests a few more offensive options and shift around their power a little bit, but I don't have anything concrete yet.

    Re Monk & Necromancer: Neither class should be having trouble on floor 1 (with full passives). You probably need to adjust your strategy and make sure you pick up a card that deals real damage. It's very possible in both cases to have a deck that's almost entirely air which will have trouble killing the first floor boss.

    Re Last Chance: That's an awesome story! Would be very sad though =(
  5. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    To pick up an older suggestion: how about a library of cards, but not unlocked cards, rather cards that you used or saw in a store? Cards that only opponents regularly get could be excluded.

    And maybe a counter how many cards you still haven't seen...

    I am also playing as a priest right now and I see lots of cards I never saw before. This is very exciting and I wonder how much I am still missing...
  6. Johnsson1975

    Johnsson1975 Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    #426 Johnsson1975, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
    Hi, I just had to create an account here so I can share my thoughts.

    First, I think I found at least two bugs. Don't know if they are known no2 probably is...
    1. If you level up in the shop where you can buy health, mana and experience. If you don't leave the shop before you buy even more exp, you gain one level for each time you buy experience...
    2. Protean I think it's named, the card that draws threw cards at the beginning of your turn don't always activate. Perhaps I misunderstand it?
    EDIT: 1 is reported a few times I've seen now. Say.

    I have to say I burnt - many- hours in this game and I love it! Still have to learn more since I never beaten the game and only got to 3rd floor three times... Close yesterday though with necro that crushed everything, was so happy with the deck. But then I fought phoenix... Just couldn't dish out 50 damage in one turn... Killed the bird 2 times but failed with 4 hp margin the third time. Do it come back indefinitely if you don't kill the egg? Only viable option I can think of now is special power 1mana=1dmg with 50+ mana left, or a huge electrocute...

    Anyway, thanks for this great time sink, the best I played for ages!

  7. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    All the cards in your hand have to be different for Protean to activate. Does that explain it?
  8. Johnsson1975

    Johnsson1975 Member

    Jun 14, 2014
    Sure does. Thanks!
  9. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    #429 RollingSkull, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
    I've had a couple of Necro runs where I don't get anything floor 1 except frost bolt or stuff the boss is strong against. It's not too tough otherwise though the elite deck there can pull a wild swing and knock you down if you get some bad luck but depends on the monster if that's even possible. That said, a total faceplant against the first boss is not unusual.

    And I've not done a monk run since my last successful one but what do you use for a good monk deck? For him to turn over all his cards requires a phenomenal level of defense which I have never been able to put together without fantastic equipment.

    I'm of two minds about Nerfing penance. On the one hand it's a great boon. On the other if the enemies had less of it it would make periapt less of a freakishly good card. Still very good but more situational.
  10. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    My monk decks tend to be kind of weird. It's easy to delete most of your bad cards (and then even some mediocre cards). Find at least one good damage source (my last run I found a flame slash 2 on the first floor, but upgrading an attack card, or grabbing a prayer of violence works too) since monks have a terrible starting deck damage-wise. After that, pick up high end cards or things that draw cards. Curse of Weakness, Troll Hide, Invisibility, or any of the permanent (in fight) effects are exceptionally good. Alternatively, use some of the priest-type draw cards along with dice and maybe a dodge to power through your deck every turn along with exceptional defense.

    I did a monk run last night with the following log:

    The tale of Gregory, the Glorious the Monk
    Reached floor 4

    1 Bleed
    1 Dodge
    1 Focus
    1 Hamstring
    1 Haste
    1 Heal
    1 Hemorrhage
    1 Infect
    1 Desperate Strike
    1 Mana 1
    1 Mental Fortress
    1 Overload
    1 Protean
    1 Shrink
    1 Slice
    1 Troll Hide
    1 Venom

    Health: 59/125
    Actions: 5
    Mana: 10
    Cards: 5
    Equipment Slots: 1

    Level: 10
    Experience: 40
    Gold: 174
    Talents Taken: Healthy, Rich, Ascendance

    Monsters Defeated:
    Giant Spider Level 2
    Level 2!
    Akami Shaman Level 2
    Goblin Hoarder Level 1
    Pixie Level 3
    Level 3!
    Piranha Level 2
    Thief Level 4
    Level 4!
    Warrior Level 3
    Giant Shark Level 4
    Level 5!

    Took Stairs to Floor 2

    Goblin Mechanist Level 4
    Clone Level 5
    Vampire Bat Level 4
    Level 6!
    Wraith Level 5
    Medusa Level 5
    Goblin Mechanist Level 6
    Stone Golem Level 6
    Clone Level 5
    Level 7!
    Goblin King Level 7
    Level 8!
    Medusa Level 7
    Red Dragon Level 7

    Took Stairs to Floor 3

    Demon Level 7
    Efreet Level 7
    Red Dragon Level 8
    Level 9!
    Revenant Level 8
    Storm Giant Level 8
    Priest Level 10
    Fire Elemental Level 8
    Efreet Level 9
    Level 10!
    Titan Level 10
  11. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    If you damage the egg the bird has fewer hit points on the next revive, so if you keep damaging the egg and can survive a few iterations it works out as well.
  12. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    I just realized when I was talking Monk last post I had misread monk as priest. I keep confusing the two. Of course it makes since a monk could turn over his deck he gets some greens and the delete power. Hurr. I am so dumb.
  13. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    Invisibility in a small deck where you cast it almost every turn is awesome when you have the equipment that lets you draw a card every time you successfully dodoge an attack. (even better if you have a shield and/or some dodge cards)
  14. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    #434 snarvid, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    I have a somewhat complicated suggestion for Priests. I think Penance is pretty strong in its own right, but it looks especially good because Priest has few other dominating options.

    Here's my suggestion - a new Keyword (like Poisoned or Weakened), Divine Channel, that gets added to Prayer cards. Divine Channel is meant to represent flavor-wise that Prayers establish a line to the character's deity and there are better effects when the Priest stacks his Prayers all at once rather than asking one at a time. Mechanically, this is meant to add a certainly bursty-ness to the Priest (and other Prayer wielding classes, but mostly Priest) that helps balance against the DoT based power of Penance. It takes a little long to explain but should be simple to understand in play.

    Divine Channel adds 2 effects to a Prayer card.
    1. Before the normal effect of the Prayer card goes off, the card checks the number of Divine Channel tokens in effect and activates its Divine Channel power.
    2. After the normal effect of the Prayer card goes off, the Prayer card adds a number of Divine Channel tokens to the character's buffs equal to the number of tokens on the Prayer card. These Divine Channel tokens expire at the end of the character's turn.

    Prayer of Violence might add the line "Divine Channel: 1 piercing damage" to the card, while Prayer of Life might have "Divine Channel: 1 shield." Wrath could have "Divine Channel 0.5 burning" or "Divine Channel: 2 lightning damage", Speed "Divine Channel: 5% chance for an extra turn."

    Example. Pete the Priest plays a Prayer of Violence 3 on turn one, then a Prayer of Violence 2 on turn two. On turn four, the three token Prayer of Violence goes off. It checks and finds no Divine Channel tokens in effect, hits as normal for 9 damage, then adds 3 Divine Channel tokens to the player. Then the Prayer of Violence 2 goes off - finding 3 Divine Channel tokens, it hits for 3 piercing damage, then goes off for 6 as normal, then adds 2 more Divine Channel tokens to the player, for 5 total. With no other Prayers in play, these then expire at end of turn.

    You could then have Equipment cards like "Sacred Mitre - add 1 mana and 2 Divine Channel at the beginning of every turn." It would also greatly increase the value of the Piety card.

    Just an idea. I think it would balance the Priest's starting deck by pulling 1 attack card and adding one Prayer of Violence to the mix.
  15. snarvid

    snarvid Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2013
    #435 snarvid, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    Ooops. Need to recheck
  16. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Version 1.06 submitted to the app store. Here is the changelog:

    Significant changes:

    Dramatically reduced memory usage, drastically reducing related crashes on low end devices or in long fights.
    Added iCloud support
    Added additional stat tracking (view achievements you've already completed to see additional information)
    A number of changes to priests and other more defensive classes to give them additional offensive diversity.
    A slew of bug fixes and small balance changes.

    Small Changes:
    Jeremiad now permits resurrection but no longer respects poison, penance, and burning (they count as damage on the target rather than dealt by you)
    Polymorph can now transform bosses
    Penance no longer scales, instead dealing 2 damage each turn.
    The cost of the Deck of Wonder has been increased to 65
    Elemental Fortitude now provides resistance instead of immunity
    Three new cards have been added, most likely appearing for defensive classes - Force of Will, Pure Thoughts, and Eye for an Eye
    The level up ability Piety has been renamed to Cleanse to reduce ambiguity with the card Piety
    Kinetic Charge and Curse of Weakness now additionally draw a card
    Defensive classes on the second floor now have overall stronger choices of cards for their level ups
    On iPad, the choices for prayers are significantly larger

    A note - there are a bunch of changes in there for priests; net they should be a small buff while also increasing build diversity. The same is true for both monks and necromancers.
  17. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    @snarvid - Cool idea. Very complex which is something of a downside, especially since prayers are already likely the most complex cards in the game. It's probably too much to build in natively, but there might be some other cool way to bring it in.
  18. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014

    I forgot to ask last time:which damage effects does piercing skip?“Cruel” will not have any effect on a Monk,is it right?
  19. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Pocket tactics put Dream Quest on the list of 'Our 5 favourite IOS games of 2014 (so far)' even though the reviewer did not manage to get to floor 3 more than once... They called it an 'unlikely cult hit that is as fun as it is unsightly'


    @Peter: thanks for the update and the effort you still put into this. These days I am trying to get to the final boss as a priest, let's see what the update does to that...
  20. roninld

    roninld Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Just wanted to add my thanks for making such a great game. I play at least once per day and sometimes more depending on family.

    Anyway, not sure if this is a bug but I noticed that if I force close the game after being defeated but before leaving the death screen, when I restart the game is reset to the previous save state, which appears to be from the last enemy I defeated.

    Actually ran into this by accident when I had to stop playing and when I tried resuming I had to re find the enemy I had just been fighting.

    I have used this trick a few times but would much prefer to not have the temptation.

    Sorry about that.

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