Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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  2. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    That's a pretty old version. but updating it seems like a good idea...I'll make a post later when I do - thanks for reminding me!
  3. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    So any chance we can have a local scoreboard tracking each class' best run?
  4. anabolicMike

    anabolicMike Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Ok. Well this is crap. I bought that crafting story game, or whatever it was called. And thought to myself. Darn I have so many games already, I have 52GB filled with games I don't play. Ok no more buying games till I beat some or clean some off.

    Then I see this. I'm sorry but this I had to buy. This kinda game is insta buy for me! Roguelike made by one guy? Ohhhh yeah.

    I can't wait to play lol
  5. vid_icarus

    vid_icarus Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 11, 2014
    I was intrigued by the concept but turned off by the graphics. The I saw the devs post. These are exactly the kind of developers that I want to support! I am now a happy owner of Dream Quest.
  6. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    We talked about it in testing and the sense was that you play to win and, since there's an achievement to track class wins, that was enough. On the other hand, I don't see any harm in it other than cluttering up the front page a little, so I'll see if I can make something work in the next couple of days. It would give a nice sense of progression independent of unlocks. It's not information I track right now, so runs before it happens wouldn't count towards those stats.

    A PC (Win64) and Mac demo are now available at:

    Also, thanks to everyone for the kind words!
  7. Hypocrypha

    Hypocrypha Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    #27 Hypocrypha, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    $10,000 USD was the best quote for graphics for this game you found? I had no idea that Hodappy Bird cost Eli that much for graphics then! Advice for the future: besides Fiver, being a student you say, many many art students will work much cheaper than "$10,000" for a project as small as this. I'm not about to pay $3 for a beta. Even tho you found lots of testers for free it seems. Unfinished game, I'm not one of the rogue fanatics but I am a card game fanatic. Meh.
  8. PeteOzzy

    PeteOzzy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Norwich, England
    I'm not sure where you're getting the unfinished game part from? I could be wrong of course, but I don't recall seeing any mention of that in this thread.

    As for testers being free, that's an incredibly common occurance; just take a look in the Upcoming Games threads - most of us have offered up our testing services at some point or another and it's incredibly rare to receive any payment at all.

    I feel I should also mention that Eli didn't make Hodappy Bird; though I'm surprised anyone thought that. It was Madgarden and they had an advantage over this single developer in that they already had artist(s) on board to do the assets for that. Not sure why you seem so angry with the developer lol.
  9. Hypocrypha

    Hypocrypha Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    My comment was more toward TA members who say the same exact complaints about games that are much more polished. Yet the silly assertion that a student developer can pop out a $3 game with juvenile graphics and everyone go GaGa over it merely bc it's rogue ish and that he's so humble to admit he sucks at graphic art so he uses stick figures bc it costs as much as buying a car to get art work done for a small game, yeah, makes me angry. Go search YOUTUBE on how to get graphics done for your game. I'll do them for $200, how about that? And I'm aware of the whole story of Hodappy Bird and the graphics but thanks, again it was tongue I'm cheek exposing the hypocrisy.
  10. expleo

    expleo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Computer Guy
    I agree.. and dissagree. First of, if you can create for 200$
    70 monsters, 13 classes 300 skills (don't know how many unique though), please send me sample of your work to PM and I might have lots of work for you. This is a genuine offer. I have spent enormous times finding artist giving the best bang for the buck to an acceptable level, but it is nowhere near finding a couple of folks on fiver to have massive amount of good quality delivered at steady pace.

    The cost on appstore, set at 3$. I'm all in for this. Market need to shift if developers such as this one (and myself) are able to developing anything. the numer of sales needed (even at 3$) is into the 'unrealistic' segment for unknown devs. The only reason games are able to sell and make a profit (at free or 1-2$) is because the devs are well know, have huge marketing budgets, get lots of apple and reviewsite support. This might be a good thing, if high profile games is all you want. Me personaly, I like the small dudes dreams of creating something.

    I am also somwhat amused what people think they 'should' get for a couple of dollars, bashing whatever they don't like with the game.

    You never know, but I don't see this game taking off, as most people will not buy it due to the graphics. I am hessitant myself.

    to the dev: congrats on releasing, I do hope you get the funding to add something nice :) And if you ever do, you can get in touch, I have hundreds of illustrations already created. They won't be lisenced out for 200$ though, we are talking thousands for the ammount of images you would need:


    (a card game that so far never rached beyond a phyical test print using some of the art I have available)
  11. andreadeda

    andreadeda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    Well i like the attitude of the developer and the idea of the game; i'm not crazy about graphics maybe because i started playing videogames in the early 80's so i bought the game and will judge it solely on the mechanics and the fun i'll have
  12. auver

    auver Active Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Bug report : If both player and opponent are died at the same time (e.g. fire shape spell), the menu buttons(continue by points / or quit) aren't work.

    Anyway, this game is so fantastic!
  13. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    While I agree some comments can often come out as harsh, it's important for developers to accept any feedback they receive and consider it for future changes.

    While I'm not one to criticize the game's visuals, that's because for me, visuals take a backseat and gameplay is more important, but not everyone thinks like that. For most, I'd think, visuals take priority. Sure, you can say, "hey, it's a RL, it's not about graphics" but if you want some more sales, why not cater to more people?

    Like there's a lot of roguelikes or similar games that have no save system, which presents a problem for people who need to drop their device and pick it up much later to continue. It might be fine for most, but for some of us (like us parents) it doesn't work.

    Remember, feedback's a gift, while it's easier said than done, devs should try to not take it too personally.
  14. expleo

    expleo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Computer Guy

    Hehe, aimed at my game ? :) I just completed coding a partly save solution, taking a little 'reading forums' break.

    Feedback is both gift and not: some feedback is very valuable, poiting out flaws, issues, suggestions and improvements. Other feedback is just uncalled for garbage 'You suck, your game suck, your mother suck'. Giving good feedback is a skill.
  15. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Maybe just a bit ;) There's another one without a save system out there that just released too (HoMM clone), I almost got it but someone mentioned it soon enough for me to hold off.

    But yeah, comments like "this sucks kthxbai btw how's your mom" that's more like monkeys flinging poo rather than constructive criticism. There's a big difference. Most of us here are more civilized, and we buy your game and provide feedback, that's better than free :)

    You've also got the dirty dozen who frequent these forums and hunt down roguelikes and pretty much buy them all (you know who you are) so any roguelike with a thread is going to get looked at, at least on a small scale by just being posted here on TA.
  16. expleo

    expleo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    Computer Guy
    I'm one of those :) Hunting down the roguelikes.

    Anyway, this also calls for another issue, like you say, 'you almost got the HoMM clone'. Same with Peters game here, if a lot of people holds off (and even warns other to not buy) it almost ensures the features wanted will never be implemented.

    The only way for Peter to have top noch graphics in his game, is if lots of people buy it. Then 10k he got quoted is a bit high, but say around 5k is not unrealistic. At a price for 3$, peter needs to sell around 2800 copies on 'faith' and 'good concept', just to have the art updated (granted he does not take his friends out on the town for that money).

    2800 copies at 3$ is not something I would count on. But it would be a blast though, managing 3k sales on a stick figure cardgame-roguelike.. go Peter, I will buy your game after picking up the kids at school.
  17. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    #37 Ayjona, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    In this case, because of limited resources. The developer explains it in detail here.

    But yeah, agreed on all other points.

    (Though I will say that while feedback is generally indeed a blessing, "the graphics are not appealing" has little, if any, worth as feedback, especially in a project where visual limitations are well-known and have been stated from the outset. The idea that all feedback is valuable is easily debunked as soon as you start to create any kind of content, and is one of the standard myths that new developers or content creators are faced with.)

    Likewise. Hypocrypha, if you can (or know anyone who can) create even halfway decent graphics for that price, I have work for you. Real, (absurdly cheap) salaried work.

    The developer's projection is not unrealistic at all, but actually rather cheap compared to industry standards. Art students are a common go-to for art for truly low-budget indie projects, but anyone competent enough to produce enough decent art usually charge faaaaar more than 200 dollars.
  18. paradsecar

    paradsecar Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Art assets aside, how are people liking the actual game? Any impressions yet?
  19. ShaggyPKA

    ShaggyPKA Active Member

    May 16, 2013
    This looks like it could be awesome! The developer seems really active too, which is something great to see. Has anyone tried it out yet? I would love to hear some thoughts.
  20. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    #40 Jorlen, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    I disagree. I'm all for supporting developers, but this isn't early access. How do I know the features will ever end up in the game? I think the expected functionality should be in there from day 1.

    Anything else the developer chooses to do after is gravy. Heck, some don't even offer the courtesy of bug fixes, which is why many game buyers (myself included) try to be somewhat cautious of our purchases.

    That being said, to re-align myself with the topic, I personally think the graphics are fine, which is why this game has my purchase (yours too, Expleo, now that I know the save system is in place).

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