Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009

    Yes. It happens if you win at least twice as a thief - when I switched to recording number of wins as a thief rather than just a flag, I apparently forgot to change the check to be at least 1 rather than exactly 1. Sounds stupid, but sometimes that's how it goes :(

    @Wehrwolf: Congrats! You might want to try for Merciful; that one's a lot of fun to plan out - there are some strategies that make it not so random. I like the mana one too; those were my two favorites to play. Thanks for the lemonade stand report; I'll figure out what's going on and fix it in the next update. As for a sequel, we'll see. I have some ideas, but there's a very long way from ideas to a game and there's still some more work to be done on this one. Really glad you enjoyed it, though =)
  2. jeffsleepy

    jeffsleepy New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    I majored in computer science and know how these things happen. Thanks for the update.
  3. RollingSkull

    RollingSkull Active Member

    Jun 19, 2010
    I think this is the sort of game where you have to learn to enjoy the random wild swings of luck or else you just won't have any fun.
  4. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    #344 limmyfox, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Samurai's fiery disappeared too.
    @Wehrwolf congrats on killing the boss!
  5. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    #345 Wehrwolf, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Killed him three times actually, but I can't really count the professor or the dragon anymore because they no longer count for achievements, and the deck i use with the professor would no longer be possible.

    With the professor, I had even more decks of wonder, because the priests back then had decks of wonder you could learn. Also, the hands of fury still gave Dance Puppet, which was huge.

    Now you no longer get credit for achievments as the professor, and you can't steal dance puppet (because it was integrated into the monster's abilities and no longer a card) or Decks of wonder (since the priests no longer have it.. You can still get it elsewhere, but not as many as them).

    The time I killed him with the Dragon, I didn't have a strong deck theme. I almost never actually devoured anyone after I got the card that let you finish off weakened monsters just as if you devoured them, but doing it that way, you still got gold for them. I just got lots of powerful cards I got from being the dragon. I don't remember which Imused on my winning run, but for talents with the dragon, I usually either took money so that I could get more in my hoard, or copy on the most powerful cards (accelerate or decks of wonder)

    My poision doubling deck is still doable for achievments though, and I beat the end boss as the assassin with it (but any class can do that, you just need a decent amount of actions and mana for it.. A monk might also work well to get rid of the unneccesary cards in the deck better as you really need to cast the poision doubling poison cloud many tmes in a short period)

    For other times that came close, cards like charm or bewitch, or that mind one that allows you to exile 2 of the enemies next 10 upcoming cards are really really helpful.

    One thing I had never tried but sounds good another post here mentioned is using the periapt of protection against versions of the end boss with poison or decrees (and his other items he mentioned as end-boss hosing were good ideas too., but theres so many times I can think of that the periapt would've been a great idea, as I almost never had any hope aganst the end boss when he had the decree power or heavy poison power)

    Edit: About crashes, I've had relatively few on my iPad 2, but using the copy ability as the professor on the end boss caused it both times I tried it (I then gave up trying as it seemed obvious it couldn't handle loading up his entire deck for me to look at)
  6. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Only once then cause the professor, dragon and bard aren't counted! XD I've so far only played the thief, warrior, mage, priest, ranger, samurai and now am trying to bring down the boss to 850 with the assassin (did it with the rest of them). So I'm still yet to try prof, dragon or bard... . (just remembered I prolly could never kill the boss because of the memory leaks on my old phone...)

    There was this deck which I really liked, I would start the match with 3 hourglass on, skip the first turn, and then get 20 or so cards in the next, plus some action cards to bring out my whole deck of close to 30 cards in 2 turns (including the dinasaur card that let's you draw another 3 when you start with all different cards, that sets up your 3rd round). ^_^ Too bad the boss with timer killed it, I was extremely annoyed over it... .
  7. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    Um, that's what I said:

    "Killed him three times actually, but I can't really count the professor or the dragon anymore because they no longer count for achievements"

    At the time I could count them...
  8. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    This one isn't too hard actually. Try a thief with crumble. Things do need to line up, but it shouldn't take a ton of tries and each try is quick. You'll need a good drop from his initial find treasure, linda's to level, other good treasures and the right boss. :) Not as bad as it sounds though really.
  9. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Feature request: Show the enemy level in the battle screen (especially nice for ambushes).

    Question: Lifesteal does not seem to stack. E.g. vampiric sword and the lifesteal temple. Is this as intended?
  10. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    You can see it by tapping on the portrait on the top right corner
  11. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    A language issue: I had two "desperate strike" cards. First of all I was surprised to get slashes when I used it, because I thought it meant "get a random Non-desperate STRIKE card", I.e. a strike card that is not a desperate strike card. Maybe put quotes like Non-'Desperate Strike' card.

    But the next turn, my first desperate strike got me my second one which kind of contradicts the text (and the second one unfortunately had no effect). Probably intentional so that you can't stack these but the wording suggests otherwise...
  12. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    #352 Wehrwolf, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Uh, how did I play almost 100 hours and missed ever using crumble or know about its ability? I think I must have been thinking it was the effect of 'crush' because of the symbol of the wall... which is odd for me to think, because crush is also on the same line...

    Kinda makes the other talent of seeing all the monsters on the floor seem pointless, unless that one also shows ambushing enemies.

    But yes, it does seem doable now, thanks!
  13. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Ah so, thanks.

    Follow up minor request: Give me some way to see my own level in battle. Sometimes I forget and comparing it to the enemy influences my choices. E.g. should I bother using a skill on a monster that is lower level than me.
  14. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Also I'd like to know the status of my combat skills from the map to figure out if it's a good time to fight a particular enemy.
  15. Bohampscious

    Bohampscious Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Woohoo! Finally beat Floor 3 with the Monk.

    Now trying to do it with either Necro or Thief and failing miserably. :mad:

    Anyone have tips for either class?
  16. Wehrwolf

    Wehrwolf Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    You can click on the picture of the book on the right side of the screen. It shows your deck, and on the bottom, the status of your in-combat cooldowns.
  17. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
  18. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Re Desperate Strike name/text: Good suggestion. Will put in quotes.

    Re Desperate Strike functionality: Could not reproduce it. If you have multiple desperate strikes, mine always found a non-desperate strike action to copy. If you don't have any non-desperate strike actions left, it doesn't copy anything (so the image stays desperate strike and it doesn't do anything).

    Re Vampire Sword + Jeremiad: Jeremiad blocks healing. Vampire Sword heals. Jeremiad blocks Vampire Sword. Pretty weak from a flavor perspective, but once you start making exceptions for flavor it becomes really hard to know what the rules are.

    Re Crumble vs Sixth Sense: Sixth Sense does show invisibles and also works for all floors, not just this one.

    Re Merciful thief strategy: I like that; that's totally different from how I did it (I didn't go for Crumble, actually).

    Also, I now have a (admittedly not very stable) build that should fix the memory issues people have been encountering. Could people with low end devices (iPhone4 or lower) who don't mind being guinea pigs shoot me a PM with an e-mail address and I'll add them to Testflight to see if it fixes the crashes? Thanks!
  19. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Aha, yeah that makes sense.
  20. HumbleSloth

    HumbleSloth Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    Can you add a tooltip or an explanation of what the stars mean? The intuition is that it is level of the dungeon completed so I am confused every time.

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