Universal Dream Quest (by Peter M Whalen)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 14, 2014.

  1. Harkonis

    Harkonis Member

    Feb 7, 2014
    Also just remembered, my ipad should be here this week. Is there iCloud support so I can keep playing the same progress on phone and pad?
  2. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Thanks for pushing me to buy this despite the graphics it truly is great!!! Hopefully it gets a review on TA and good ratings so the den can keep up the good work.

    I am also getting used to the graphics but the UI could be more refined, but my issues were all already addressed here

    Thanks for a great game, hopefully I'll reach level 3 eventually...
  3. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    The garphics are putting me off but I been hearing a lot of good things about this game but I want to ask a few questions first
    How many cards exactly are there?
    Are the achivements on gamecenter?
  4. mike32

    mike32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    #204 mike32, May 25, 2014
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    There are 300 cards.

    Achievements are not gamecenter achievements but in-game achievements, they unlock talents, cards, ...
  5. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    There are 358 useful lines in the master spreadsheet, most of which are cards (some of them are card-like things, so somewhere around 340 if you just want cards).

    No Gamecenter achievements, just in-game ones that are used for unlocks (about 100 of them).

    No iCloud support, though that's a reasonable thing to go ahead and add in a future update.
  6. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Another rare balance issue that might need some attention (or should perhaps be left in, as it can be quite entertaining): with regeneration- and healing-intensive builds, fights against clones can become impossible to end. Currently, my monk heals 18 and the clone heals 22 HP per turn. Neither one of us can do more damage than our healing per turn, nor enough damage to win in a single turn, with any combinations of cards in my deck. I can't even lose by refusing to play any cards, as I outheal the clone's damage capacity.

    We're going on the 200th turn something (I keep playing for the joy of absurdity), with no possible end in sight but to force-close the app :)
  7. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I do wish the achievements were in Game Center.
  8. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    There's an (almost-invisible) skull in the upper left corner. Tap it to get a confirmation dialogue to surrender.
  9. kroner

    kroner Member

    May 25, 2014
    It's funny you should mention this. I was one of the testers and my favorite class is priest. I've run into this situation more times than I would care to admit. For me, a successful deck was one that could withstand anything that could be thrown at it, even itself. But after some protesting I was willing to accept that failure to defeat the opponent is a defeat.

    That little skull button was added for me. :(
  10. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Hahahaha, I'd imagine that if you're on a quest of sorts and you'd get stuck in a neverending fight with your clone somewhere in that quest. I'd definitely consider that as a major failure if you can't get past it... ^_^
  11. smiley_u

    smiley_u Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    I'm getting a bit frustrated at level 2 boss strength - any tips or tricks for a better deck? The closest I got was with warrior where the boss only had 6 health left and got me with an attack x 1 card. But most other times I am not even close.
  12. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Have a look at the warrior video posted by the creator himself a page back.
  13. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    #213 LegendaryFerret, May 26, 2014
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
    For tips, there are three videos floating around that are pretty helpful - one that Nortikdos did on a rogue and two that I did with a friend on warrior and wizard. Production quality (especially of our two) isn't great, but hopefully there's something strategic that'll help.

    Some generic, class independent tips:

    1) Get all the passives. They're not necessary, but they give you more room for error. You probably have them all, except maybe the kill 5 dragons one, but go buy that.

    2) Have a plan. By the end of the first floor you should be able to say "My plan is..." and then only pick up things relating to that plan. So, for example, "my plan is to maximize sword triggers" in which case you get scimitars, another sword, and slashes. Or, "my plan is to kill them on the first turn with fire spells and to use flee when that doesn't work" and then pick up a bunch of base mana, a meteor, and a Jasra's Tome. There was a cool rogue deck posted somewhere early on (one of the first guys outside of the testers to beat the game) that's plan was "Keep my dodge rate very high every turn while they die to poison". He picked up cards that cycled through his deck very fast and a card that drew him a card whenever he dodged so that he could hit all the key things.

    3) Have a plan for the boss. If you don't know what the boss does, check the bestiary. They often do something weird, so it helps to prepare a bit.

    Also, as an open offer, if you or anyone else wanted to post a run to youtube or post a recap of a run with specific strategy things, I'd be happy to comment on it.
  14. kroner

    kroner Member

    May 25, 2014
    Just to reiterate about building a focused deck, in order to do so you have to be very discerning about what cards you add. A lot of what you find in chests for instance won't be suitable, even if they might be good cards in another deck. It's also ok to leave the decision for later of whether to take a card, when you have a better idea of what you need. For level up rewards, often HP or piety are better choices than a card that only sort of fits your deck.

    Similarly deleting cards is extremely valuable. Most of the time all those attack 1s are garbage; without them you'll draw your good cards more consistently.
  15. LegendaryFerret

    LegendaryFerret Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Version 1.05 submitted!

    (Missing 1.03 note) - new Ranger names - Matthew and Jack.

    New Features:
    You may now select "Random" as a class
    Confirmation dialogue for upgrading only one card on level up

    Technical Fixes:
    IPhone interface update. Important text is now much, much larger and most buttons should be easier to hit. Several other related quality of life changes
    IPhone 5S now appropriately uses the iPhone interface rather than the iPad interface.
    Reduced memory usage, particularly in complex fights
    Increased the visibility of the Surrender button in fights (the skull in the upper left)

    Balance Changes:
    The professor, bard, and dragon no longer earn achievements and their unlock point cost has been raised to 10,000 points each.
    Characters now start with 2 attack2's instead of 2 attack1's. The passives that used to provide that now provide 3 gold instead. Passives that previously provided 5 gold, now provide 3. This is a net no change to fully powered characters, but should make the early game a little smoother.
    Fixed a bug where multiple Reenact cards could trigger on the same card.
    Small balance changes (generally making them easier or more deterministic) to the following monsters: Banshee, Wraith, Hand of Glory, Sphinx, Ussuri Ambusher, Mime, Priest
    Shock now costs 4 mana
    Storm Shape now reduces damage taken by half as long as the mana shield holds

    Some discussion on these:
    Professor/Bard/Dragon: These classes are meant to indulge particular cool fantasies and aren't terribly well-balanced against the other 10 (basically because they're high variance - Bard or Dragon - or inherently imbalanced - Professor). They now fulfill that role a little more clearly.

    Monster changes:
    Banshee and Wraith no longer spawn on floor 1.
    Hand of Glory no longer has Dance Puppets in its deck. Instead it causes you to dance every other turn. Also, is resistant to all damage rather than physical immune. This should dramatically remove the variance in fighting Hands and instead let you better play around the turns you'll need to Dance.
    Sphinx's Teach is now deterministic. It turns Attacks into Actions into Spells into Attacks.
    Ussuri Ambusher now learns its second Pounce at level 7 instead of level 5.
    The Mime change is a bug fix for Reenact
    Priest's no longer have a Deck of Wonder at high levels and instead have a Pendant at low levels. The Deck of Wonder was causing Priests not to behave as Priests which made fighting them a little too unpredictable.
  16. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    @LegendaryFerret the update sounds excellent. I just have one request. In the interest of science you please implement some way of showing the number of times one dies beyond the first 100 (i.e. beyond the 'Immortal' achievement)?

    Thank you for this truly great game!
  17. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Stoked for the update
    I'd love to see a card list included at some point :)
    Not so stoked for getting my ass handed to me by the Phoenix. Had a really strong monk deck that would basically redraw itself every two turns with health, dodges and prayer of violence. Killed that thing like 8 times and it wouldn't die. Any tips ?
  18. Jenman

    Jenman Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
    Does killing The Lord of the Dream with Zombie Bite not count as killing him properly? Just did that as the Professor but didn't get the achievement. This was before the 1.05 update, I had two Dance Puppets in my deck. I know you're not meant to unlock achievements with the advanced classes, but I still think it's worth looking at.
  19. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Haha, that's one of the lamest way to kill him. XD
  20. pansori

    pansori Member

    May 24, 2014
    penance is extremely effective against Phoenix.

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