I'm really enjoying this too. I loved the graphics, but didn't really get the gameplay from the description. When I played the demo the mechanism clicked. Really cool, it's like Tetris, but also completely different. I agree about the local highscores and am glad that that will come in an update.
I almost overlooked this one, which would have been a disaster. I saw someone mumble about this game, and then I saw the word Tetris... sold. Thoroughly enjoying this game. My one complaint, and maybe I'm alone on this, but that icon is so bland. The game looks great. The watercolor (or whatever it's called) style is really cool. But that icon of the giant green block... that's partially why originally I didn't give it a second look.
TOP #78 iPhone app, US App Store, right now! TOP #79 iPad! Ok, yeah, this is photoshoped LOL but TRUE nonetheless! THANKS GUYS! THANK YOU ALL! Man, this release party we're having right now in the office, is just taking off like crazy!
Could you please provide a list of the names of the songs in your game? It will make it easier to hunt them down. Thanks!
... wow. I've never seen such thankful, cheerful and totally excited devs before! That's really cool - so, damn, why did you give me that DAMN promo code??? I'd have payed 3 bucks for this easily, just to support you great guys.
I have to respectfully disagree. I'm loving the icon. I think it has a classic look to it and I think this game is definetly going to be a classic. Staying on my device that's for sure. To the dev's, congrats on making such an amazing game
Don't get me wrong, I love the watercolor style of the icon. I just think it's wasted on it just being a giant green cube. Eh, whatever. It really was my only criticism, and a pretty small one at that. Everything else is great
Seriously, it slipped off completely off our TODO list until now, so thanks for reminding me to put up that Soundtrack section up on the website! And so I've just been coding HTML (well, HAML, actually, but who cares!) for the past hour and compressing songs, formatting the tracks list and links and .. and .. here it is: http://dawnofplay.com/DreamOfPixels/soundtrack.html Cheers!
There was a similar debate in the Girls Love Robots thread - the original icon was of one of the girls from the game and it was a perfect fit. But - it didn't stand out so well in the app store - the developer went and replaced it with a 3D realistic depiction of the robot. I can see turtlerunner's point - the icon makes me think of Minecraft, and then a fuzzy cube. Had I not been following this game beforehand, I'm not sure if I'd have identified with it as quickly.
This game is awesome. I've been recommending this game to everyone, but yeah, the icon looks pretty bland. I didn't bother check it out at first until I saw my friend playing.
How hard would it be to show a close up of say an "L" shape just as it is being removed from a wall above in the game's cool kaleidescope of colors?
Actually, we tried as much as we could to avoid Tetris pieces on the icon. But, we're listening to your suggestions, keep them coming!
Dream of Pixels is New and Noteworthy on US App Store in iPad Games! \o/ And with amazing ratings! And I know exactly who to thank for those!!! THANK YOU!
This really is a great puzzle game. I'm a huge tetris fan and was waiting for iOS's tetris/meteos/lumines. And you know what? It's an even better game now that I can hear the music! I'm not sure if it's Songza or bad luck. I stopped playing music in Songza before I went to open DoP, and for some reason the music in DoP never started. I could hear sound effects so I didn't think anything of it. An hour later I was like, huh. I had to kill both Songza and DoP in the task bar, but I now have music! No matter. I'll probably listen to a podcast next time I play (sorry!). I think it was mentioned, but my biggest suggestion would be to add a local top score table. So say if I missed my top score I could still go yes! I got my 4th best score ever! And not feel too bad.
It's a really good puzzle game. I especially like the puzzle section because it is relaxing and so "zen". I think this game is perfectly fit for my iphone (instead of my ipad), and belong to the same folder as Tichu, Pathpix, and Colorbind. Love it!!! And yeah, I thought this game is minecraft-like when I see the icon, but maybe it's just me. At least I like the icon!!
I agree with people that the icon is very Minecrafty. There. That is the only thing I could think to complain about, and I don't even care about that. I very rarely post but I just had to in this case. I needed to say how much I love this game. I was up playing it until 2 am and had to force myself to stop. Amazing game. Love it.