Thanks! I just realized, I forgot to give Credit in there to [member=Retronator]Retronator[/member] - SURPRISE! Our chief coder also has a crazy huge talent for art, pixel art being his speciality. You can check out his art and follow him on his tumblr site (featuring his huge giant pixel art tribute poster on the first page - you should see this, if there is only one thing you see), facebook page or twitter here.
Hahaha, thanks, thanks a lot! ! \o/ ! Aaa - What are we supposed to do now to take our thanking to the next level, where it needs to be!? Thanks so much! The guys: will be so happy to hear about this! \o/ Cheers! Ok, I know, what we're gonna do - we'll do everything we can to finish the 1st update really soon and push it through before Christmas! Stay tuned for the changelog!
Puzzle Editor? Ok, so we're making an update, and we do want to add some puzzles, too. Not sure if they'll make it into the next update, but the one after that - definitely! But first, how would you guys like to have a go with our internal Puzzle Editing tool? To be sure - this is an exclusive offer to you, our TA forum fans - to have your go in creating some puzzles that could find its way into Dream of Pixels! What do you say - wanna try it out? Cheers!
Awesome! We're working right now to open the URL to the puzzle editor to the outside world! Will send the URL and some passvoids to you over PM in an hour or so. Looking forward to your puzzles! Woohoo!
Can't @$#*ing spell Dawn of play pr guy you are the most enthusiastic and involved pr guy I've ever seen in these forums.
Two things: 1) I'd love to take a crack at designing some puzzles. 2) Any possibility of making an in-game puzzle editor in a future update? That way we could all upload and share creations directly from the game. Just a thought anyway. Love this game. One of the best visually designed games I've seen in a while. Plays as good as it looks too!
Thanks! Haha, thanks! Much appreciated! It probably helps me being the game designer and all. I feel like I really poured it all into this game, and then, we (the whole Dawn of Play) really poured it all in, in fact. And in the end - I would definitely not be able to be so enthusiastic without your awesome and so motivating feedback!
Cool! \o/ You're getting the link via PM shortly then. We're just "smoothening" out some final issues and adding an email field so we can link you to the puzzles and thank you proper if/when we use it in the game! Yes, sir, there is this possibility - we thought about this long and hard already, but this one needs a lot of work still. For now, our internal editor will have to do, and also, please don't expect too much, it's quite crude (design-wise), though it should be fairly efficient UX-wise and work without problems. Function before form, in this case - just sayin', don't say I didn't warn you! Thank you! Thank you very much!
meacritic - call for user scores! Guys!! Did I mention already that Dream of Pixels is the 5th iOS game on metacritic high score charts (past 90 days): (and 95th All Time!) Now how about showing some love and posting some honest player reviews on our metacritic page here: Yep, begging for (more) reviews, that's what I'm here for, right?
Puzzle Editor is working! Woohoo! The Puzzle Editor is working! Already got a nice christmas tree, the TouchArcade logo! and a ... a drelbs ?! Ok, we have no clue what a drelbs is - [member=drelbs]drelbs[/member] could probably explain? It does look like a purple one-eyed monster of sorts, with two legs?! Awesome, pure awesome, guys! Keep'em coming! ps: anyone else up to creating Dream of Pixels puzzles? Let me know!
Hehe, ok, so here goes, spilling the beans on that one: We made the TA logo ourselves already a few months ago along with some other cool game tribute puzzles, and we wanted to make sure it's all right and fine with the respective copyright owners for us to use them, and went and asked every and each one of them, if it is all right! Thing is, some of them replied (and allowed!) and some of them did not - we would not dare use something no-one explicitly allowed, so we in fact have not used some of the puzzles we had ready. Lots of good came out of this endeavour, though, like the Jason Rohrer quote that we're most proud of (if you don't know who that is, go look up his "Passage" game right now, iOS or PC, play it, and then remember there's a puzzle called Passage in Dream of Pixels, and go play that one, too! (then also go look up on his latest project - most awesome game design - looking forward here!)) So there you go, the full disclosure.
Yup, and it's a pretty cool editor, seems to catch impossible moves well, though I had one that didn't seem possible that it took (didn't submit, maybe I should have, with a note...) They say a picture is worth a thousand words ... I wonder how many words a video is worth? Thanks for sharing the editor, I had a fun lunchtime!