Congrats! I have one cooking too. Regarding the colours, most of combos had colours that did not match the baby, so answer to that question would be "magic". Unfortunately the same answer can't apply to a situation where 2 white human parents have a black baby.
Just need to say it. FINALLY!!! All goals accomplished. For now. Hope you all get the Jade and that we soon will find out how expensive the solution to letting 4 more, quarterly, gem dragons live on gem island will be... In a couple of hours I actually have all eggs again. I'm kind of surprised myself.
When I go to the island section of the market, the gemstone island is third in the list. The picture is of a regular island with the price of 400,000 DC. Hope this helps
Yeah, BFS dropped a ball but I think they are working on expanding the gemstone habitats. Hibernation is where it goes till then.
Thanks, it was there the whole time, I guess I was looking for it with blinders on lmao Jade is chillin in the cave til the BFS noobs figure somethig out. I hope it's another mini gemstone island with 1 or 4 slots that holds 4 or 1 dragon each. It better not be some nooby, 1 extra in each spot cuz that'll defeat the purpose of the already existing monthly gemstones
Ugh I am having trouble getting the jade. I have room the habitat but all I am getting is corals >> Edit: ah finally! Got one >>
After so. many. (so many!) Evergreen dragons, I got my emerald. Finally. I was starting to get a little concerned as it got later in the month. Gonna work on some other goals before I try for jade, I think. Still hoping they do something neat with adding more gem dragon habitat space.
Don't give up hope yet, I just got my first one a few minutes ago after countless fails and quite a few gems used for speed ups!
Argh....after 25 days still trying to get that stupid Emerald for goal completion, only 5 more days left, been trying for Jade in other cave also, LOL, so what's new!!! Think what surprises me the most here is the difference in my attitude from say 6 mths ago....I no longer seem to care much (it's pretty obvious these days) @Eugekava....LOL, yep three is just plain greedy
Shocked where is your loyalty GP? You should love your dragons I know HS is good but just remember DV came first now get back to it and get your jade dragon