4th and so islands Sorry, can't answer directly as I have rainbow L10 dragons, but is it possible to get a 4th and more island? I need more and this waiting to level up shit is pissing me off
Rainbow Dragon Breeding... Been trying to breed myself a Rainbow Dragon for a week straight. I've done Seaweed/Firefly over twelve times and many other combos. I could definitely use some more gems to speed up all these breeding attempts. Add PunkfaceX on Game Center, I'll send gems to anyone who tosses gems my way.
Breeding time Rainbow Dragon Hey guys! I have been trying to breed a Rainbow Dragon, using multiple combinations multiple times (including Firefly+Seaweed, Firefly+Swamp, Blazing+Mud and Blazing+Willow), all lvl 10 and all without Rainbow result... I am going for lvl 10 Ice+Fire to try to get the Blue Fire (Which was hinted to me by Alteredfrog's DragonVale Worksheet at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?hl=en_US&key=0AjY0EUvzWMgmdHJJbTBkS0h6NS0teTJELVVvTDAtMHc&toomany=true , which has a lot of useful info about habitats and income generated by different dragons in different habitats.) Anyway, I do actually have a question : Does anyone know or can anyone confirm the incubation time for the rainbow dragon in the cave? With which I mean the time the 2 dragons spend in the breeding cave, not the hatching time of the egg in the nursery. Thx in advance! Oh and my GC nick= 1337sandeh
hey sandeh ;-) i tinkk the time in the breeding cave is the same like the hatching time... so it must be 48 hours.... add me in gc Philinator19
heyah Ok so i've been trying different combo's like flower and storm cold and lava etc.. so far no luck but for what im seeing it seems like seaweed/swamp+firefly is the most popular haven't really tried this one yet since im just waiting for my firefly to reach level 10 since i made other dragons level 10 before this one and i'll start breeding this one if i get results i'll tell you guys or if i figure other things i'll share it as for the mean time i could really use some gems i'll give gems at a daily basis of course 3x a day i'll give out in a rotation so please give me some too well i'll find out who gives and donts so yeah my GC is Jaren21
My girl got one using the Flower and Mountain Dragon... first shot :/. My gamecenter ID is: swany64 On daily so I can give out max gems
? About the rainbow dragons I do not have much to say yet IM trying hard to bread sweaweed first and then we'll see :$ for now add me on gamecenter: [email protected] Thanks
I have tried those combos thirty times I think you have to have all other dragons If it works add me and send me gems Gmc ksjayhawks99
You don't have to have all other dragons, nor goals, nor acheicements, nor habitats, nor level 10 dragons, as has been confirmed by more than one user. Anyone saying otherwise is just guessing as a result of not being able to yield a rainbow. I haven't had any luck either, back on to a swamp/firefly combo, 6 tries in.
Add me! Hey, guys please add me on gamecenter: extremeninja123456789 and I think the rainbow dragon formula is seaweed and lava or seaweed and firefly, they have to be lvl 10 though
Got a rainbow dragon just moments ago I've been reading alot into this section about how to breed a rainbow dragon. Some people say finish all the objectives some people say lvl 10 dragons and some people say use A mixture of all the elements (earth water fire grass) but I just got one. I haven't finished all the quests nor do I have all the dragons because I refuse to buy the air dragon. I breed a lvl 10 poison dragon with a lvl 7 storm dragon and got my rainbow dragon. I already had the habitat and was trying to make a blue fire dragon. I only have two islands and two of habitats (fire and ice) are completely empty. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say to get a rainbow dragon it is just a roll of the dice. Keep breeding keep trying to make one. There is no formula to get it, just dumb luck. And a heads up it's a four day total wait for the rainbow dragon. Two days incubation time two days hatch time
I'm sorry to inform you but I just got a rainbow dragon from a level 7 storm dragon and a lvl 10 poison dragon. No formula for rainbow dragon just dumb luck
Just got a rainbow 30 seconds ago!!! I did it!!!!!!! I used lvl 10 blazing on the left and lvl 10 crystal on the right i got rainbow on try number 2! And i was lvl 14 btw if it helps anything.. Lvled up by opening my egg. If you want prove add me and visit me name is khazigoroth Blazing+crystal=rainbow. CONFIRMED! I do think some combos might have a better chance rate then others, i went for this combo as blaze is more then 2 dragons in 1, atleast thats how i looked at it.. First you need water and fire for air then you need air and fire for blazing.. I wish you all the best luck and i will report more as soon as i get another rainbow. Khazigoroth, P.s. I didnt even see it im post number 100! Yay
Buying air dragon? You dont need to buy a air dragon! Just mix water with fire and there is your air! Hope this helps P.s. You can get all dragons without using gems.
I see seaweed/firefly and blazing/crystal is quite popular and the order doesn't seem to matter. A number got it both ways. I am currently trying seaweed/firefly. Because Water+plant/fire+lightning: so i can maximize my number of tries. Any suggestions to even better maximize the number of times in a given time?? GC: lancerjk
Got my rainbow dragon... YA Level 10 crystal & Level 10 blaze I got every dragon but I still don't have the achievement. I got everything listed for available for purchased