Help me I try some of those combos but got the same dragon I need help What is the combo Add me on gamecenter bstoney144
Of course they didnt make it that easy to get a rainbow dragon, theres no specific 2 dragons that can result with a rainbow. And i believe that you got to complete all achievements and goals beside the rainbow dragon achievs and goals. That means you will need to buy a 3rd island and get a trophy for all dragons in the colussum. Thats what i believe so dont take this seriously, i could be wrong. But i suggest you to breed over and over again, this way you might get it sooner.
I've been trying to breed with Firefly and Lava for about 20 times with no luck. I'll keep on trying Add me too if you want some gems! My gc id: Thanatoel PS: I have a lot of gc friends now, so i'll give gems on a rolling basis (only have 3 gems per day :/ )
Still no luck for me, I've been completing other stuff too though, I don't think there's reason to believe all accomplishments must be achieved, why not other 'things that must be done' such as all element boost buildings then? Unless someone can prove such a must do. P.S., don't rely on googling it's for now, all the info out there is garbage/nonspecific.
Add I'm pretty new to this game have just finished breeding an air dragon and am abOut to start there hybrids I have a theory as to how to get the rainbow but I'll try it and see especially as people have been saying that its random I could be completely wrong, Please add me I'll send gems everyday Lightryukl
Do the dragons have to be a certain level ? Do u have to be on a certain level? Do u have to have completed certain tasks? Ta
Hi just finding it hard to breed to get rainbow dragon do they need to be level 10 ? Any suggestions of help plz?
Theres a possible chance to get rainbow with firefly And lava but the chances are low, i recommend seaweed and firefly
I dont believe they need to be level 10. I know a guy that got the rainbow with 2 level 7s. But it still doesnt hurt to feed your dragons to the max
Just bred a Rainbow!!! Finally got a rainbow egg!! I'm level 16, & I bred a firefly with a seaweed (both lvl 10). Other thing I've made sure I've done are complete all other goals and I already had a rainbow habitat. It's taken me nearly a week of constant breeding, so it does take a bit of persistence
Dragonvale - how to breed a rainbow dragon The description of the rainbow dragon habitat references something that "does not exist." This is actually the key to breeding for this dragon. When you are breeding dragons, you will notice certain combinations are seemingly impossible, earth/air, cold/plant, etc. If you take two level 10, hybrid (a combo of two or more other types) dragons, that have a chance of mixing these incompatible traits your chances of breeding a rainbow dragon increase quite a bit. It took me a few tries, but my combination of mountain (cold/earth) and willow (plant/air) yielded a rainbow fairly quickly. Of course I still got mountain and willow and tree and snow along the way, but with 2 of the 6 possibilities seemingly "impossible" my chances of getting a rainbow were better than even most other level 10, 2nd generation combinations. I've heard that firefly and swamp/seaweed yield rainbow on occasion - they are indeed hybrids with lightning/water incompatibility. That combo, if it occurs in your egg, will yield the rainbow. Phew! Dragon genetics. About half way down this page (the page of the link that follows), a chart shows *all* of the dragon combos - this is a major spoiler:,27723,dragonvale-breeding-combinations-list-for-ipad.html
I just got a rainbow dragon. Level 16. Ive completed every other challange so far except 3rd island. I have every other dragon. I mated a firefly and swamp, lvl 10, as previosly stated. I got a rainbow on my third try. Roastytoasty, add me
Friends For Dragonvale Hi all. I'm on daily and would appreciate it if you would add me @ BleuetMyrtille through Games Center and send me gems, I need them so badly. I'll note it and be sure to send you too! Have fun and cheers XD