Another Crystal + Blue (in that order) on Level10 has awarded me with a Rainbow (even though I was trying for a Sun!) Hope this helps someone.
My brothers unlucky streak seems to have ended After the theorization of the blue fire and storm combo, I told my brother that since he now has an extra breeding cave and crystal and blue fire hasn't been working for him, he should try the storm and blue fire in his free cave, he's just told me he has a two day timer on it, he is using the epic island Keep you updated when they are finished breeding as to what egg it is
Hey SkinNBoneS, have you tried breeding your two sun dragons at night to see if you can get a moon? I just tried with mine at 2am and got a 48 hour wait time, I'll let you know whether I get a sun or a moon if you want.
Huh... I just did it and also go at 48hr breeding... Wtf! This doesn't make any sense... Hahahaha I feel so stupid right now you have no idea.... How couldn't I think of breeding them two... I'll keep you posted on what I get lmao!
Update Y brother sped up his blue fire and storm breeding pair, its a moon dragon, take note SkinNBoneS
I've gotten 2 suns and a moon from breeding a poison with a storm when I was trying to get a reindeer dragon. You could try that combo. they were both level 10
It will take you eternity to get enough friends to buy a rainbow dragon. The "add me" thread is elsewhere.
FINALLY!!! I hope Finally after ages of breeding for a rainbow, I've bred a swamp with a firefly and I have a 48 hour timer, I don't know if it'll be a rainbow though, I hope so, I'll keep you updated. The swamp is level 11 and on the left and the firefly is level 10 on the right, it was about half past 11 local time
I just mixed lava and seeweed in the special breeding and I got a 14h wait it's 10:30am... What could it be?