Its 23hr and 59mins or whatever is definitely the sun or the moon, crystal is around 14hrs? If I believe?
Crystal is 24 hours, exactly one day to breed and then another day to incubate and hatch, sun and moon, as well as rainbow, take 48 hours, exactly 2 days to breed and another 2 days to incubate and hatch. The though of 'two days until it hatches' interferes with the processing in the human minds with the 2 day incubation Ike of sun and moon, the fact that people say 'two days until I have my sun/moon dragon' doesn't help prevent this misassociation. The general strategies page is filled with conversations between people making this very same mistake, I have made this mistake, my brother has made this mistake, three close friends have made this mistake, I've had bad arguments about who is right, I don't want another argument, go to the eggs page in DragonVale and look at the info for the crystal dragon
Rainbow dragon Seaweed and firefly WILL Give you rainbow dragon. EVENTUALLY. Just keep breeding then took me ages but got one.
I recently got the epic breeding island, so I am still trying the seaweed/swamp with firfly/scorch, as well as other combos, such as SkinNBones' suggestion to try seaweed with lava
Try "swamp and lava" , that's how I it mine. Oh and yes, firefly and seaweed will get u the rainbow but maybe a different combination will get it for u faster
I've done more research I've been looking around, trying to find the different ways to get moon and sun dragons and most have the same elements, others are completely random, I found post claiming lightning and fire resulted in a moon, but this fits with my results. The most common combos I have found are lava with storm, fire with storm, blue fire an crystal. All of these have the fire element as well as the lightning, and not including the straight fire and lightning combo, cold. Alot of the posts I've found have storm, and less often other lightning hybrids, with fire or a fire hybrid, such as lava or blue fire. Taking a total tally of the elements in the successful breeding combinations, it seems that the breeding pairs with a cold hybrid have a higher success rate than those without a cold in the mix. Through my searches I have also found that alot of the popular rainbow combos follow closely after the moon and sun breeding techniques, with other combinations such as seaweed and firefly. After my survey I propose that a breeding pair of blue fire and storm, with the said fire and lightning, as well as some extra cold, would be another possible breeding combo for sun, moon and rainbow. The downside is that the number of cold dragons spawned from this combo will be high, so I propose a second breeding pair, blue fire and lightning. With my breeding island I will continue to try swamp/seaweed with firefly/scorch and with my remaining breeding cave I will test my theory, by breeding blue fire with lightning, I will record the conditions before breeding as well as results and attempts, if my suggested method proves successful for either the cosmic duo, sun and moon, or rainbow, I will post the results, with this post attached.
Rainbow dragon Ok it took 6 times breeding blazing lvl 10on left and seaweed lvl 10 on right...2 seaweed eggs 1 poison, 2 level 1s then rainbow egg... Bazzcuk in gamecentre level 20 going to try again to confirm
Makes total sense, my sun dragon was from quake and flower which contains both lightning and fire... And second was from crystal blue fire.. I'll try your strat on one of the caves and will keep u posted..
Yep, I'm guessing we're answering people's questions lol they don't even need to register lol, they can just glance lmao!
To sum up for all glancers, sandstorm isn't as special as you might think, it is negatively affected by both earth and air boosts and can't be sold for very much either. The sandstorm can be bred by breeding an air dragon with any earth hybrid. The are many ways to breed moon an sun dragons, most including fire and lightning elements, although sometimes it's just random. The most common methods are: Crystal and blue fire Storm and fire Storm and lava Storm and flower Other fire hybrids and storm These methods can also be used to breed rainbow, but the odds are alot smaller, other methods include: Seaweed/swamp and flower Seaweed/swamp and lava Seaweed/swamp and firefly Seaweed/swamp and scorch And the theorized blue fire and lightning combo has been theorized to result in moon and sun and possibly rainbow To breed the famed blue fire, breed a fire dragon with any cold hybrid, the most popular of which is snow
I think I've deciphered it... You have two sun dragon an one rainbow dragon. Now you want another rainbow dragon, but you haven't been able to breed another. Is my interpretation of your post correct?
I don't if i'm Too lucky or unlucky i have already three rainbow dragon in My villagge and Now i tought i could get the Sun dragon from a cristal and blue fire...but what was that?Only another rainbow dragon-.- i'm disappointed...
Annoying -__- Aargg. I cant get any of the 'mythical' three :|. Its becoming soo annoying. Ive tried quake and flower, storm and fire, blue fire and chrystal loads of times each however each attempt only results in miserable faliure. I even have the breeding island yet it has bought no luck . Please help a fellow member?? Madd if you want at ninja entrance (if you want, i gem regulary to gifters) Thanks in advance and wish me luck
Woohoo! Finally! I've been putting firefly/swamp in the epic breeding island ans scorch/seaweed in the cave constantly since the breeding island came out. Just git a 48 hour timer on the scorch/seaweed, go figure. I guess my breeding cave is more epic than my island, lol.