Jems Just found a way to give gems to over 3 people at a time First you can give three from your dragon vale but then you can visit your friends dragonvale's and give three from each of their dragonvale's by clicking friends while at their dragonvale That means if you friend me you will get a gem every day noahcg74
Hi Noah. It only LOOKS that way. You can only give away YOUR 3 Gems, the other way you mention , only seem that you are gifting from other guests/friends. Good luck, Karin1946
Well I just used an app and I got a bunch of gems for free so I just used those to test this. It took me a week total, including waiting until the gems were lower than 4 to finish incubating and lower than 5 to finish breeding.
Sorry to bust your bubble. It DOES NOT WORK, it only seem that you are gifting, but no-one receives them. Karin1946 a.k.a. Speedwatch
Ahh, good work Now you've got me curious.....what app gave you a bunch of free DV gems btw? I could sure do with a bunch of free gems myself right now to help speed up my continued failures, obviously my patience is now wearing thin, it's been a long 20 days so far so I HAD to use 25 gems to buy the bone dragon last night cause after 6 fails on this one too, boo hoo, I was over it!
Ah ha, thanks Karin...was wondering that same thing actually, as it didn't look like my friends were receiving them, but hadn't confirmed this with any of them. Makes it hard to know now when they really are getting them or not? PS, request worked this time, thanks for accepting
You can look it up on YouTube. I used Cydia on my iPhone to get it but I'm not sure if iPods have it because my friend has an iPod and she can't get it via Cydia. Gl looking for the right video; it shouldn't take long.
Using Cydia means that your device is jailbroken. All you cheaters will destroy another great game in the long run. You better keep your mouth shut instead of advertisising your cheating methods...
Possibly useful information The rainbow dragon appears to be nothing more than blind luck. But if I had to guess, I would use 2 cool dragons with a total of 4 different dragon types. For example: Quake dragon=Earth+Lightning Blaze dragon=Fire+Air Quake+Blaze=(Earth+Lightning)+(Fire+Air) Now you have a total of 6 basic combinations. Earth+Lightning Earth+Fire Earth+Air Lightning+Fire Lightning+Air Fire+Air Having more complex combinations, I think, should increase your chances. I recommend the quake, crystal, swamp, bone, and fog dragons because they're awesome
You are a lifesaver. Ive been trying for WEEKS, and when I saw you say you tried this combo, I tried it. I looked at the incubation time, and its over a day! Its definitely a rainbow! Thank you SOOOOOOO much!
When I first got the game, I had used the free gems method to see if it worked. After an hour, I realized how stupid it was. I actually had to research for an hour to figure out how to start the game over, and make a whole new gamecenter id. Getting all the free gems you wants basically defeats the whole purpose of the game. It made it incredibly boring. The whole challenge is gone. Ever since I started over and use the gems I have or am gifted, its become my absolute favorite game. Also, I think the devs of this game are pretty generous, now they are giving away gems in the colosseum, etc. We shouldnt take advantage of them. If you are using cheats to get free gems, what are you playing the game for? Isnt part of the game the challenge? Its like playing Super Mario Brothers but making it so no enemy can hurt you, and you can float so you dont fall in any holes and die lol. What is the point?
Win! I've finally bread my first Rainbow Dragon, I got it with a Level 10 Seaweed Dragon and Level 10 Firefly Dragon, in that order. Its currently incubating, If you want to see the egg feel free to add me on Gamecenter, always gifting gems to those who gift me. Gamecenter: PunkfaceX
Thanks for clarifying, as my iPad & iPhone are NOT jail broken nor will they be, this also confirms my astonishment at the HUGE amount of gems some people have. I also think the devs of Dragonvale are really generous compared to many other apps I have tried, so I will continue to support them by buying 50 gems now and then as my thank you for such a well thought out app. Having a very frustrating time with 22 days of back to back failed dragon attempts atm, but my only two choices are either to buy some gems to help speed up the failures now and then or keep hoping and trying to get a second Rainbow or Blue Fire and my first Sandstorm. I really do appreciate my regular gem giving friends, just wish I could give more than three gems a day back to you, Dragonvale rocks Good luck to all those who are playing the non jail break way, I sincerely hope you great success, proud to be one of you
Hey guys! I just incubated my Rainbow dragon Btw Im new on gamecenter, anyone want to add me to friends? my gamecenter name is spaderkz Check out my vale! Peace!