Add me Add me in dragonvale and I'll give u 5 gems (got a jailbroken iPod) daily if u add me and give me a gem. Ps, my user is spenda+jemma
I currently have two daily slots to give gems with until I can save up for the tree. Feel free to add me, FC: FrostCyborg
Not utilising gems available Want to trade gems? Gem tree, nearly completed level 32. Gold ice shrine. Add me E4RPY
Hi i'm pretty new to dragon vale I only got it the other day and I'm only on level 12. I have 0 gems, and 100,000 coins LOL. yeah i'm pretty noob. I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to add me on game centre and was then able to send me gems? I will return the favour if you do. Please? x
I will add you but anyone who does not gem daily gets deleted If you gem me daily you will get gemmed daily. No gem = delete. Makes room for daily gemmers. I only take 6 so I can gem them everyday. I will friend you, you send me a gem and you will get one in return. I do not gem first.
i dont have friends yet... i will be accepting 3 as long as they could promise that they will send me gems too.. lol... but honestly, that's a good idea Silvercollins... add only friends whom you can guarantee to send gems.. AppleDanish, if you still dont have friends, im available... im only at level 17... new player... i hope you dont mind. thanks
Please add me User name is nikkor80 add me and I will add u. I play all the time and will gift every day
Please add me as a friend for Dragonvale - my Gamecenter ID is yotesong. I'm only level 11 player now but I play it every day and will send gems . Not sure how many friends I'm allowed to add though (newbie at the Gamecenter too). Edit: Friends for DragonVale is full so I can't accept any new friends for now.
razze1995 looking for active dragonvale players gem for gem. add me and send me gem and you will be sent a gem back the very day, i need 4 more players. when i have enough neighbours i WILL delete this post! so what are you waiting for ? (if you dont send me gems daily you will be deleted to make room for active users) gamecenter name:razze1995
I have just gotten the game. Plan on being fairly active. My username is JoshOrcutt. Please add me and send me some gems please