Add Me! DragonVale! Add me to friends list 1tyguy1. I play every day throughout the day and gift back gem 4 gem also!
add me add me and I will gem you daily I also got a jail broken phone so if you add me and tell me what u want i can free trunk of gems/food for you, thanks! "shanossss" with 4 S's is my game centre username thanks
I have Gems!! I have Jailbreak and I use it all the time for Dragonvale! You need gems add me and i got your back! (TheCertifiedBeast)- GameCenter Name
I was wondering how many more gems the tree allows you to gift? I'm trying to get enough to be able to get the tree, just not at that point yet. :|
New website to make friends Go to this website and Give your Nickname to other people who want gems and need friends!
Friend Requests Game Center iD:hackartist Add me on gamecenter I will try and give as many gems as possible, I have the gem tree. (and the sun dragon)*I breeded lichen the crystal*
Need friends that actually gift gems back! I have the tree and gift daily! I return the favor if you gift a gem (may take a couple days if the game doesn't let me gift you the next time around). EDIT: I have plenty of new friends, don't need any more for now or I'll never be able to regift gems quickly enough!