add me plz plz add me my name is fishboy26 and would like all of the help i :could get for a breeding island i willl send gems back too because if you add me i know you want help too
I for one am seriously tired of this " send me gems for a week get 20 back" bullshit.. I'm looking to make a circle of people to trade gem for gem with:you give me one, I give you one, vice versa. I'm not wasting gems on scammers any longer. If you feel the same let me know by adding me : Kaelynjames
NEW EMERALD DRAGON, GEMSTONE ISLAND, EPIC BREEDING SANCTUARY, ENCHANTED BREEDING CAVE & Much more!! Add us! We return Gems as that's how we've personally become so wealthy! JerryEddy & Rachixo
Add Me New to DV! Add me on Game Center and I will help out in any way by sending you gems: krystaldickinson
Hey, just tried to add you and it couldn't find you. Add me on game center. I'm on daily. krystaldickinson
New to DragonVale!!!! New to the game and looking for friends. I play daily so I will gift gems as much as I can. Game Center id: krystaldickinson
Hello ! I just starten playing this game and i want some friends to Exchange gems with ! Please Add me ! Bauterwelmans is my nickname Thx!
gem for gem Need more gems for quicker breeding? Me too! Add me so we can both benefit and get more gems! username: CoffeeMakesMeHappy
I'm new to Dragonvale but addicted. Add me please, it's KoLAddict. I'm going through and planning on sending a bunch of invites out to you guys.
Looking to add active players for gems I have a dragonsai tree, and looking to trade gems. I play every few hours, very active. Please add chadjuli - active, regular players only, please.
gems for gems Looking for more ppl to trade gems with! give me gems ill write ur name down and give you as much gems as you gave me! Gamecenter name: Khazigoroth
Please, I need gems! Please add me for dragonvale gems, I promise to return the favor. Gamer name: jcessna
Please add my friend "raymermaid" she has no other dragonvale friends and need more people to send gems to. Thanks!