Add me! I've got a gifting tree and an emerald dragon on the way Come to my park and check it out I play daily and I'll gem for gem anybody I've got no friends on game yet so I have 6 vacant spots Add me Jazzy!16
anyone want gems I have just got the dragonsai tree in want 3 more people so anyone wanting a gem for gem add me on gamecenter as "999mcrou999". Though if you do add me i will not give a gem till you give me a gem and if you dont give a gem in a day i will delete you so people who are on time can have a gem for gem.
Add me and I will give you gems back. Level 19 with a dragonsai tree. My gc id is _:FINKY:_ I play everyday.
add me gem for gem add me and I will gem you daily I also got a jail broken phone so if you add me and tell me what u want i can free trunk of gems/food for you, thanks! "shanossss" with 4 S's is my game centre username thanks
Dragonvale. Only looking for 16-18 constant gifters. Only have 1 friend currently so can do multiple 6per day going unused. Game center name Micah Weeks
Plz add me!!!!!! plz add me my name is fishboy26 and would like all of the help i :could get for a breeding island i willl send gems back too :
plz add me plz add me my name is fishboy26 and would like all of the help i :could get for a breeding island i willl send gems back too :