Add on dragonvale - gem for gem Hi! I am looking for more friends on Dragonvale, I am a relatively new player and would like to gift gem for gem please look forward to a request from you NIKKI070788
Dragonvale friend requests Hey u guys add me on game center Speedy Pandaa I want to be sent gems and I will send them back and I play dragon vale everyday so expect a gem everyday if u add me
Hey there, let's trade gems with eachother. If you gift gems I'll gift back when I can. Plan on getting the tree as soon as I can. Add me! Username: KylieFanatic
Hello! I'm new at this, but i can tell i'm going to be crazy addicted. That means, I'll be playing every spare minute I can. Uh-Oh! I may be new, but i figured out that i'll be needing friends if i want to get far in this game. My GC id: c.m.tan Dragonvale reminds me of neopets. Back in the day when it was very popular! As everyone is saying, "A GEM FOR A GEM!" Have a Nice Day
Pls add me on dragonvale. Gc id is niko_dl. Just started playing this game and im already addicted to it. Add me up so we could exchange gems. Thanks in advance!
add me for free gems add me and I will gem you daily I also got a jail broken phone so if you add me and tell me what u want i can free trunk of gems/food for you, thanks! "shanossss" with 4 S's is my game centre username thanks
Add Me Please GC: justjunyi Hi there! Im trying to get my epic breeding island, please help me! I'll try to return the gems as much as possible. GC: justjunyi justjunyi Thank you!!!