Add plz Add me if you want will send gems the name is offdaheezay92 Sorry guys I will no longer be accepting friend request seeing that I have too many now lol.
Newbie who needs friends..I am an orphan lol Sabilla6. Also how do I add people..sorry guys..said I was a newbie..on ipad
Gems guaranteed every day if you give! I have the gem tree and can give 6 gems away every day, and I will DEFINETLY give gems to the first 4 people to give me one, then we can do it every day! I GUARANTEE gems! My ID is PlantsvsSmurfs.
Add nicoga3000 if you want! Starting to try and breed everything again. Got my Leap Year and Bloom, time to go for Sun and Moon. :/
add plz gem for gem Add me I will gem all my friends daily using the glitch "shanossss" make sure there is 4 S's on the end
Add me lets trade gems everyday!!! icrit041905 side note: I have ALL the dragons inclusing ALL limited ones and the (wait for it) UNReLEASED DODO DRAGON!!! Add me and feel free to check em all out!! Lets trade gems.
add meeh gems daily add me and I will gem you daily I also got a jail broken phone so if you add me and tell me what u want i can buy it for you, thanks! "shanossss" with 4 S's is my game centre username thanks <3
Daily Gem Trades? I'm looking for 3 people to trade gems with DAILY Added 4/18: Need friends more for party hats than gem trading now. If you do gift gems, I try my best to gift back within the week
Add me lonewolf2705 Hi add me: Lonewolf2705 Am a newbie level 12, leveling up fast and getting a tree soon and will gift gem for gem- as many as I have anyway! Cheers
Add me Please! Hi there! I'm new at this but please do add me! Thank you! gamecenter id: missmoomooo Remember, 3 o's at the back! Thank you!!!
add me please Haven't got tree so can only give three a day but three's better than none! Happyhacker100 Thanks