Yea it was in Canada for awhile before anywhere else. If you look back at the thread you can see a lot of back and forth between just me and Jim. Was quite lonely back then!
Ive ran into plenty of crashes recentley. All I do is scroll up, and the game just freezes. Its happened three times in the past day.
Yeah, I've been getting that too. We've narrowed it down and will fix in the next update! We think it's related to a call that checks if you are connected to the internet colliding with something else... Sorry about that! Any other issues you are finding with the new build?
Other than the crashes, its been pretty good. I still have one single guy in my guild that shows up as having zero dragon, but thats nothing big. I would like a way to clean out guilds of inactive users, though. I already see that some users are inactive. It'd be nice if the person who made the guild could kick users, or something else!
I haven't had crashes and my game has stopped stuttering too. Although usually I don't have Internet when switching between the two the game usually reboots itself. But I agree that the guild leader should be able to remove members.
Ok after mentioning that I've noticed crashes a lot more. In work ect I generally get my phone out open the game and try do it quickly, I always leave it open in multitask bar. Most the time it'll carry on from where I was others it'll crash and close. Also had it while playing it crashes and closes and my last few actions aren't saved. On another note I'd like an option to disable Internet, the game seems to use a lot of battery and other than sending out gifts once a day and being sent them I don't need to waste the battery power on it.
You can but then if there is an Internet connection avilible it closes down the app to open up again and connect with the Internet. Still happy with the game I just thought I'd mention it. On 23 dragons now, anyone have any favourites?
We've tracked down the crashes and should get it fixed for next update. Also, we've got some big ideas for performance and optimization fixes for the future, but those are a little further down the road! I think my favorite is the Distinguished Dragon, the purple one with the monocle.
That's good to hear, any idea if it is a bug where my dragons won't rest to full? There are a few dragons to choose from with my favourite but I think it still has to be the Mandrake dragon made of fruit. Really do hope you guys can do an encylopedia kind of thing for them one day.
Yea I notice a lot of the times the dragons will rest to say 99/100. And I've also had days where there has been a LOT of slowdown where a hard reset wouldn't fix it. It's fine more often than not, but I have run into odd slowdowns here and there. As for favourite dragons, I'm with Jim on the monocle dragon. Very quirky and silly. But I also really like the purple gargoyle, purple/black "shadow" and fire dragons. I gotta say ever since I found out that my lvl 10 dragons get a gems, I've been playing a lot more and spending my gems on things I would never spend on like finishing up fusion times faster and the mystery chest. Getting one gem per visitor really makes gives me a reason to keep playing after getting everyone to lvl 10 since I was otherwise getting a bit bored of the game. Though, I'm starting to hate the wizard dragon that gives me food since I get absolutely nothing out of it! Haha. Great decision Jim and I hope it sticks! PS. Congrats on almost hitting 25 ste86uk! I'm assuming you're really really close.
Hopefully he makes this game work on most devices. Figured that would be top thing to do so he could generate more people to this game...
I'm considering using gems for things like that but I'd like to save more first. I'm on 24 dragons now but still need to level them up with a lot. Keep struggling with my hoard space though!
Yea once you get everyone to lvl 10, you can make 100 gems or more in about an hr of play so it's a no brainer to start using gems for things like that. Goes to show just how generous the premium currency output of this game is, as I'd never use premium currency on things like reducing a timer. I'm in the same boat with my hoard space. I'm trying to get everyone's top item to lvl 10 and hoard space is constantly a problem. Just wondering, is lvl 10 the max level for items as well?
I can't comment on the level of treasures I haven't gotten that high yet but I do think there needs to be more space considering you have 25 dragons with 3 treasures each. Like that huge space between the hoard and the bottom of the waterfall needs filling. Generally I don't buy premium currency at all, I just purchased the 8bit dragon here because I like the game and wanted to support the developer.
I think sometimes you don't get the bonuses. I got a wizard with -3 barfing hours. Applied it on a dragon with 2h59m, all remained. Also sometimes when I give food, the health bar does not increase (though even +1 is visible for a lv9 dragon). Could it be checked?
I got my 25th dragon hatched today, I always thought the big gates open once you got them all? Am I missing something?